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作者(外文):Hsu, Yuan-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Hope: How “Small Book Shops” in Taiwan Find Possibilities in Difficult Circumstances
指導教授(外文):Lin, Hao-Li
口試委員(外文):Shieh, Gwo-Shyong
外文關鍵詞:Small book shopIndependent bookstoreFriendly Book Supplies Co-operative LimitedHopePossibility
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:96
  • 評分評分:*****
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The research of hope concerns how people make a living in difficult circumstances. From this framework, this thesis focuses on how small book-shop operators in Taiwan perceive the harsh reality of their business and reorient themselves for creative actions and new possibilities. Small book shops in Taiwan have transformed from a place that sells books to a platform of cultural activities and ideas. This has prompted more of such kinds of book shops to come into existence, but in the long run these operators still face the situation of insufficient profit. Therefore, under the façade of idealism, the phenomenon of small book shops is inherently contradictory. On the one hand, as profit-seeking entities, this is essentially an unprofitable business. On the other hand, as actors that wish to realize their ideals, why bother to participate in a game of numbers? This research finds out that by reorienting outside obstructions and re-evaluating objective numbers, small book-shop operators could find creativity in their line of work. In this process, an openness towards the unknown future could be developed, making the operation of book shop a hopeful life.

Hope has become an important subject matter in recent anthropological studies. It is argued that hope can reorient the practical world and thus affect the actions of people. This has inspired this thesis to think beyond economic terms and approach the operation of small book shops from a framework of open/close-ness in order to understand the twists and turns of their business operation. When facing difficult circumstances, temporality becomes a crucial point of orientation, allowing actors to break away from past experience and fixed plans for the future, while encouraging attempts of different possibilities to take place. The main subject of this thesis is the small book shops that have flexible survival strategies, as well as the Friendly Book Supplies Co-operative Limited organized by the operators of these book shops. Research methods include participant-observation and interview, but the experience of operating a book shop for five years and serving on the board of the co-operative for 3 years by the researcher also provides a reflexive and actor-oriented point of view. This thesis connects the difficult circumstances of small book shops with the research of hope, points out the unique culture and creativity in the field of book shops, and explores how the influence of hope is intersected in the rapidly changing contemporary social life.
摘要 I
謝詞 IV
第一章 導論 1
第一節 問題意識 1
第二節 文獻回顧 2
一、希望的捕捉 2
二、書店行動的研究方向 7
第三節 研究方法 12
一、研究對象 12
二、田野方法與反身性思考 15
第四節 章節安排 18
第二章 乘上希望浪頭的台灣小書店 20
第一節 小書店環境與「獨立書店」的浮現 20
第二節 小書店的困境與新搖籃 28
一、孕育小書店的新搖籃:友善書業合作社 29
二、折扣與市場結構困境 31
三、養書店與養自己 34
四、斜槓的困境 38
第三節 希望如何回應提問:各種可能假說的思辨 43
一、日常政治說 43
二、組織賦權說 44
三、文化認同說 46
四、希望說的重要性 47
第四節 小結 47
第三章 小書店行動者的希望實踐 49
第一節 書店日常的希望現象 49
一、重新定向的修煉 49
二、再製意義的數字計算 55
三、再造自我身份的希望韌性 59
第二節:書店是什麼? 63
一、書店與創作 65
二、創作與詮釋 67
三、想過的生活 71
第三節:希望的無用之用與創造性工作 74
一、小書店的結束 74
二、擁抱創造性工作 78
第四節:小結 82
第四章 封閉的困境,開放的可能性 85
第一節:希望的時間性課題 85
一、不可能中的可能 87
二、小書店實踐萌生的可能性觀點 90
第二節 合作社民主蘊含的開放性 99
一、合作社的「友善合作」與「民主參與」 100
二、合作社互動中的可能性觀點 105
第三節 在開放與封閉之間翻轉的希望場域 107
一、合作社財務困境中的封閉與開放 108
二、理想性實現與商業性策略 113
三、本事與政府補助 117
第四節 小結 120
第五章 結論 123
參考文獻 129
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