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作者(外文):Lin, Kuan-Chia
論文名稱(外文):Journey to the West: Incentive Mechanisms and Institutional Framework for Taiwanese Students Studying in China
指導教授(外文):Chen, Chih-Jou Jay
口試委員(外文):Wu, Jieh-min
Lin, Thung-Hong
Tseng, Yen-Fen
外文關鍵詞:United Front Workstudent migrationcross-strait relations
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This essay explores the interrelationship between various types of student recruiting channel of China, intermediary agents and diversity of Taiwanese students. Based on policy analysis, in-depth interviews and participant observation, I argue that three main recruiting channels were built to target different type of students, which represents the transition of Chinese United Front Work against Taiwanese society.
While GSAT Application (學測免試), which is similar to Taiwan’s local college application system, is primarily designed for top-notch students with stronger motivation, United Recruitment for Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Overseas Chinese Students (港澳台聯招) targets second generation of Taiwanese emigrant who grown up in China, and Independent Recruitment of Fujian Province (福建省獨招) is mainly for students with lower academic achievement.
The essay also points out that different channels breed various intermediary agents within recruiting process, which become local collaborator of United Front Work. By building up incentive mechanism with preferential policies, propaganda and specific recruiting channel, CCP could influence Taiwanese youngster directly, while decrease its institutional dependence on intermediaries in recruiting process. All these facts show that China isn’t only agile in its corporatism, but also indicates its intention of engaging Taiwanese younger generation.
一、前言 1
二、研究問題 4
三、文獻回顧 7
1. 國際遷移的基本理論 7
2. 學生遷移的個人因素 9
3. 學生遷移與社會網絡 11
4. 遷移與政治 12
5. 統戰新模式? 17
6. 台灣的兩岸留學生研究 19
四、研究對象&論文框架 22
五、吸納台生的制度與趨勢演變 24
1. 對台招生制度的演變與發展 24
2. 台灣方面反應 32
3. 台生赴中的趨勢走向 34
六、免試台生留學資訊來源 38
1. 重要他人的作用 39
2. 同儕的牽引作用 50
3. 兩岸交流活動 59
4. 媒體的影響 65
5. 小結 71
七、免試台生遷移動機與過程 73
1. 高成就動機 73
2. 分數的賺賠邏輯 81
3. 低成本的留學選項 84
4. 遷移過程 89
5. 小結 94
八、免試台生留學適應情形 96
1. 兩岸間的資訊落差 96
2. 跨國主義的遷移圖像 98
3. 反向增強的台灣認同 103
4. 「惠台政策」的吸納效果 106
5. 小結 116
九、港澳台聯招台生 117
1. 與中國社會深度整合 117
2. 真假台灣人 122
3. 特殊的身份認同 129
4. 港澳台聯招 134
5. 特殊渠道:台灣的聯招補習班 141
6. 特殊案例:報考聯招的台灣高中生 154
7. 小結 158
十、福建省獨招台生 160
1. 留學的主要推手:重要他人 160
2. 缺乏主動性 166
3. 獨招制度:台生赴中的「巧門」 170
4. 赴中後的適應情形 172
5. 小結 177
十一、研究結論 180
1. 台生群體的多樣性 180
2. 差異化的遷移/吸納模式 182
3. 統戰目標的轉向 184
4. 統戰施力模式的轉變 186
5. 研究限制與未來展望 187
十二、參考文獻 189
十三、附錄 193

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