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作者(外文):Chen, Yu-Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):Bridging Through Culture:Gaining Religious Autonomy Via Cultural/Religious Practices in the Catholic Diocese of Shanghai
指導教授(外文):Ku, Ming-Chun
口試委員(外文):Huang, Ke-hsien
Tao, Yi-chun
外文關鍵詞:religious heritagecultural governancenon-religious bridge makerlinking social capitalbridging social capital
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Following the discussion of religious revivalism, this study focuses on the survival situations of religious groups in post-80s China and delineates the dynamics between religious groups and the state. Religious groups have always been a potential threat under the perception of the Chinese Communist Party(CCP). Christianity, in particular, has been perceived as a form of "foreign culture imperialism" even after the opening-up policy. This research uses the case of the Catholic Diocese of Shanghai to illustrate how religious actors overcome ideological, social, organizational, and everyday-life problems brought by suppression from the state and rebuild social connection through different means. I argue that laypeople play a crucial role in the rebuilding process through everyday religious practices. From here, we can have a glimpse of how religious actors obtain bargaining power and agency in the process of negotiation with the government under the state's religious governance.
This research constructed using field methods. Qualitative data is collected through 49 semi-structured interviews while I was in the field. Interviews with clergy, laypeople, historical workers then supplemented by secondary materials such as newspapers, official websites, historical documents. This research examines how "Xujiahui Origin" 徐家匯源and "Ma Xiangbo Chinese and Western Cultural Exchange Promotion Center"馬相伯中西文化交流促進中心 is established in the Catholic Diocese of Shanghai. Since the 1980s, the local government has actively engaged in the excavation and preservation of historical heritage so to promote "Chinese-western cultural integration," "scientific development," and "Shanghai culture." Religious architectures have, therefore, become modern symbols of these values. Religious heritage has therefore been translated into the cultural heritage and embodies new historical, national, ideological, and economic significance. In the process of defining cultural heritage under such cultural policy, a group of "non-religious bridge maker" who have the social power, discursive-making power, and experience, have the chance to contact with laypeople. During the negotiating process between the two groups of people, they together have become the bridge between the state and the church. By cooperating with the latest cultural development policy, religious groups can, therefore, acquire legality. Through accumulating "social-linking capital" and "social-bridging capital," religious groups can, therefore, continue to carry on their religion under the state's religious governance and suppression.
第一章 導論-----------------------------------1
第二章 文獻回顧-------------------------------15
第三章 研究架構-------------------------------40
第四章 從帝國主義象徵走向國家4A級旅遊景區--------58
第五章 統戰工作下的馬相伯中西文化交流促進中心-----91
第六章 結論-----------------------------------122

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