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作者(外文):Liao, Tzu-Hsuan
論文名稱(中文):2010年代台灣的地方文化行動: 青年在地團體的行動邏輯之分析
論文名稱(外文):Taiwan’s Local-Oriented Cultural Movements in the 2010s: An Analysis of the Action Logic of Local-Based Youth Organizations
指導教授(外文):Chen, Jui-Hua
口試委員(外文):Ku, Ming-Chun
Chuang, Ya-Chung
外文關鍵詞:local-oriented cultural movementcommunity constructionregional revitalizationcultural business
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In the 2010s, the field of regional development featured a significant collective action: local-based youth organizations involved in constructing the local cultures. In particular, as the Executive Yuan enacted the “National Strategic Plan for Regional Revitalization,” the discussion on regional development has focused on the issues of the local development and local-culture. This research aims to explain the modes of social action based on which some youth organizations have devoted themselves into local-oriented cultural movements in the 2010s. By teasing out the characteristics behind such movements, this thesis illuminates a trend of these collective actions and explain the action logic in the local-based youth organizations.
With a comparative framework, this research considers three cases including Yuanli Hi Home (苑裡掀海風), The Kids From Lukang (鹿港囝仔), and Goldfish Space (金魚厝邊) as analytic objects, and from them it defines three action genres of the local-oriented cultural movements: Local Cultural Movement Organizer, Cultural Consortium Constituted by Horizontal Alliances, and Local Cultural Agent. The Local Cultural Movement Organizer is akin to a social activist that aims for social reforms, mobilizing the locals with cultural strategies and taking public issues as their action framework. The Cultural Consortium Constituted by Horizontal Alliances aims to expend business through culture and cross-industry activities; it operates in ways such as increasing services, enlarging the scale of business, and providing experience assistance and emotional support. The Local Cultural Agent refers to centralized organizers who through their social capitals would integrate and transform human and financial resources as a way to engage with cultural practice; they are often capable of matching, allocating and bridging cross-field resources.
Based on my explanation of the three action genres, this paper then turns to analyzing the trend of transforming nonprofits organization into cultural business, a trend espeically embodied by the Cultural Consortium Constituted by Horizontal Alliances and the Local Cultural Agent. In Taiwan, the 2010s witnessed this trend as the local-oriented cultural organizations developed the commodity featuring “local cultures” to increase values to the commodity, in order to reach a large-scale placemaking and improve the extent of financial self-reliance. At the same time, the field of activity has shifted from community construction or cultural conservation to innovation and business management. Nonetheless, although the trend of transforming nonprofits organization into cultural business would make some organizations focus on business operating, the purpose of their cultural practices would not necessarily become market-oriented.
Lastly, I discuss the autonomy in the cultural movements which have been subsidized by the government’s revitalization plans. The existing discourse, which regards free-market system without government intervention as the way to stimulate local economy, believes the award and funding from the governmental projects would decrease the autonomy of the local-based organizations. Yet, from an actor-centered perspective, this thesis argues that the autonomy of the local-oriented cultural movements would not be declined, and the ambition of their cultural movements would not be replaced by the seeking for funds. Rather, with governmental subsidies, these organizations demonstrate their dynamic agency in appropriating a variety of resources, dedicating themselves to the local issues that they want to involve in and promote projects of youth start-up.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
一、前言 1
(一)地方文化行動的定義 3
(二)初探 4
(三)地方文化營造相關的政策脈絡 5
二、問題意識 7
三、文獻回顧 10
(一)不同時代青年投入地方的成因和性質 10
(二)1990年代的地方行動回應的政治動因 10
(三)1990年代文化政策背後的經濟動力 12
(四)2000年代後文化政策的經濟轉向 13
(五)2000年後以農返鄉的地方文化行動 14
(六)從社區營造到地方創生 15
四、研究設計 18
(一)概念工具:「文化」的分析視角 18
(二)研究架構 21
(三)研究方法 22
五、章節安排 26
第二章 掀海風的返鄉路 27
一、從社會運動到社區運動 27
(一)反瘋車運動 29
(二)苑裡掀海風 29
(三)地方誌、書店與活動類型 31
二、地方文化行動:文化產業、海風季 32
(一)掀海風的藺草編織行動 32
(二)文化保存的不同策略 36
(三)海風季——Hi Home 39
(四)返鄉到尋根 41
(五)小結 43
三、地方關係 44
(一)苑裡公有零售市場火災事件 44
(二)基進教芋部 51
四、小結 53
第三章 鹿港囝仔的回鄉路 55
一、從保鹿運動到文化事業 56
(一)返鄉之路 56
(二)社區行動 57
(三)鹿港囝仔的文化事業 59
二、地方文化行動:文化資產保存事件與今秋藝術節 62
(一)2015年金銀廳保存運動 62
(二)今秋藝術節 65
三、地方關係 72
(一)與「政治」保持距離 72
(三)關係與認同的建構 75
四、小結 77
第四章 頭城裡的好厝邊 79
一、返回開蘭第一城 80
(一)替代役練功期 80
(二)「金魚。厝邊」與頭城老街文化藝術季 81
(三)蘭城巷弄有限公司 82
(四)從區域創新到教育創新 83
(五)青年創業、電商與地方品牌 85
(六)小結 86
二、頭城老街文化藝術季 87
(一)巷弄裡的人家 89
(二)地方記憶與地方職人 90
(三)移居自慢頭城 92
(四)小結 95
三、地方關係 98
(一)地方經紀人 98
(二)在地脈絡的商業模式 100
四、小結 102
第五章 地方文化運動之分析 103
一、「文化事業化」的課題 103
二、文化事業體的建立 105
(一)組織事業化的動機 105
(二)地方文化工作的性質 107
(三)常設據點的功能 109
(四)商業經營的文化策略 110
(五)比較:組織型態事業化後的文化行動方向 113
三、文化行動性質、類型及轉變過程 114
(一)地方文化運動組織者:議題動員與建立公共參與 114
(二)異業結盟的文化事業體:創新創業與建立生活風格 117
(三)地方文化經紀人 120
四、比較:類型與兩種發展模式 124
五、小結:定義「文化事業化」 126
第六章 地方文化行動團體與政府計畫補助的關係 129
一、自主性的課題 129
二、目的與方法的釐清 130
三、計畫補助的功能與效果 132
(一)象徵資本的累積 132
(二)象徵資本的轉化與調節功能 137
(三)政策過程創造的幽微屏障 138
(四)儀式性功能與創造社群連帶 140
四、申請計畫補助金的行動策略 143
五、小結 145
第七章 結論 147
一、文化事業化 147
二、地方文化行動的三種類型 148
三、三種地方發展的模式 149
四、側重文化經濟的地方發展模式 149
五、從政府計畫補助金看自立性與自主性的問題 150
六、文化抵抗與協商 151
參考文獻 153
一、中文文獻 153
二、西文中譯文獻 155
三、西文文獻 156

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