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作者(外文):Maity, Tanushree.
論文名稱(外文):Phonological Error Patterns of a Standard Bengali-speaking Child
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Hui-chuan
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chen-Huei
Lu, Yu-An
外文關鍵詞:phonological error patternchild language acquisition
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有將近2.24億的人口以孟加拉語(Bengali)為母語或第二語言,是世界第六大語言(Comrie, 2005; Katzner, 2002; Weber, 1997)。儘管過去已有研究聚焦在孟加拉兒童的音韻能力,就我所知,本論文是指出兩歲孟加拉幼兒音韻偏誤類型的第一個研究。根據蒐集的資料,值得注意的語言產出特徵在輔音方面包括:不送氣化、去塞擦音化、省略(計有流音、/h/、其他韻尾及弱音節省略)、鼻音同化和雙子音化;在元音方面包括:相同元音合併、ɔ > o及補償性延長。除了語料呈現,本論文也針對這些偏誤類型提出可能的解釋。儘管研究結果令人振奮,我們還需再做多位受試者的長期研究,檢視性別及橫斷設計對標準孟加拉語的兒童語言習得有否顯著影響,又本研究發現的偏誤類型是否出現在其他孟加拉語方言,也值得進一步探討。
Bengali is the top 6th language in the world with nearly 224 million first and second language speakers (Comrie, 2005; Katzner, 2002; Weber, 1997). Even though some studies have focused on phonological skills of Bengali-speaking children, to the best of my knowledge, this thesis is the first study identifying error patterns in the speech of a two-year-old Bengali-speaking child. The notable benchmarks and features of language production based on the collected data include the following: de-aspiration, de-affrication, deletion (inclusive of liquid deletion, /h/ deletion, other coda deletion, and weak syllable deletion), nasal assimilation, and gemination on the one hand, and identical vowel merger, ɔ > o, and compensatory lengthening on the other hand. In addition to data presentation, this thesis provides possible explanations for the error patterns. While the results are encouraging, a longitudinal multi-subject study is necessary to examine whether gender and cross-sectional design exert a significant influence on Standard Bengali child language acquisition. Besides, error patterns found in the current study await future investigations on other Bengali dialects.
Abstract 8
Chapter 1 Introduction 10
Chapter 2 Literature Review 13
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework 16
Chapter 4 Background Knowledge about Bengali 18
4.1 Vowel Inventory 18
4.2 Consonant Inventory 19
4.3 Syllable Structure and Stress 20
Chapter 5 Data Collection 21
Chapter 6 Consonant Error Patterns 22
6.1 De-aspiration 22
6.2 De-affrication 24
6.3 Deletion 26
6.3.1 Liquid Deletion 26
6.3.2 /h/ Deletion 29
6.3.3 Other Coda Deletion 30
6.3.4 Weak Syllable Deletion 30
6.4 Nasal Assimilation 31
6. 5 Gemination 32
Chapter 7 Vowel Error Patterns 34
7.1 Identical Vowel Merger 34
7.2 ɔ > o 34
7.3 Compensatory Lengthening 36
Chapter 8 Conclusion 38
References 39
Appendix 47

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