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作者(外文):Chang, Chih-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Development of oxygen generating nanoparticles to modulate hypoxic microenvironment in hepatocellular carcinoma
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yunching
口試委員(外文):Lai, Charles
Wang, Fu-Nien
外文關鍵詞:hepatocellular carcinomatargeting nanoparticletumor hypoxiasorafenib
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現今,由於大多數的系統性用藥(systemic drug)對肝細胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma, HCC)的治療沒有好的功效,因此科學家針對與肝癌細胞生長相關的訊號傳遞路徑進行研究並已開發出了一種標靶治療用藥(targeted therapy drug),稱為索拉非尼(Sorafenib)。索拉非尼是一種多激酶抑制劑(multikinase inhibitor),除了可以抑制腫瘤生長外,還能夠降低腫瘤微環境中的血管新生(angiogenesis)。然而,索拉非尼的療效有限,平均僅能延長肝癌病人約 3 個月的壽命。 其抗藥性的產生促使我們思索可能的原因和可以改善的方法。有研究曾指出,索拉非尼的抗血管新生特性會使腫瘤區域的缺氧(hypoxia)情形惡化。其中,缺氧誘導因子一(hypoxia induced factor-1, HIF1),此一轉錄因子扮演了重要的角色。其在缺氧條件下會被激活,進而促進癌細胞表現特定基因,包含促血管新生、負責糖分運輸代謝、調控細胞存活和參與腫瘤侵入轉移等基因 。在此,我們致力於開發一個能標靶肝癌細胞且能有效調解腫瘤區域缺氧情形的二氧化錳奈米藥物載體。此載體能催化腫瘤微環境中的雙氧水產生氧氣,藉此改善腫瘤缺氧情形,克服腫瘤細胞的抗藥性。我們發現搭載索拉非尼的二氧化錳奈米粒子能有效優化藥物在缺氧下抑制腫瘤細胞生長的效果。我們也展示了二氧化錳奈米粒子可以減低缺氧癌細胞的上皮與間質轉換(epithelial-mesenchymal transition, EMT),藉由改善缺氧反轉具轉移性和侵入性的間質細胞成為有較佳細胞間黏附的上皮細胞,也因而減低癌細胞的侵入性和轉移能力。進一步地,我們透過腫瘤小鼠模型證實了二氧化錳奈米藥物載體能成功抑制腫瘤生長和癌症轉移。
Chemotherapy drugs have been used to fight against cancers for decades. However, most systemic drugs have moderate therapeutic effect on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Hence, a targeted therapy drug, sorafenib which can block the important pathways related to cancer proliferation has been developed. As a multikinase inhibitor, sorafenib not only can inhibit tumor growth but also can reduce tumor angiogenesis. However, sorafenib has limited therapeutic effect and the average lifespan of sorafenib-treated patients only prolongs for three months. Drug resistance of sorafenib prompts us to understand the mechanism and find out the solutions. Studies show that the anti-angiogenic effect of sorafenib would lead to serious hypoxia in tumor microenvironment (TME). While tumor becomes more hypoxic, a relevant transcription factor called hypoxia induced factor-1 (HIF1) will be activated, and promote the expression of proangiogenic genes. Thus, tumor hypoxia can unfortunately lead to the escape of HCC cells from antiangiogenic therapy. Besides, hypoxia also induces other genes associated with glycolysis, apoptosis, metastasis, cell proliferation, and genetic instability. These hypoxia-inducible genes give assistance to tumor progression and sorafenib resistance in liver cancer. Herein, we designed a PLGA-based manganese dioxide (PMD) nanoparticles (NPs) modified with SP94 peptides to carry sorafenib into tumor sites and utilized the reactivity and catalytic activity of MnO2 toward H2O2 for ameliorating hypoxia in liver cancer with oxygen production. Sorafenib-loaded PMD (PMDsor) nanoparticles successfully sensitized sorafenib and reduced cancer cell proliferation and cell viability in hypoxia. Furthermore, we also demonstrated PMD can attenuate epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in HCC cells under hypoxic condition by reversing migratory, invasive mesenchymal cells to epithelial cells with better cell-cell adhesion. Hence, the invasiveness of cancer cells and the metastasis can be reduced. Finally, our NPs showed potent efficacy on tumor growth and metastasis inhibition in vivo.
中文摘要 (i)
Abstract (ii)
致謝 (iii)
Table of Contents (iv)
Table of Charts (vi)
Table of Tables (vii)
Abbreviation (viii)
Chapter 1 Motivation and Aims (1)
1.1 Motivation (2)
1.2 Aims (3)
Chapter 2 Literature Review (6)
2.1 Hepatocellular Carcinoma, HCC (7)
2.2 Sorafenib for Advanced HCC Treatment (9)
2.3 Tumor Hypoxia (11)
2.3.1 Tumor Hypoxia and Sorafenib Resistance (12)
2.3.2 Tumor Hypoxia and EMT (13)
2.3.3 Tumor Hypoxia and Immunosuppression (14)
2.4 Modulation of Tumor Hypoxia by MnO2 NPs and MR Imaging using Mn-based Contrast Agents (15)
2.5 Advantages of Utilizing NPs for Drug Delivery (17)
Chapter 3 Materials and Methods (19)
3.1 Materials (20)
3.2 Cell Culture (20)
3.3 Preparation of Nanoparticles (20)
3.4 Characterization of Nanoparticles (22)
3.5 Quenching of H2O2 and Measurement of Oxygen (22)
3.6 Drug Release Profile (23)
3.7 In vitro Cellular Uptake (23)
3.8 Immunocytochemistry (24)
3.9 Cell Proliferation and Cell Viability (24)
3.10 Quantitative Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (25)
3.11 Invasion assay (26)
3.12 Experimental Animals (27)
3.13 MR Imaging (27)
3.14 Treatment Study (28)
3.15 Immunohistochemistry (28)
3.16 Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining (29)
3.17 Flow Cytometry (29)
3.18 Whole Cell Vaccine Therapy (29)
3.19 Statistics (30)
Chapter 4 Results (31)
4.1 Preparation and Characterization of PLGA-based MnO2 Nanoparticles (32)
4.2 pH-dependent Reactivity and Drug Release Profiles of PMD Nanoparticles (37)
4.3 In vitro Efficacy of Targeted SP94 PMDsor Nanoparticles (39)
4.4 Reversing EMT and Reducing invasion of HCA-1 under hypoxia (42)
4.5 In vitro and In vivo MR imaging of SP94 PMD nanoparticles (44)
4.6 In vivo efficacy of targeted SP94 PMDsor nanoparticles (46)
Chapter 5 Conclusion (50)
5.1 Conclusion (51)
Chapter 6 Discussion and Prospect (52)
6.1 Discussion and Prospect (53)
Chapter 7 References (55)

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