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作者(外文):Tu, Chao-Peng.
論文名稱(外文):Development of Nitric Oxide Donor-Loaded pH-sensitive Nanocarriers for Treatment of Renal Fibrosis
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yunching
Cheng, Hui-Teng
口試委員(外文):Lu, Tsai-Te
Peng, Chi-How
外文關鍵詞:Nitric oxiderenal fibrosis
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一氧化氮(Nitric oxide, NO)是一種小分子氣體,廣泛分佈於各組織中,且 具有多種不同的功能。其中一氧化氮的抗纖維化(Antifibrotic)機制可抑制肌成 纖維細胞(myofibroblasts)分泌膠原蛋白 I(collagen I),以及促使肌成纖維細胞 進行細胞凋亡(apoptosis)程序,相當具有作為腎纖維化治療藥物的潛力。
臨床上採用傳統中醫及西醫療法治療纖維化的過程繁複且痛苦,成效亦相當 有限,因此我們選用了兩種不同的酸鹼應答高分子材料設計及開發出兩種不同的 酸鹼應答奈米載體,並包覆一氧化氮供體(Nitric oxide donor, NO donor)作為核 心治療藥物,同時利用纖維化環境受發炎環境影響而呈酸性有利於奈米載體崩解 而釋放藥物之特性,進行一氧化氮於腎臟纖維化之短期化學治療的應用與評估。
y organism, carrying multifunction. For the antifibrotic role of Nitric oxide, it can suppress myofibroblasts from accumulating and secreting collagen I, preventing extracellular matrix form deposing, and inducing myofibroblasts go under apoptosis process. For this purpose, there is highly potential of treating renal fibrosis basic on the using of nitric oxide.
Clinically, the common strategy for renal fibrosis therapy takes long time and uncomfortable. Also, the effect is limited. In order to study and enhance the treatment effect, here we designed three types of nanocarrier that encapsulate nitric oxide donor to treat renal fibrosis and two of them feature pH-sensitive polymers. By applying the pH-sensitive nanocarriers to fibrosis and endosome environment which have lower pH value surrondings than normal tissue, the pH-sensitive nanocarriers can easily be degraded and release drug.
誌謝........................................................................................................................ I 摘要....................................................................................................................... II
Abstract ................................................................................................................ III 總目錄..................................................................................................................IV
圖目錄..................................................................................................................IX 縮寫......................................................................................................................XI
研究動機與目的............................................................................ 1
文獻探討........................................................................................ 3 腎纖維化.......................................................................................................... 3
2.1.1 腎纖維化病變...................................................................3 2.1.2 單側尿路梗阻腎纖維化模型...........................................6
2.1.3 腎纖維化環境的酸鹼值...................................................8 2.1.4 治療腎纖維化的手段.......................................................9
2.2 一氧化氮........................................................................................................ 10
2.2.1 腎纖維化中的一氧化氮.................................................10
2.2.2 一氧化氮與抗纖維化.....................................................10
2.2.3 一氧化氮與發炎............................................................. 11
2.2.4 一氧化氮供體-雙亞硝基鐵錯合物 DNICs ................ 12
2.3 藥物遞送........................................................................................................ 13
2.3.1 以奈米載體遞送一氧化氮供體以治療疾病.................13
2.3.2 腎臟藥物遞送.................................................................14
2.3.3 酸鹼應答高分子 PDPA..................................................16
第三章、 材料與方法.................................................................................. 18
3.1 實驗細胞.........................................................................18
3.2 實驗材料.........................................................................18

3.3 實驗動物.........................................................................19
3.4 動物治療研究.................................................................19
3.5 製備 PEG-PLGA 奈米粒子 ........................................... 19
3.6 製備 PEG-PDPA 奈米粒子 ............................................ 20
3.7 製備 PEG-PBA 奈米粒子 .............................................. 21
3.8 動態雷射光散射儀及界達表面電位.............................21
3.9 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM) ............................................................................22
3.10 藥物包覆率.....................................................................22
3.11 藥物釋放速率.................................................................23
3.12 RRE-SEt 藥物穩定性測試.............................................24
3.13 細胞存活率分析.............................................................25
3.14 蘇木精-伊紅染色(Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining, H&E Staining)..............................................................25
3.15 馬森三色染色(Masson’s Trichrome Staining,MTS) ...................................................................................... 25

3.16 免疫組織染色(Immunofluorescence staining) .........26
3.17 西方墨點法分析(Western Blot Analysis).................27
3.18 組織分布研究.................................................................27
第四章、 結果.............................................................................................. 29
4.1 開發包覆 SEt 之奈米載體並觀察其粒徑大小及界面電
4.3 包覆 C6 之 PEG-PLGA、PEG-PDPA 及 PEG-PBA 奈米
4.4 PEG-PDPA 奈米載體之藥物動力學測試 ..................... 37
4.5 利用包覆 SEt 之奈米載體進行體外實驗有效抑制肌成 纖維細胞表現.................................................................38
4.6 利用包覆 SEt 之奈米載體治療單側尿路梗阻引發之腎 纖維化小鼠模型有效改善腎纖維化.............................41
第五章、 結論.............................................................................................. 51

第六章、 討論與未來展望.......................................................................... 53
6.1 奈米載體與一氧化氮.....................................................53
6.2 腎纖維化治療的探討.....................................................54
6.3 體外實驗.........................................................................55
6.4 體內實驗.........................................................................56
第七章、 參考文獻...................................................................................... 58
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