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作者(外文):Yeh, Sheng-Chih
論文名稱(外文):Research of feasibility using virtual reality image technology as a packaging material check
指導教授(外文):Chang, Chien-Chi
口試委員(外文):Lin, Yu-Cheng
Liu, Kang-Hung
中文關鍵詞:新產品導入虛擬實境VR 3D影像心智負荷
外文關鍵詞:NPIVirtual RealityVR 3D ImageMental workload
  • 推薦推薦:6
  • 點閱點閱:511
  • 評分評分:*****
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自從進入半導體時代以來,在科技進步推動下,世界正以極驚人的速度在轉變。本研究將針對虛擬實境(Virtual reality, VR)VR 3D影像以遠端顯示的方式輔助新產品導入流程(New Product Introduction flow, NPI flow)之產品包裝材料審核作業,對於審核者在使用VR 3D影像後,遠端處理模式帶來之益處及優勢進行研究。
本研究的觀察與評估,當新產品導入時之包裝材料審核過程當中,以外觀正確性判定方式,分別利用相片、2D影片、VR 3D影像作為自變數及包裝材料實物之比較結果來作為研究,其評估要素為客觀效標、心智負荷及可用性三大項,首先客觀效標以錯誤率及審核時間做為評量,事後評量之使用方式有(1)主觀舒適度量表;(2)NASA-TLX量表;(3)SUS系統易用性量表;(4)視覺疲勞量表;(5)主觀喜好問卷作為衡量指標以供參考。
在實驗中比較相片、2D影片、VR 3D影像及實物,實驗結果發現客觀效標之時間績效無明顯差異,但人與人之間變異較大,錯誤率則為相片表現較差,2D影片與VR 3D表現無明顯差異,在心智負荷與可用性評估方面,相片評價普通,2D影片評價結果較佳,VR 3D影像則受到使用者更多關注及討論,對其舒適度、疲勞度、喜好度有明顯差異,依據受試者的回饋及意見,VR 3D影像所使用的設備頭戴式顯示器,目前不如傳統NB搭配滑鼠易用方便,對VR 3D影像喜好程度上因人而異,依受試者意見得知,VR 3D影像設備對女性在穿戴上有較多不便性,舉凡設備之尺寸、重量、舒適度、穿戴過程等,綜合研究結果顯示,使用2D影片仍是現階段在審核時相對較佳的選擇,但多數受試者正面表示VR極可能是未來發展的重要趨勢之一。
Since the development of semiconductor, technology become more advanced and the world is transforming with an extremely speed. This research mainly studies the VR 3D image for assisting with the material checkpoint remotely for New Product Introduction flow. This study focused on the benefits and advantages for the examiner using the remote VR 3D technology.
This paper aims at investigating the material check for New Product Introduction flow .Visual check for photo、2D image、VR 3D and Real object are independent variable in the experiment.We consided the research under the following measurement: Objective performance, mental workload, usability evaluation. The objective performance includes time performance and error rate. Then, using the following for performance indicators: (1) Subjective comfort level, (2) NASA-TLX, (3) SUS, (4) Eye fatigue scale, (5) Subjective preferences questionnaire.
Comparing with photo, 2D image, VR 3D and Real object in the experiment. Based on the result, the objective criterion was not significant for time performance but variations were found between subjects. The result of found error rate the worst outcomes for photo check. There was no significant difference between 2D image and VR 3D. Research outcome for mental workload and usability evaluation are presented as following. The evaluation for Photo is normal. The 2D image have better evaluation results comparing to photo. The VR 3D image are more concerned and discussed by the subjects. However, there is a large deviation among subjects from the evaluation items. (comfortableness, fatigue strength, fancy grade). Based on the feedback and suggestions from the subjects. Notebook with mouse is easier to use than the Head-mounted displays (wearable devices) with bluetooth wireless handle in the experiment. The fancy grade for VR 3D was different from person to person. Females are considered inconvenient to wear, such as size, weight, comfort level, Wearring process, etc. The result shows the 2D image is the best choice. However, most of the subjects believed that VR is the trend in the future development.
VR have become more popular. We can expect the VR become more and more prevalent and 5G (5th generation wireless systems) makes it happened, In the foreseeable future, we will have more and more applications of VR. The results of this study can provide some reference informance for users in the industry and academia.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第壹章 緒論1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究問題與目的 2
1.3論文架構 3
第貳章 文獻探討 5
2.1 NPI運作說明 5
2.2 VR 3D影像技術現行之發展探討 8
2.3 VR 3D虛擬實境之原理與應用 9
2.4 NPI使用VR 3D影像間之關連性探討 11
2.5 VR 3D影像對眼睛負擔與心智負荷 14
2.6 VR 3D影像輔助NPI流程之評估方式探討 16
2.7 科技產業包裝材料之探討 19
第參章 研究方法 20
3.1 實驗設計 20
3.1.1研究範圍與探討 20
3.1.2設計說明 21
3.1.3實驗流程圖 24
3.1.4實驗步驟 25
3.1.5研究參與者 28
3.2研究材料 28
3.2.1研究材料及設備說明 28
3.2.2實驗影像說明 30
3.3資料分析 32
3.3.1實驗因子 32
3.3.2資料分析方法 33
3.3.3資料統計與分析 37
第肆章 實驗結果 38
4.1實驗結果 38
4.1.1實驗基本資料 38
4.1.2實驗項目安排 39
4.2客觀效標分析 39
4.2.1 客觀效標之審核完成時間 40
4.2.2 客觀效標之錯誤率 43
4.2.3 客觀效標小結 45
4.3心智負荷評估 46
4.3.1心智負荷評估之主觀舒適度 46
4.3.2主觀舒適度小結 49
4.3.3心智負荷評估之NASA-TLX量表 50
4.3.4 NASA-TLX量表小結 52
4.3.5心智負荷之視覺疲勞量表 53
4.3.6視覺疲勞量表小結 55
4.4可用性評估 56
4.4.1可用性評估之SUS系統易用性量表 56
4.4.2 SUS系統易用性小結 59
4.4.3可用性評估之主觀喜好問題卷 60
4.4.4主觀喜好度小結 62
4.5實驗結論 63
第伍章 討論 64
5.1客觀效標 64
5.1.1 審核完成時間 65
5.1.2 審核錯誤率 66
5.1.3 客觀效標總結 68
5.2心智負荷 68
5.2.1主觀舒適度量表 68
5.2.2 NASA-TLX量表 68
5.2.3視覺疲勞量表 69
5.2.4 心智負荷總結 69
5.3可用性評估 70
5.3.1 SUS系統易用性量表 70
5.3.2主觀喜好問卷 71
5.3.3可用性評估總結 71
5.4優缺點比較 72
5.5其它考量因素 73
第陸章 結論與未來發展 74
6.1結論與建議 74
6.2實驗限制 75
6.3未來發展 76
參考文獻 77
中文部分 77
英文部分 78
附錄 81
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