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作者(外文):Weng, Chien-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Design and Development of a Real-Time MEMS Piezoelectric PM2.5 Sensor Module
指導教授(外文):Li, Sheng-Shian
外文關鍵詞:PM2.5MEMSThin-film Piezoelectric-on-Silicon (TPoS)ResonatorOscillatorAerosol impactorMass sensorAerosol sensor
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在本研究中,已成功實現具備高質量靈敏度、高質量解析度,以及濃度偵測範圍可達10 μg/m3 ~1000 μg/m3之PM2.5即時感測模組,其主要架構可分為四個部分,包含二階式慣性衝擊器、微機電振盪器、訊號處理電路,以及微型馬達。
其中,二階式慣性衝擊器的第一階針對2.5 μm的細懸浮微粒之收集效率為51%,而第二階針對1.0 μm的細懸浮微粒之收集效率為50%。本研究採用薄膜壓電式微機電諧振器作為質量感測的核心元件,其振盪模態為length-extensional mode,而諧振頻率主要設計在5 MHz (無release holes) 及 4 MHz (具release hole)。在振盪器的部分,本研究首先以具備鎖相功能的商用放大器機台來達成振盪器所需要的起振條件,經過驗證,儀器級的感測器之質量解析度和靈敏度分別為0.54 pg及4.96 Hz/pg。為了實現電路板級的微機電振盪器,本研究整合商用的轉阻放大器電路、相位移轉器電路、帶通濾波器電路、緩衝器電路,以及所開發之微機電諧振器。開發完成後的電路板級振盪器於大氣環境進行量測,其相位雜訊在4.05 MHz的頻點下,於1 kHz的offset為 -111.92 dBc/Hz ;質量感測之解析度為0.71 pg ; 而藉由煙霧實測可知,感測模組的最小偵測極限可低於10 μm/m3,而最大偵測極限至少為1000 μm/m3,且經過感測數據與實際濃度比對後,可知感測資料的R2為0.81。
此外,本研究運用UMC 0.18 μm CMOS製程技術,實現三級轉阻放大器電路的開發,其增益為81.64 dBΩ。而基於此轉阻放大器電路整合之微機電振盪於大氣環境中,相位雜訊在5.79 MHz的頻點下,於1 kHz的offset為 -102.54 dBc/Hz ;質量感測之解析度為0.21 pg ; 而在煙霧實測範圍10 μm/m3 ~ 1000 μm/m3,其頻率變化和環境濃度間的R2為0.82。
本研究另進行單電源電路板級振盪器之開發,其在大氣環境中,相位雜訊在4.03 MHz的頻點下,於1 kHz的offset為 -104.39 dBc/Hz ;質量感測之解析度為0.29 pg。最後,本研究運用市售的MCU進行訊號處理電路的開發,以取代量測儀器,直接將感測結果顯示於個人電腦的螢幕上。而針對與MCU電路整合的模組,其振盪器在經過驗證後,相位雜訊在4.03 MHz的頻點下,於1 kHz的offset為 -67.19 dBc/Hz ; 質量感測之解析度為22.7 pg。
In this work, a real-time PM2.5 sensor with high mass sensitivity, high mass resolution, and wide detection range is successfully demonstrated, which consists of a two-stage aerosol impactor, a Thin-film Piezoelectric-on-Silicon (TPoS) MEMS oscillator, and a micro-pump. The aerosol impactor’s collection efficiency of 51% for 2.5 μm and 50% for 1.0 μm is verified for stage 1 and stage 2, respectively. A TPoS MEMS resonator utilizes a length-extensional mode with a resonant frequency of 5 MHz (without release holes) and 4 MHz (with release holes). A commercial Lock-in amplifier with a Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) facility was used to fulfill the Barkhausen criteria for oscillation. The mass resolution and sensitivity of the instrument-level mass sensor are 0.54 pg and 4.96 Hz/pg, respectively. To achieve a board-level TPoS oscillator, a sustaining circuit that includes a commercial transimpedance amplifier (TIA), a phase shifter, a band-pass filter, and buffer circuits is integrated with the TPoS resonator to fulfill the condition of oscillation. The phase noise of -111.92 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset for a carrier frequency of 4.05 MHz in air is achieved. The mass resolution of 0.71 pg was recorded in this work. For the aerosol measurement, the coefficient of determination R2 of 0.81 between the frequency slope and the aerosol concentration is attained within a range of 10 μg/m3 to 1000 μg/m3. A three stages transimpedance amplifier interface circuit using UMC 0.18 μm CMOS technology is implemented, having an impedance gain of 81.64 dBΩ. For the transimpedance amplifier interface circuit-assisted MEMS oscillator, the phase noise of -102.54 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset is attained for a carrier frequency of 5.79 MHz in air. The mass resolution 0.21 pg, showing the ability to detect one-fifth of the mass of single PM1 (1 pg), is realized. For the aerosol measurement, the coefficient of determination R2 of 0.82 between the frequency slope and the aerosol concentration is attained within a range of 10 μg/m3 to 1000 μg/m3. To achieve a portable module of the PM2.5 sensor, a single-supply circuit for the oscillator is demonstrated. The phase noise of -104.39 dBc/Hz at 1 kHz offset is observed for a resonant frequency of 4.03 MHz in air. The mass resolution of 0.29 pg is extracted in this work. Finally, a signal processing circuit is used to replace the measurement instruments to achieve a portable PM2.5 sensor module. For the TPoS oscillator of the sensor module, the phase noise of -67.19 dBc/Hz offset is observed for a carrier frequency of 4.03 MHz in air while the mass resolution of 22.7 pg was recorded. The sensor data can be displayed on the screen of a personal computer in real-time. As a result, the proposed technology is expected to be used in the applications of aerosol concentration monitoring in air.
1.1. Motivation and Background 1
1.1.1. An Invisible Killer in the Air -Particulate Matter (PM) 1
1.1.2. PM2.5 Detection Methods 4
1.1.3. Commercial PM2.5 Monitors Comparison 9
1.1.4. Standards for Air Quality Sensors 10
1.2. MEMS Resonant Based Mass Sensors 13
1.2.1. Applications of MEMS Technologies 13
1.2.2. MEMS Devices for Resonant Mass Sensors 13
1.2.3. Thin-Film Piezoelectric-on-Silicon MEMS Resonators 14
1.3. Aerosol Impactors for Particulate Matter Size Screening 15
1.4. Thesis Overview 17
2.1. Working Principle of TPoS MEMS Oscillators 20
2.1.1. Piezoelectric Effect 20
2.1.2. TPoS MEMS Resonator Design and Simulation 25
2.1.3. Theory of MEMS Oscillators 28
2.1.4. Instrument-Assisted TPoS MEMS Oscillator 30
2.1.5. Board-Level Circuit for the TPoS MEMS Oscillator 31
2.1.6. Transimpedance Amplifier Interface Circuit-Assisted MEMS Oscillator 37
2.2. Mass Sensing Mechanisms 39
2.2.1. Mass Sensitivity of the MEMS Oscillator 39
2.2.2. Mass Resolution of the MEMS Oscillator 40
2.3. Working Principle of Aerosol Impactors 43
2.3.1. Definition of the Aerodynamic Diameter 43
2.3.2. Particles Collection for an Inertial Impactor 44
2.3.3. Aerosol Impactor Design and Simulation 46
2.4. Data Process for the PM2.5 Sensor 51
2.4.1. Savitzky-Golay Filter 51
2.4.2. The Coefficient of Determination 53
2.5. Signal Process for the Portable PM2.5 Sensor Module 55
2.5.1. Single-Supply Circuit for the MEMS Oscillator 55
2.5.2. Signal Processing Circuit for the Portable PM2.5 Sensor Module 56
3.1. Fabrication of the TPoS MEMS Resonator 59
3.2. Fabrication of the Aerosol Impactor 61
3.3. Integration of the TPoS MEMS Oscillator 62
3.4. Integration of the TPoS MEMS Oscillator (with a In House Designed TIA Circuit) 63
3.5. Integration of the TPoS MEMS Oscillator (Single-Supply) 65
3.6. Integration of the TPoS MEMS Oscillator with a Signal Processing Circuit 66
4.1. Measurement of the Aerosol Impactor 67
4.2. Measurement of the MEMS Oscillator (Instrument-Level) 70
4.2.1. Open-Loop Measurement of the TPoS MEMS Resonator 70
4.2.2. Closed-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Instrument-Level) 71
4.2.3. Mass Resolution Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Instrument-Level) 72
4.2.4. Mass Sensitivity Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Instrument-Level) 74
4.3. Measurement of the MEMS Oscillator (Board-Level) 76
4.3.1. Open-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Resonator (with Release Holes) 76
4.3.2. Opened-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Board-Level) 77
4.3.3. Closed-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Board-Level) 83
4.3.4. Mass Resolution Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Board-Level) 86
4.3.5. Aerosol Measurement of the PM2.5 Sensor 86
4.4. Measurement of the TIA IC-Assisted MEMS Oscillator 90
4.4.1. Open-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Resonator 90
4.4.2. Opened-Loop Measurement of the TIA IC-Assisted TPoS Oscillator 90
4.4.3. Closed-Loop Measurement of the TIA IC-Assisted Oscillator 97
4.4.4. Mass Resolution Measurement of the TIA IC-Assisted Oscillator 98
4.4.5. Aerosol Measurement of the PM2.5 Sensor (Interface Circuit-Assisted) 99
4.5. Airflow Rate Measurement for the PM2.5 Sensor 102
4.6. Measurement of the MEMS Oscillator (Single-Supply) 104
4.6.1. Open-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Resonator (with Release Holes) 104
4.6.2. Open-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Single-Supply) 105
4.6.4. Mass Resolution Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator (Single-Supply) 113
4.7. Measurement of the Portable PM2.5 Sensor Module 113
4.7.1. Open-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator for the Sensor Module 113
4.7.2. Closed-Loop Measurement of the TPoS Oscillator for the Sensor Module 114
4.7.3. Mass Resolution Measurement of the Oscillator for the Sensor Module 118
4.7.4. Verify the Display Function of the Sensor Module 118
5.1. Summary 119
5.2. Conclusion 121
5.3. Future Works 121

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