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作者(外文):Sung, Chiao-An
論文名稱(外文):Interface Circuit Design to Enable Miniaturization of Thermal-Piezoresistive Oscillators for Mass Sensing Applications
指導教授(外文):Li, Sheng-Shian
口試委員(外文):Lu, Shiang-Cheng
Lin, Tsung-Hsien
Tsai, Tsung-Heng
Chen, Rong-Shun
外文關鍵詞:System in packageInterfaced circuitsIntegration and MiniaturizationCMOS-MEMS TPRsCMOS-MEMS TPOsBarkhausen criteriaMass/particle sensors
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本論文研究內容針對熱致動式微機械共振器進行介面電路設計,並實現熱致動式微機械振盪器。先前振盪系統是運用儀器級鎖相迴路放大器(Zurich: HF2LI, Lock-in amplifier)搭配Bias-Tee,接著藉由商用IC組合之PCB電路板取代儀器,並搭配Bias-Tee使MEMS元件形成振盪系統,然而商用IC組合之PCB電路板以及Bias-Tee造成系統昂貴且占據龐大的體積:分別為90平方公分和88.6平方公分,其阻礙商品化需求中之微型化、積體化與低成本,因此本研究採用國家晶片中心提供之TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS process technology平台進行介面電路設計,實現熱致動式微機械共振器與介面電路之晶片系統構裝,使系統實現微型化、低成本、較低功率(2.73 W vs. 20 mW)之質量/細懸浮微粒感測器,最終希望將產品應用於物聯網中,完成整合型環境懸浮微粒感測器中樞平台。
論文內容涵蓋介面電路設計與量測、微機械元件設計、製程與量測、振盪器性能模擬、直流電壓切換之驅動量測以及質量/細懸浮微粒感測量測等。系統於大氣環境振盪後進行閉迴路量測,目前系統之相位雜訊展現1/f-2趨勢良好的線性表現,此微機械振盪器工作頻率為838 kHz,於10 kHz和100 kHz頻率偏移的相位雜訊表現分別為-82.1 dBc/Hz以及-81.4 dBc/Hz,目前微型化振盪系統擁有150 Hz的頻率解析度,對應到質量感測解析度為77 pg,未來針對介面電路進行改善,有望成為細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)感測器。
This work focuses on the integrated circuit design for CMOS-MEMS-based thermal-piezoresistive oscillators (TPOs). Conventional TPOs necessitate bulky discrete circuit components, which impedes integration and miniaturization of the microsystems. The proposed circuit implemented using TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS technology serves as sustaining amplifiers and biasing circuits for previously developed CMOS-MEMS thermal-piezoresistive resonators (TPRs), thus achieving TPOs with small form factor, targeted for mass/particle sensing applications. For initial validation of the TPO, a lock-in amplifier with phase locked loop (Zurich: HF2LI, Lock-in amplifier) was used to sustain oscillation. Then to reduce the size and cost, board-level electronics were used for replacing the expensive and enormous instrument like lock-in amplifier with phase locked loop. In this work, we achieve a system in package (SiP), where the CMOS interface circuits are designed to enable the closed-loop oscillation with much lower power consumption (2.73 W vs. 20 mW). The commercial PCB electronics and Bias-Tees occupy around 90 cm2 and 88.6 cm2 respectively, while the proposed one only takes much less than 1cm2. All of the commercial available discrete components are replaced by the integrated circuits developed in this work to investigate the difference between abovementioned configurations in terms of the sensing performance, thus achieving a miniaturized low-power sensing system with cost reduction targeted for air quality monitoring, such as aerosol sensors. The closed-to-career phase noise is demonstrated with 1/f-2 trend, indicating excellent linearity of the resonator operation and with phase noise of -82.1 dBc/Hz and -81.4 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz and 100 kHz offsets respectively at a carrier frequency of 838 kHz in ambient pressure, as a result suitable for sensor applications. The miniaturized CMOS-MEMS TPO system features a frequency resolution of 150 Hz, thus corresponding to a mass resolution of 77 pg, which would potentially serve as aerosol (PM2.5) sensors.
目錄 i
圖目錄 iii
表目錄 viii
摘要 1
致謝 4
第一章 前言 6
1-1 研究動機與背景 6
1-2 文獻回顧 13
第二章 原理分析與設計 19
2-1熱致動壓阻感測式振盪器運作原理 20
2-1-1 CMOS熱致動壓阻感測式振盪器運作原理 22
2-1-2 SOI熱致動壓阻感測式振盪器運作原理 24
2-2 熱致動壓阻感測共振器運作原理與模型建立 27
2-2-1 CMOS-MEMS共振器 28
2-2-2 SOI-MEMS共振器 29
2-3 CMOS介面電路設計 30
2-3-1 偏壓電路設計介紹 34
2-3-2 支撐放大電路設計介紹 35
第三章 製作過程與結果 39
3-1 CMOS-MEMS元件製程與結果 39
3-2 SOI-MEMS元件製程與結果 42
3-3 積體電路晶片結果 45
第四章 量測結果探討與分析 46
4-1 開迴路量測 47
4-2 閉迴路量測 53
4-3 質量感測器量測 Nano-Printer量測 59
4-3-1 Nano-printer量測 59
4-3-2 煙霧量測 60
4-4 直流電壓切換之驅動量測 65
4-4 支撐放大電路量測 66
第五章 結論與未來研究 71
參考文獻 72

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