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作者(外文):Huang, Ting-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Application of fringe projection method and four-step phase shifting method for tool inspection
指導教授(外文):Yeh, J.Andrew
Luo, Yuan
外文關鍵詞:digital fringe projectionfour-step phase shifting methodtool inspection
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  • 點閱點閱:278
  • 評分評分:*****
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  近年來,有許多研究提出由投影設備、圖像採集設備和處理/分析設備組成的非接觸式三維掃描儀,這類型掃描裝置可對目標物的表面做三維影像的重建。本研究使用相機搭配微型投影機成為一個小型三維掃描儀,以四步相移法做為演算法,將相位移影像透過投影機投影至物體,由相機拍攝擷取多張圖像檔,傳送至電腦端以 MATLAB 軟體的進行影像處理做三維影像的重建,最後輸出三維結果圖。
  實驗目標以銑刀做為目標物,透過重建出的三維模型檢測刀具,量測範圍約為 XY 平面 10 mm × 40 mm,因為其光學系統景深與雷射有效掃描的限制,Z 有效區間範圍為 10 mm,系統量測解析度為0.2 mm。其空間解析度約為 17.95 line pair/mm,影像解析度為5184 × 3456 畫素,運作一次總花費時間約為19秒。
During mechanical manufacturing process, tool wear may result in machine tool scrapped. Since many machining operations are based on the tool life, machining status of tool needs to be checked to ensure proper machine operation. In many industrial measurement applications, the three-dimensional measurement by non-contact optical methods is widely studied due to the inherently slow and inability to measure curve surfaces of using mechanical probes.
In recent years, many studies have proposed a non-contact three-dimensional scanner composed of a projection device, an image acquisition device and a processing / analyzing device which can reconstruct a three-dimensional image of a face or a large object surface. Therefore, this thesis used a camera and a projector to compose a small three-dimensional scanner. The four-step phase shifting method is used as the algorithm. The phase-shifting images are projected onto the object through the projector, captured by the camera, input all images to the computer for image processing by MATLAB software for 3D image reconstruction, and finally output the three-dimensional result image.
Experimental object is selected as an end-mill. Measurement range of objects is about 10 mm × 40 mm in the XY plane. Because of the limitations of the optical system, depth of field and laser scanning, the effective range of Z is 10 mm. The system resolution is about 17.95 line pair/mm, image resolution is 5184 × 3456 pixels, total operation time is about 19 seconds.
Key word : digital fringe projection, four-step phase shifting method, tool inspection.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號表 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.3 研究動機與目標 11
1.4 章節概要 14
第二章 理論 15
2.1 數位光學處理 (Digital Light Processing, DLP) 15
2.2 相移法原理 17
2.3 相位展開 19
2.4 相位差與高度轉換 21
第三章 實驗設計 23
3.1 硬體規格 23
3.2 系統硬體架構 26
3.3 系統限制與評估 28
3.4 系統使用流程 31
第四章 實驗結果 35
4.1 相機校正 35
4.2 系統解析度驗證 40
4.3 軟體處理流程 43
4.4 實驗結果 48
第五章 結論 59
第六章 未來工作 61
參考文獻 66
附錄 68
I.最小平方法相位重建 68
II.相機詳細規格 70
III.投影機詳細規格 73
IV.刀具量測尺寸 74
V.三維點雲圖合併MATLAB程式碼 74
VI.條紋圖MATLAB程式碼 75
VII.影像處理MATLAB程式碼 76
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