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作者(中文):梅 莉
作者(外文):Sukesan, Revathi
論文名稱(外文):Rapid Heavy Metal Ion Screening using Extended Gate Ion Selective Field Effect Transistor Sensor
指導教授(外文):Wang, Yu-Lin
口試委員(外文):LIN, ZONG-HONG
外文關鍵詞:Mercury ion sensingMercuryHeavy metalextended gate sensorNernst response
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如果重金屬積聚在體內,對人類就是一種風險。汞是一種極其危險的重金屬,而汞離子主要影響腎臟。因此,監測飲用水,自來水和果汁或我們攝入的食物中的汞濃度非常重要。有幾種技術可以檢查汞的濃度,但大多數都是基於實驗室和昂貴的,有些也不方便。由於汞相關中毒的情況越來越多,因此有必要監測汞含量。延伸閘極ISMFET傳感器可實現簡單經濟的測試,並可在極短的時間內提供特定測試材料中汞含量的可靠輸出。該傳感器實現了對目標離子具有高選擇性並對其他干擾離子具有低親和力的檢測方法。通過將離子選擇性膜與連接到FET的延伸閘極相結合,並引入具有極小間隙距離的electrical double layer(EDL)結構使我們能夠獲得高於能斯特方程式的靈敏度,並且還將檢測限提高到10-13 M比大型實驗室儀器好很多。我們還實現了10-13 M到10-5 M的感應濃度範圍。該傳感器還可用於不同水質系統的測試,如自來水,飲用水,工業廢水,藥品,食品和飲料。除了小尺寸,方便攜帶,便宜和易於製造的優點之外,這可以被創造為可靠且用戶友好的水銀傳感器
Heavy metals are a risk to humans if they get accumulated in your body. Mercury is an extremely dangerous one, if inhaled it directly targets the brain, whereas mercuric salts mainly affects the kidney. Monitoring concentration of mercury in drinking water, tap water and juices or food we intake are thus really important. There are several techniques in place in order to check the concentration of mercury but most of them are either laboratory based and expensive, some are inconvenient as well. Since there is an increasing case of mercury related poisoning it becomes necessary to monitor the mercury level. The extended gate ISMFET sensor enables easy and economical testing and provides a reliable output on the amount of mercury in that particular test material in a really short period of time. This sensor deciphers a sensing methodology which is highly selective to the target ion and offers a low affinity to other interfering ions. By combining ion-selective membrane with an extended gate device connected to a FET, and introducing the electric double layer structure with an extremely small gap distance enables us to attain sensitivity higher than the Nernst behaviour, and also improves the detection limit to 10-13 M which is much better than the benchtop instruments. We have also achieved a dynamic range from 10-13 M to 10-5 M. the sensor can also be used for real time testing in different water based systems such as tap water, drinking water, industrial waste water, medicines, food and beverages. Along with the advantages of small size, portable, less expensive and easy to fabricate this can be coined as a reliable and user friendly mercury sensor.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation ………………………………..……………………………………..8

Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Mercury ………………………………………………………….………………....12
2.1.1 Mercury exposure to Human and adverse effects………………….……….12
2.2 Traditional methods of ion detection ……………………………………………..16
2.3 Ion selective electrodes(ISE).……………………………………………………...18
2.3.1 Characterization of Ion Selective Electrode……......………….…………....20
2.3.2 Construction of Ion Selective Electrode………..……………………………22
2.4 Mercury Ion selective membrane ………………………………………………...25
2.5 Ion selective FET (ISFET) ………………………………………………………...27

Chapter 3 Preparation and Design of Experiments
3.1 Extended gate Hg-ISMFET Fabrication ………………………….……………...33
3.2 ISM Preparation and Immobilisation ……………………………………………34
3.3 Measurement method ……………………………………………………………..35

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Mercury detection test by ext. gate ISMFET ………………...………………….38
4.1.1 Investigation of sensor characteristics ………………...…………………….41
4.1.2 Mercury ion test by ext. gate Hg-ISMFET ……………..…………………..46 Investigation of lifetime of extended gate Hg-ISMFET ………...…..51
4.2 Investigation of sensor mechanism ………………………………………...……..53
4.3 Selectivity and Interfering ion test ……………………………………...………..61

Chapter 5 Applications
5.1 Blind Tests ……………………………………………………………...…………..67
5.1.1 Mercury ion blind test by extended gate Hg-ISMFET in fruit juice sample …………………………………….…………………...…………………….68
5.1.2 Mercury ion blind test by extended gate Hg-ISMFET in Chinese medicine samples……….……………………………….…………………………..70
5.1.3 Mercury ion blind test by extended gate Hg-ISMFET in industrial waste water sample ……………………………...………………………………….74

Chapter 6 Conclusion………………………………………………..…………………78

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