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作者(外文):Yang, Yu-Shiuan
論文名稱(外文):The investigation of expectation disconfirmation in the process of product consumption and the influence of product design parameters on consumers’ subjective preferences: the computer mouse as an example
指導教授(外文):Lu, Jun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Wu, Tian-Yu
Wu, Guan-Lin
外文關鍵詞:consumer behaviorexpectation disconfirmationsatisfactionpurchase intentionkansei engineering
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隨著科技的進步,消費者能透過傳統的實體通路或新興的虛擬通路購買商品,多元的購物方式讓消費者的購買決策過程不同於以往,其中不同購物情境間感官體驗的豐富度差異可能導致「購買後發現產品的實際體驗與期待不一致」之期望落差(expectation disconfirmation)現象。無論是正向期望落差或負向期望落差,都可能左右消費者的評價或購買決策,因此自然值得深入探究期望落差在消費過程中產生的原因並妥善運用之。
本研究以電腦滑鼠為標的產品,旨在模擬消費者於不同消費階段中與產品的互動,並根據視覺、觸覺、聽覺等刺激挑選出滑鼠顏色、材質、按鍵聲音等三大設計參數予以操弄,再透過問卷蒐集研究參與者的主觀感受,藉以探討期望落差出現的可能原因及程度上的差異。本研究精選出 20 組最適合用於形容滑鼠產品的「雙極感性語彙」與2組代表滿意度與購買意願程度之成對形容詞,並邀請30位20~29歲具有網路購物經驗的女性參與互動實驗,模擬的互動體驗依現代消費者的購物階段設計,依序包括:(1)透過網路瀏覽產品圖片(平面視覺)、(2)透過網路瀏覽產品圖片及閱讀介紹文字(平面視覺)、(3)在店面實際看到產品(立體視覺)、(4)在店面實際看到並觸摸產品(立體視覺與觸覺)、(5)在店面實際看到並觸摸產品按壓讓其發出聲響(立體視覺、觸覺及聽覺)、(6)購買後實際使用產品(立體視覺、觸覺及聽覺)等六個階段,最後再透過訪談補充詢問參與者的其他想法與感受,藉以了解消費者在不同消費情境中期望落差之狀況與可能原因。
As technology advances, consumers can purchase products either at retail stores or through online platforms. The multiple choices make consumers' decision-making process different from the past. The difference in the richness of the sensory experience among different purchase channels may lead to the inconsistency between actual experience and prior expectation, i.e. the “expectation disconfirmation.” No matter whether it is a positive or a negative expectation disconfirmation, it may affect the consumer's evaluation of the product and the purchase decision. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore the reasons of the expectation disconfirmation occurred during the consumption process, so as to use it properly.

This study simulated the interaction of consumers with computer mouse in different stages of consumption. Three design parameters including color, surface material, and button sound were determined based on the visual, tactile, and auditory stimuli involved. In order to find out the reasons and the level of expectation disconfirmation, a questionnaire was designed to understand the subjective feelings of the participants toward computer mouse. In this study, 20 pairs of bipolar adjectives that are suitable for describing the computer mouse were considered, along with 2 pairs of bipolar adjectives representing consumers’ satisfaction and purchase intention. 30 females ranging from 20-29 years old with online shopping experience were recruited to participate in the interactive experiment. The interactive experiment was designed with six stages according to the shopping process of modern consumers, including: (1) Browsing product images online (2D vision), (2) Browsing product images and product descriptions online (2D vision), (3) Seeing the product at the store (3D vision), (4) Seeing and touching the product at the store (3D vision and touch sense), (5) Trying out products at the store (3D vision, touch sense and hearing), (6) Using the product after purchase (3D vision, touch sense, and hearing). At the end of the experiment, participants were interviewed to understand the possible reasons of expectation disconfirmation between different shopping stages.

Multivariate analysis of variance was first conducted to find out the consumption stages with expectation disconfirmation. Besides, principal component analysis was further employed to define the representative adjectives that affect the disconfirmation in consumer satisfaction and purchase intention. Moreover, through the use of Quantification Theory Type I, the relationship between design parameters and subjective feelings were identified to find out the possible reasons of expectation disconfirmation, so as to help contribute to the better design. The results showed that when consumers buy the computer mouse through the Internet, their feelings about "unmaneuverable - maneuverable" and " not lightweight - lightweight" of the mouse are more likely to fall after the actual use. When browsing 2D pictures online, consumers prefer the mouse with rubber matte finish which conveys the feelings of "comfortable,""ergonomic," and "covering." When the consumer sees the mouse in the store and buys it directly, their feelings about "low noise with unclear feedback – non-low noise with clear feedback," "neither lightweight nor portable - lightweight and portable," and "uncomfortable and hard to hold - comfortable and easy to hold" of the mouse are more likely to fall after the actual use. In this situation, consumers prefer the mouse with smooth and glossy material that conveys the feelings of "lightweight and portable" and "easy to control," or the mouse with rubber matte finish that conveys the feeling of "comfortable and ergonomic." Finally, if the consumer buys the mouse in the store after trying it out, their feelings about "unmaneuverable – maneuverable,""uncomfortable and hard to hold - comfortable and easy to hold," and "without feedback and bad handling - with feedback and good handling" of the mouse are more likely to fall after actual use. In this situation, consumers prefer the mouse with smooth and glossy material that conveys the feelings of "glossy and lightweight" and "easy to control," or the mouse with rubber matte finish that conveys the feeling of "easy to hold."

Therefore, this study suggests that when selling a mouse online, text or video descriptions are necessary, so as to allow consumers to obtain more information about product features and its weight, as well as effectively reducing the expectation disconfirmation. It is also important to focus on the feeling of "comfort,""ergonomic," and "covering" of the mouse. It is recommended that manufacturers could include the mouse of rubber matte finish to attract more consumers. When selling a mouse in a store, it is important for consumers to know more about the product information related to tactile and auditory feedback, so as to reduce the expectation disconfirmation. In addition, it was found that a period of computer operation with the mouse allows consumers to fully understand its characteristic of button sound, feedback, and performance, especially when selling silent mouse. On the other hand, when selling non-silent mouse, the task of providing continuous click operations should be avoided to prevent consumers from being dissatisfied. Moreover, this study found that regardless of the consumption stage, the mouse with smooth and glossy material better conveys the feelings of "lightweight" and "easy to control", while the mouse with rubber matte finish better conveys the feelings of "comfort," " ergonomic,” and "easy to hold". Therefore, manufacturers can design mouse based on the results of this research for consumer with different needs, as well as effectively increasing the sales volume and enhancing consumers' positive feelings towards the brand.
摘要·········································································································· 2
一、緒論 ··································································································14
1.1 研究背景與動機...................................................................................................... 14
1.2 研究目的與範圍...................................................................................................... 16
1.3 研究架構與流程...................................................................................................... 17
二、文獻探討 ····························································································22
2.1 消費者行為............................................................................................................... 22
2.1.1 購物前……………………………………………………………………….22
2.1.2 購物中……………………………………………………………………….23
2.1.3 購物後……………………………………………………………………….27
2.2 消費者滿意度與期望失驗....................................................................................... 27
2.3 感性工學................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.1 主成分分析………………………………………………………………….31
2.3.2 數量化理論一類…………………………………………………………….32
2.4 研究標的物之選擇與相關的感性、滿意度研究發現........................................... 33
2.5 小結........................................................................................................................... 34
三、問卷設計 ····························································································35
3.1 第一部分:消費者對於滑鼠的初始期望(購物前)........................................... 35
3.2 第二部分:滑鼠之形容詞彙調查(購物中)....................................................... 38
3.2.1 形容詞彙蒐集與初篩………………………………………………………..39
3.2.2 相近詞彙篩選(網路問卷調查)…………………………………………..43
3.2.3 重要詞彙篩選(專家問卷調查)…………………………………………..46
3.3 第三部分:消費者的滿意度與購買意願(購物後)........................................... 48
3.4 正式問卷製作........................................................................................................... 49
3.5 小結........................................................................................................................... 50
四、互動實驗之設計 ···················································································52
4.1 滑鼠樣本之蒐集、篩選與製作............................................................................... 52
4.2 研究參與者............................................................................................................... 54
4.3 研究參與者之任務與實驗流程............................................................................... 57
4.4 資料蒐集與分析....................................................................................................... 65
五、研究結果 ····························································································69
5.1 研究參與者基本資料............................................................................................... 69
5.2 影響消費者滿意度與購買意願的因子................................................................... 71
5.2.1 交互作用……………………………………………………………………..73
5.2.2 滑鼠顏色影響………………………………………………………………..75
5.2.3 消費階段影響………………………………………………………………..75
5.2.4 滑鼠材質影響………………………………………………………………..79
5.2.5 滑鼠按鍵聲音影響…………………………………………………………..81
5.2.6 小結…………………………………………………………………………..81
5.3 影響期望落差產生的產品語意與設計參數(同一樣本的階段間比較)........... 81
5.3.1 階段一vs. 階段六…………………………………………………………. 81
5.3.2 階段三vs. 階段六…………………………………………………………. 84
5.3.3 階段五vs. 階段六…………………………………………………………. 88
5.3.4 小結…………………………………………………………………………..91
5.4 影響消費者滿意度與購買意願的產品語意與設計參數(同一階段的樣本間比
較).......................................................................................................................... 92
5.4.1 階段一………………………………………………………………………..92
5.4.2 階段二………………………………………………………………………..95
5.4.3 階段三………………………………………………………………………..97
5.4.4 階段四………………………………………………………………………100
5.4.5 階段五………………………………………………………………………103
5.4.6 階段六………………………………………………………………………106
5.4.7 小結…………………………………………………………………………109
5.5 小結......................................................................................................................... 110
六、討論 ·································································································112
6.1 期望落差的原因與改善建議................................................................................. 112
6.1.1 網路購物的期望落差(看到產品圖片就直接購買)……………………113
6.1.2 實體銷售通路的期望落差(到現場看到產品就直接購買)……………117
6.1.3 實體銷售通路的期望落差(到現場體驗產品後購買)…………………123
6.1.4 小結…………………………………………………………………………126
6.2 影響消費者滿意度與購買意願的產品語意與設計參數..................................... 127
6.2.1 網路購物情境(階段一與階段二)………………………………………127
6.2.2 現場瀏覽產品情境(階段三、階段四)…………………………………129
6.2.3 現場試用與購後實際使用情境(階段五、階段六)……………………130
6.2.4 小結…………………………………………………………………………131
6.3 不同習慣與偏好的研究參與者在消費情境中的期望落差................................. 131
6.3.1 滑鼠使用與購買習慣不同的研究參與者…………………………………131
6.3.2 滑鼠設計參數偏好不同的研究參與者……………………………………133
6.3.3 小結…………………………………………………………………………135
七、結論 ································································································136
7.1 主要發現................................................................................................................. 136
7.1.1 不同消費情境下的行銷策略………………………………………………136
7.1.2 滑鼠設計策略………………………………………………………………140
7.2 研究貢獻與應用..................................................................................................... 141
7.3 研究限制與未來方向............................................................................................. 142
參考文獻 ································································································144
附錄一、滑鼠意象辭彙調查 ········································································150
附錄二、專家語彙篩選問卷 ········································································159
附錄三、正式問卷(階段三~階段六) ·························································164
附錄四、正式問卷(階段一、階段二) ·························································166


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