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作者(外文):Hsyu, Meng-Wei
論文名稱(外文):A machine-learning-based approach for AGV dispatching
指導教授(外文):Lin, James T.
口試委員(外文):Ding, Qing Rong
Chen, Zi Li
外文關鍵詞:Path PlanningAGV dispatchingMachine LearningSupport Vector MachineDeep Reinforcement Learning
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  • 點閱點閱:2588
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究以彈性製造系統中的棋盤格狀無人搬運車(Automated Guided Vehicle, AGV)系統為例,所探討的AGV系統議題分成兩大部分:AGV派車與棋盤格狀AGV路徑規劃。在AGV派車規劃部分本研究著重於將機器學習建構於AGV派車問題,分別使用監督式學習方法SVM (Support Vector Machine)與強化學習方法DQN (Deep Q Network)進行AGV派車。
本研究提出以考量AGV路徑之未來壅塞程度之路徑規劃法A Star with Future Congestion,使所規劃出的AGV路徑降低AGV可能碰撞、鎖死之情形。同時也考量棋盤格狀AGV中特有的AGV碰撞情形,以追求棋盤格狀AGV系統中有效率且可行之AGV行走路徑。實驗結果發現本研究所提出的A Star with Future Congestion於各個車數情境中,效果皆優於其他路徑規劃方法。
The path planning problem and the dispatching problem about AGVs system will be discussed in the research. In AGVs path planning problem, a path planning method “A Star with Future Congestion” is proposed by considering the congestion cost of the nodes to be planned. This research also proposed a dead-lock resolution algorithm to deal with the conflict and dead-lock problem in the operation of multi AGVs system.
In the AGVs dispatching issue, an AGV dynamic dispatching in Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) by machine learning technique is presented in this paper. The objective is to minimize mean tardiness of orders in FMS. The machine learning-based AGV dispatching approach - support vector machine (SVM) AGV dispatcher is proposed. The idea of the dispatcher is to make dispatching decision base on the system attributes. The simulation runs will be carrying out for generating the training data for SVM. The system attributes that might affect the performance of machine learning dispatcher will also be discussed.
Finally, another machine learning-based approach of AGV dispatching is proposed. The Deep Q Network (DQN) dispatcher, which is able to dynamically adjust the dispatching policy depend on the reward function, will be discussed. The definition of states, actions, and rewards for AGV dispatching problem are main issues for this paper.
In the AGVs dispatching experientment, SVM dispatcher has better effiency when the manufacturing situation is closed to the simulation model for training datas. The experiement result also shows that DQN dispatcher has better adaptivity to environment when the system status changes dramatically from time to time.
第一章 緒論-1
第二章 文獻回顧-7
2.1 機器學習背景知識-7
2.1.1 機器學習-7
2.1.2 Support Vector Machine-8
2.1.3 強化學習-11
2.1.4 Deep Q Network-14
2.2 AGV派車應用相關文獻-17
2.3 機器學習於派車應用相關文獻-18
2.4 AGV路徑規劃相關文獻-21
第三章 AGV路徑規劃問題-25
3.1 問題定義-25
3.2 研究方法-26
3.2.1改良式A star路經規劃法-26
3.2.2 避免碰撞機制-27
3.4 結果與分析-34
第四章 SVM於AGV派車問題-36
4.1 問題定義-36
4.2 SVM派車模型-39
4.2.1 設計概念-39
4.2.2 AGVs派車法則-39
4.2.3 AGVs系統屬性-41
4.2.4 訓練樣本生成-45
4.3 實驗情境與實驗設定-47
4.4 結果與分析-50
第五章 強化學習於AGV派車問題-55
5.1 DQN派車模型-55
5.1.1 設計概念-55
5.1.2 AGVs派車法則-56
5.1.3 AGVs系統屬性-57
5.1.4 訓練樣本-58
5.1.6 初始神經網路-62
5.2 實驗情境與設定-62
5.3 結果與分析-66
第六章 結論與建議-79
6.1 結論-79
6.2 建議-81
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