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作者(外文):Liao, Chien-Jung
論文名稱(外文):Augmented Reality Assisted Assembly of Tou-Kung
指導教授(外文):Chu, Chih-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Chen, Zi-Ru
Huang, Ying Yin
外文關鍵詞:Augmented realityTou-Kungassemblyhuman computer interactionergonomic assessment
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:484
  • 評分評分:*****
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“Tou-Kung” represents the architectural characteristics of the East, and its construction method is highly complex. To learn its assembly from the drawings showing in ancient books is difficult. In order to preserve and promote these cultural relics, miniaturized physical models of Tou-Kung have been developed. People can learn its structure and appreciate its complexity through model assembly. This research employs Tou-Kung as a target to develop an augmented reality (AR) based assembly assisted system. Our goal is to explore how different instruction designs influence the effectiveness of the assembly process. A pilot study was conducted to understand the difficulties of architectural model assembly. These constraints serve as design references for constructing the system that aims to solve the cognitive gap between 2-dimentional graphical sketches and 3-dimentional physical models. The study uses texture patterns of individual components as the feature information in automatic object recognition. Assessment experiments were conducted to understand the influence of different assisted functions based on the assembly process from both qualitative and quantitative analysis. The results have shown that the number of operation errors decreases. However, the recognition time in the AR assisted functions increases the assembly process and have a negative effect on the user experience. The experimental findings provide practice design guidelines for the design of AR assisted assembly systems.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 擴增實境輔助組裝 4
2.1.1 系統發展 4
2.1.2 介面設計與系統回饋 4
2.2 擴增實境系統評估方式 6
2.3 小結 7
第三章 研究方法 9
3.1 研究架構 9
3.2 研究方法 10
3.3 研究限制 11
第四章 前測與分析 13
4.1 前測實驗設計 13
4.1.1 實驗前置作業 13
4.1.2 實驗流程 15
4.2 實驗分析 15
4.3 前測實驗小結 17
第五章 系統建構與實驗設計 18
5.1 組裝輔助系統建構 18
5.1.1 組裝輔助系統功能設計 18
5.1.2 組裝輔助系統建置 20
5.1.3 辨識圖樣設計 22
5.1.4 組裝輔助系統流程設計 24
5.2 組裝輔助系統實驗設計 31
5.2.1 研究參與者 31
5.2.2 實驗環境設置 31
5.2.3 實驗流程 31
5.2.4 評估與測量方式 34
第六章 研究結果與討論 35
6.1 輔助系統之組裝時間分析 35
6.1.1 實驗假設 35
6.1.2 平均組裝時間單因子變數分析 36
6.1.3 個別步驟時間單因子變異數分析 38
6.1.4 組裝時間分析小結 41
6.2 錯誤次數分析 42
6.2.1 實驗假設 42
6.2.2 不同組裝輔助系統平均錯誤次數單因子變異數分析 44
6.2.3 錯誤分類單因子變異數分析 45
6.2.4 錯誤糾正方式單因子變異數分析 48
6.2.5 錯誤次數分析小結 50
6.3 NASA-TLX平均分數分析 51
6.3.1 不同輔助組裝系統間NASA-TLX平均分數單因子變異數分析 51
6.3.2 小結 52
6.4 討論 53
6.4.1 假設結果與分析 53
6.4.2 組裝實驗觀察紀錄 54
6.4.3 與文獻之比較 55
6.5 實驗結果與分析小結 58
第七章 結論與未來發展 59
7.1 結論 59
7.2 未來發展 60
附錄一 NASA-tlx 問卷設計 66
附錄二 枓栱花紋設計 68
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