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作者(外文):Jao, Chen-Wei
論文名稱(外文):iSSODE-SQP for Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch Problem
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Wei-Chang
口試委員(外文):Chang, Kuei-Hu
Chung, Wu-Hsun
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch ProblemImproved Simplified Swarm OptimizationDifferential EvolutionSequential Quadratic Programming
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動態經濟排放調度問題(Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch Problem, DEED)為研究火力發電的著名問題,此問題之所以被學者大量討論是因為近年來環保意識高漲,石化能源日益減少,以及日益增加的能源需求,讓我們驚覺必須更有效率的使用地球資源,並減少社會發展所造成的環境成本。DEED問題的目標是透過安排發電機組(generation)的發電量,來滿足電力需求(demand)的變化,並達到減少燃料成本(Fuel cost)以及廢氣排放量(Emission)。
DEED問題多半在探討發電機組數為十台以下的情境,然而時至今日,國內火力發電廠的發電機組規模最多以可以到達十四台,為了更符合現今火力發電廠之規模,DEED問題勢必要探討更多發電機組的情境,在更多發電機組的情境中,發電機組的交互作用所產生的傳輸耗損(transmission loss)會更為複雜,且更多的發電機組,亦代表著有更多的可以滿足電力需求的發電量組合,而要如何在合理的時間內找出優秀的發電量組合,將會變得更加困難。
本篇論文將利用權重方法來表示燃料成本以及廢氣排放量之間的權衡關係,並採用混合改良簡化群差異進化以及循序二次規劃(Improved Simplified Swarm Optimization with Differential Evolution and Sequential Quadratic Programming, iSSODE-SQP)來解決動態經濟排放調度問題(Dynamic Economic Emission Dispatch Problem, DEED)。此方法也會與著名的混合差異進化及循序二次規劃法(Hybrid DE-SQP)、混合粒子群及循序二次規劃法 (Hybrid PSO-SQP)進行比較與討論;結果顯示,本研究提出的研究方法能夠有效的求解DEED問題,且在發電機超過10台的問題情境下也可取得優秀的成效。
The Dynamic economic emission dispatch (DEED) problem is a frequently discussed issue for thermal power system. The reason why DEED problem is discussed in the recent year is because of the rising awareness of environmental protection, and the decreasing of petrochemical energy. The goal of DEED problem is to meet the load demand by arranging generating units’ outputs, to achieve reductions in fuel costs and emissions.
Most of the relevant literature of DEED problem only discuss 10 generating units below, however, the generating unit size of the domestic thermal power plant can reach up to 14 units. In order to be more in line with the scale of today's thermal power plants, it is necessary to discuss the case of more generating units. In the case of more generator units, there are more different generation combinations, and the transmission loss caused by the interaction of the generating units will be more complicated, which would be difficult to find the exact solution in an acceptable time.
In this paper, we present a hybrid method called Improved Simplified Swarm Optimization with Differential Evolution and Sequential Quadratic Programming, (iSSODE-SQP). In addition, we apply weighting method to trade off the fuel costs and the emission. Afterwards, the results of iSSODE-SQP will be compared with Hybrid DE-SQP, Hybrid PSO-SQP, and iSSO-SQP. Finally, the experimental results show that that the proposed method iSSODE-SQP is effective on the DEED problem, even it performs well in the case of more than 10 generating units
摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VI
第一章、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究架構 4
第二章、問題描述 6
2.1縮寫 6
2.2DEED問題之數學模型 6
第三章、文獻回顧 9
3.1動態經濟排放調度問題 9
3.2改良簡化群體演算法 13
3.3差異進化演算法 14
3.4循序二次規劃法 15
第四章、研究方法 17
4.1粒子編碼方式 17
4.2利用權重法改寫適應值函數 18
4.3改良簡化群體演算法 19
4.4差異進化區域搜尋法 23
4.5循序二次規劃法 28
4.6混合改良簡化群體差異進化以及循序二次規劃法之流程 30
第五章、實驗結果與分析 32
5.1實驗設計 32
5.2實驗情境 38
5.3實驗結果 39
第六章、結論與未來研究方向 45
6.1結論 45
6.2未來研究方向 46
參考文獻 47
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