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作者(外文):Lee, Chi-Ming
論文名稱(中文):專案組合選擇最佳化決策架構及實證研究– 以IC設計服務公司為例
論文名稱(外文):An Optimal Portfolio Selection Framework for IC Design Service Company and the Empirical Study
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Wu, Jei-Zheng
Lee, Chia-Yen
外文關鍵詞:IC design serviceDecision analysisPortfolio selectionData Envelopment AnalysisAssurance RegionKnapsack Problem
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IC設計產業身處在半導體供應鏈的上游,位居引導產業發展方向與回應市場需求的地位。隨著先進製程的演進,光罩及晶圓的成本越來越高,對於IC設計服務公司而言,委託製造服務(Turnkey service)的投入費用也變得昂貴。因此,IC設計服務公司在選擇專案階段,必須要經過仔細妥善的評估個別專案的效益與組合的綜效,以選擇對公司最有利的專案組合。在實務上,客戶委託專案採取先進先接,並無特定專案挑選機制或評估工具可以使用,若接下的專案組合不理想,可能影響公司的信譽、市場競爭力及獲利。本研究以資料包絡法(Data Envelopment Analysis)之保證區域(Assurance Region)模式與背包問題式(Knapsack Problem Formulation)為基礎,結合領域專家的實務經驗與知識,提出一個決策架構以選擇最佳化專案組合。模型主要分為兩階段,第一階段以AR模式克服傳統DEA模式中投入和產出項目之權重過於自由所衍生之問題,適當的加入專家領域知識,計算待選專案之相對效率。第二階段,轉換專案相對效率為增大分數,輸入多目標背包問題模型,並考慮公司資源限制與組織目標,以尋找不同情境下最佳的專案組合。最後加入敏感度分析,在專案組合不變情況下,加入外包資源以提供決策者微調建議,提升決策品質。本研究以台灣某IC設計服務公司為實證研究,利用公司實際蒐集的待選專案資料,與專家討論進行情境的設計,透過比較以驗證本研究提出之決策模型的效度與可行性。
IC design industry is a critical segment of the semiconductor supply chain. It plays an important role to guide the development of the semiconductor industry and responding to the market demand. With the development of advanced processes, the cost of masks and wafers is getting higher. For IC design service companies, the input costs of Turnkey services also become expensive. Therefore, selecting a proper portfolio of projects is crucial for IC design service industry. The portfolio has to be selected through a careful and appropriate evaluation for the profitability and competitive advantages of IC design service companies in order to survive and sustain. Practically, there is no specific mechanism or evaluation tool for portfolio selection in IC design service companies. As long as the chosen project portfolio is not suitable, it may jeopardize the company's credibility, competitiveness and profit. This research aims to develop a framework for portfolio selection in IC design service industry. In particular, a framework based on DEA/AR (Thompson et al. 1996) and knapsack model was constructed. The sensitivity analysis was also conducted to provide the suggestion for decision-makers when there was extra resource. An empirical study was conducted in a IC design service company in Taiwan to validate the framework. With the actual candidate project data provided by the company, the proposed framework was followed to evaluate projects and select a proper project portfolio for decision-makers. The result showed proposed framework could not only enhance the decision quality, but help IC design service companies achieve their organizational objectives.
Table of Contents i
List of Tables iii
List of Figures v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Research Objectives 2
1.3 Thesis Organization 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.1 IC Design Service Company 4
2.2 Data Envelopment Analysis 6
2.3 Multiple-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods for Project Evaluation 10
2.4 Portfolio Selection 13
Chapter 3 Proposed Research Framework 17
3.1 Problem definition 19
3.2 Identifies the niche for decision quality improvement 21
3.3 Structure the objective hierarchy and influence relation 21
3.4 Sense and describe anticipating outcomes 22
3.5 Overall judgments and value assessments 24
3.6 Tradeoff and decision 30
Chapter 4 An Empirical Study 31
4.1 Problem Definition 31
4.2 Identifies the niche for decision quality improvement 32
4.3 Structure the objective hierarchy and influence relation 32
4.4 Sense and describe anticipating outcomes 33
4.5 Overall judgments and value assessments 38
4.6 Tradeoff and decision 46
Chapter 5 Conclusion and future direction 52
5.1 Conclusion 52
5.2 Research limitation 52
5.3 Future direction 53
Reference 54
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