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作者(外文):Huang, Pei-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Solving Capacitated Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem with Comprehensive Setup Considerations by Tabu Search
指導教授(外文):Hung, Yi-Feng
口試委員(外文):Wu, Chien-Wei
Chang, Kuo-Hao
外文關鍵詞:Capacitated lot sizing and schedulingsequence-dependent setupsetup carryoverssetup crossoverslinear programmingtabu searchshadow price
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Capacitated lot sizing and scheduling problem (CLSSP) or, capacitated lot sizing problem (CLSP) in some literatures, with the objective of minimizing total costs is an essential decision in many manufacturing environments. This study aims to investigate the CLSSP with sequence-dependent setup times, costs, setup carryovers, and setup crossovers, which is one of the most complicated CLSSP problems investigated so far. These difficult features include: (1) sequence-dependent setup times, (2) sequence-dependent setup costs, (3) setup carryovers, in which a duplicated setup for an identical product is removed for subsequent periods, and (4) setup crossovers, which allows the duration of a setup running over multiple periods. Due to the difficulty of this problem, many existing proposed solution approaches were developed under various simplifying assumptions, which hence made these techniques not applicable in certain practical environments.
In this study, an overall solution of the problem can be divided into discrete and continuous decisions. Discrete decisions include the number of batches, the products produced in each batch, and the batches with start time contained in each period and the batches with end time contained in each period. Whereas, a continuous decision refers to the start and end times each batch. This study proposes that discrete decisions are explored by tabu search. Then, given a discrete decision, a linear programming problem can be formulated. By solving the LP problem, the optimal continuous decision values can be obtained. There are two discrete decision generation schemes adopted in this study. One is based on traditional neighborhood search methods. The other is based on the shadow prices of precedence constraints of LP problem of a current discrete decision. The computational experiments on randomly generated problem instances show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
摘要 1
Abstract 2
1. Introduction 8
1.1 Background and Applications 8
1.2 Capacitated Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem(CLSSP) 9
1.3 Extension and Complexity of CLSSP 10
1.4 Problem Statement and Research Approach 12
2.Literature Review 14
2.1 Brief History and Classical Papers on CLSSP 14
2.2 CLSSP with Setup Cost and Time 16
2.3 CLSSP with Setup Carryover 17
2.4 CLSSP with Setup Crossover 19
2.5 A Brief Review on Tabu Search and its Application on CLSSP 20
3. Solution Method 22
3.1 MIP Model for CLSP 22
3.1.1 Assumption and Notations 23
3.1.2 Mathematical Model 25
3.2 Generate Initial Solution: Heuristic Method 27
3.3 Discrete Decisions and Continuous Decisions 32
3.4 Continuous Decision: Linear Programming Model 36
3.4.1 Notations 36
3.4.2 Mathematical model 37
3.4.3 An LP model example 40
3.5 Modification of discrete decision (constraint modification) by shadow price information 42
3.6 Discrete Decision: Searching Methods 43
3.6.1 Construction of Neighborhood Solution 43
3.6.2 Tabu Search Algorithm 46
4. Computation Experiments 49
4.1 Experimental Parameters 49
4.2. Problem Generation Procedure 50
4.3. Parameter Setting 51
4.4 Experimental Results 53
4.4.1 Performance Evaluation 53
4.4.2 Factorial Analyses 55
4.4.3 Further Analyses on Shadow Price 60
5. Conclusions and Future Research 62
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