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作者(外文):Dong, Ya-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Applying Data Mining Techniques for Process Parameter Optimization in Casting Industry
指導教授(外文):Su, Chao-Ton
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Chun-Chin
Hsiao, Yu-Hsiang
Chen, Li-Fei
Liao, De-Ming
外文關鍵詞:casting industrydata miningfeature selectionartificial neural networkrandom forestsupport vector machinerough set theoryregression analysisgenetic algorithm
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  • 點閱點閱:2729
  • 評分評分:*****
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With the advancement of manufacturing technology and the flourishing development of information technology, casting industry is faced with the increasingly competitive market, so companies must enhance their product’s quality and reduce manufacturing costs, and clarify what highly influences the process to have the key competitive advantage. However, simply relying on domain knowledge or rules of thumb is unable to identify the root causes of quality problems effectively.
This study applies data mining techniques for the process improvement issue of casting industry and proposes a general procedure for attribute selection. Five data mining techniques, including artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), rough set theory (RST), and regression analysis are used to select the important attributes. This study aggregates the results from each method to identify the key parameters and builds the reduced model. In the end, the artificial neural network and genetic algorithm (GA) are utilized for optimizing the selected process parameters.The proposed procedure was employed to analyze the manufacturing data of a casting company in Taiwan. The research results presented that nine key process parameters were identified from seventeen original attributes and then the optimal combination of key parameters was obtained. In addition, the reduced model still maintained the exceptional ability to perform adequately, which confirmed the feasibility of the proposed attribute screening procedure.
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1 鑄造產業 4
2.1.1 鑄造技術 4
2.1.2 鑄造之產業結構與發展 5
2.2資料探勘 6
2.2.1 資料探勘技術 6
2.2.2 資料探勘功能 8
2.2.3 資料探勘在鑄造產業之應用 9
2.3 屬性篩選過程與方法 9
2.3.1 類神經網路 10
2.3.2 隨機森林 11
2.3.3 支持向量迴歸 13
2.3.4 約略集合理論 14
2.3.5 迴歸分析 15
2.3.6 屬性篩選之應用 16
2.4 基因演算法 19
2.5 結合類神經演算法和基因演算法於參數設計之應用 21
第三章 研究方法 23
3.1 研究流程 23
3.2 資料前處理 25
3.3 屬性篩選之各方法模型建構 26
3.3.1 類神經網路模型建構 26
3.3.2 隨機森林模型建構 29
3.3.3 支持向量迴歸模型建構 30
3.3.4 約略集合理論模型建構 32
3.3.5 迴歸分析模型建構 36
3.4 結合類神經演算法和基因演算法於參數設計之應用 37
第四章 研究結果 39
4.1 個案描述與問題定義 39
4.2 資料蒐集與觀察 40
4.3 資料前處理 40
4.4 定義屬性 41
4.5 屬性篩選執行 41
4.5.1 類神經網路之屬性篩選 42
4.5.2 隨機森林之屬性篩選 46
4.5.3 支持向量迴歸之屬性篩選 48
4.5.4 約略集合理論之屬性篩選 51
4.5.5 迴歸分析之屬性篩選 52
4.5.6 重要屬性彙總 53
4.6 結合類神經網路與基因演算法於製程參數最佳化 54
第五章 結論 58
5.1 結論 58
5.2 未來研究方向 59
參考文獻 60

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