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作者(外文):Wang, He-Ling
論文名稱(外文):Automatic evaluation of occupational injury assessment scales with motion analysis by image processing
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yun-Ju
口試委員(外文):Wang, Ming-Yang
Lu, Jun-Ming
外文關鍵詞:motion analysisimage processingoccupational injuryassessment scale
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  • 評分評分:*****
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因此本研究以建立出一套利用影像分析進行職業傷害評估系統為目的,利用GoPro HERO 6 Black攝影機拍攝作業內容並將彩色影像輸入OpenPose進行人體姿勢運算,利用運算結果計算人體關節角度進而配合REBA量表評分,最終將量表分數輸出告知使用者此作業內容之肌肉骨骼危害程度。
本研究之自動化量表評估系統之角度誤差驗證結果,整體絕對誤差為5.04度,整體線性誤差為-3.17度,達到規範之線性誤差正負5度以內(Norkin & White, 2016)。與專業人員評估之比較結果,頭部、軀幹、腿部、上臂、前臂與手腕平均分數相差0.33、0.75、0.03、0.03、0.08、0分,姿勢分數A、B、C與REBA總體平均分數相差1.10、0.03、0.75、0.75分。
In Taiwan, there are detailed regulations on occupational safety and occupational injuries. Employers must follow the Occupational Safety and Health Law to design the workplace and work content. When assessing occupational injuries, most of the industry uses internationally accepted assessment scales such as REBA, OWAS, EWAS, and RULA. The current use of these assessment scales is mainly through observing the posture of the subject at work. This method is quite labor intensive and time-consuming. Using visual estimation may not be accurate enough when calculating joint angles, and using precision instruments may cause inconvenience or unnaturalness to the subject.
Motion analysis by image processing is a technique that is commonly used today to record and analyze human motion. It can be applied to various fields such as sports, medical treatments, industrial, robotics, and entertainment. The content of this technology is to use the camera or sensor to capture the position of the human joint and calculate the joint angle and motion . Using the data, you can analyze the body movements of people doing various behaviors, find out more efficient ways of exercising, and provide a set of action strategies to improve work efficiency.
This study aims to establish an automated system that evaluates occupational injury by using image processing. The GoPro HERO 6 Black camera is used to capture the content of the work, and the color image is input into OpenPose for human posture calculation. The calculation results are used to calculate the angle of the human joint and the score of REBA. Finally, the score of REBA is used to inform the user of the musculoskeletal risk of the work content.
The angular error verification results of the automatic evaluation system have an average absolute error of 5.04 degrees and an average algebraic error of -3.17 degrees. Compared with the evaluation of a professional, the average difference of the head, trunk, leg, upper arm, lower arm, and wrist are 0.33, 0.75, 0.03, 0.03, 0.08, 0 points respectively, and the average difference of posture score A, B, C and REBA score are 1.10, 0.03, 0.75, 0.75 points respectively.
The automatic assessment scale evaluation system verifies the reliability and acceptability by doing the angle verification and comparing with the evaluation of a professional. The system can correctly evaluate the joint angle to avoid visual evaluation error, significantly reduce the time and labor cost required for the evaluation. Furthermore, it can also monitor the labor’s work posture for a long time to prevent the occurrence of occupational injuries.
第一章 緒論..........8
1.1. 研究背景與動機..........8
1.2. 研究目的與範圍..........14
1.3. 研究架構與流程..........15
第二章 文獻回顧..........16
2.1. 不適當姿勢造成的肌肉骨骼影響..........16
2.2. 量表評估法..........20
2.2.1. 快速全身肢體評估法(REBA)..........20
2.2.2. 勞工姿勢評估系統(OWAS)..........28
2.2.3. 快速上肢評估法(RULA)..........32
2.2.4. 歐洲人因評估工具檢核表(EAWS)..........34
2.2.5. 小結..........38
2.3. 動作擷取系統..........39
2.3.1. 非影像式動作擷取系統..........39
2.3.2. 影像式動作分析系統..........40
2.4. 影像處理用於動作分析之計算技術..........41
2.4.1. MPII Human Pose Models..........48
2.4.2. OpenPose..........53
2.5. 小結..........56
第三章 研究方法..........57
3.1. 問題定義與描述..........57
3.2. 資料獲取與系統架構..........57
3.2.1. 資料獲取..........58
3.3. 研究設置..........60
3.4. 統計分析..........67
第四章 實驗結果..........68
4.1. 角度驗證成果..........68
4.1.1. VICON系統標準貼法之驗證作業..........68
4.1.2. OpenPose系統貼法之驗證作業..........75
4.2. 模擬工作姿勢與REBA量表進行比較..........83
第五章 討論..........90
5.1. 角度驗證成果..........90
5.2. 自動化量表評估系統於REBA量表之成效..........91
第六章 結論與未來研究方向..........96

5.職業安全衛生法 - 勞動部勞動法令查詢系統-所有條文(2013),職業安全衛生法。取自:http://laws.mol.gov.tw/flaw/FLAWDAT0201.aspx?lsid=FL015013
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8.勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所(2015),「肌肉骨骼健康狀態之職場相關因子 關聯性探討」。

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