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作者(外文):Lin, Jin-Hung
論文名稱(外文):Integrate Lean Management and Stochastic Programming Model to Improve Healthcare System: A Case Study of Physical Examination Center
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Lee, Yu-Ching
Lu, Jun-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Lean managementStochastic programming modelAnt colony algorithmHealthcare systemPhysical examination center
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  • 評分評分:*****
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A well operated healthcare system not only can save lives but also provide good work environment for medical staffs. Although lean management has been introduced to healthcare system since 20 century, most of previous studies solely implemented with guidelines such as 5S and some simple techniques. Only a few researches address the stochastic nature of healthcare system. Therefore, this study aims to implement lean management in the healthcare system with lean techniques and a stochastic programming model to achieve both efficiency and loading balance simultaneously. An empirical case of physical examination center demonstrates the benefit of the proposed method. Primary results show that after implementing lean management and stochastic programming model, efficiency is improved about 15%. With the integration of lean management and stochastic programming model, this study successfully balance the process flow of physical examination center. This method can serve as a decision support system to assist other service systems in lean improvement.
摘要 II
目錄 III
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 IV
1 緒論 5
2 文獻探討 7
2.1 精實管理應用在醫療保健 7
2.2 數學規劃模型應用在醫療保健 10
2.2.1 確定性數學規劃模型 11
2.2.2 隨機性數學規劃模型 12
2.2.3 總結 13
2.3 蟻群演算法 14
2.4 總結 16
3 研究方法 17
3.1 精實方法 17
3.1.1 操作流程圖 17
3.1.2 魚骨圖 18
3.1.3 過程分析 18
3.1.4 看板管理 18
3.1.5 交叉培訓 19
3.1.6 生產線平衡 19
3.2 隨機規劃模型 19
3.2.1 定義問題及假設 19
3.2.2 定義變數及符號 20
3.2.3 隨機規劃模型 21
3.2.4 簡單例子 23
3.3 演算法 24
4 個案研究 26
4.1 個案 – 健康檢查中心 26
4.2 敏感度分析 41
4.3 討論 42
5 結論 45
6 參考文獻 46
7 附錄 53
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