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作者(外文):Chang, Hsien-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Robust Calibration and Sensor Fusion on Inertial Measurement Units for Multi-Linkage Systems Measurement
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Chen, Rong-Shun
Tung, Pi-Cheng
Lin, Po-Ting
外文關鍵詞:Ellipsoid fittingSensor fusionInertial measurement unitComplementary filterUnscented Kalman filterError state Kalman filterAllan varianceLie algebra
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Motion capture technologies have been widely used in various fields. Compared to mainstream optical technologies, inertial sensing technology does not have issues of light occlusion and restricted field of view. However, its measurement accuracy is lower than optical technologies and is highly dependent on signal quality. This dissertation presented different algorithms for sensor calibration and sensor fusion to enhance the performance of inertial-based orientation estimation. For calibration, a robust iterative ellipsoid fitting technique was utilized to design a proper cost function to suppress the influence of outliers. The technique was validated to effectively improve the robustness of calibration and reduce calibration errors in both simulations and experiments. For sensor fusion algorithms, three algorithms based on different concepts were developed to enhance the accuracy, precision, and anti-interference ability of inertial sensor posture estimation: feedback compensation algorithm based on feedback tracking concept, complementary unscented Kalman filter, and Lie algebra-based error state Kalman filter. This research also extended the object orientation obtained from a single inertial sensor to multiple sensors for application in multi-linkage systems, such as hand joint motion measurement, upper limb motion measurement, and robot arm guidance.
摘 要--------------------------------------------------------------------i
Table of Contents-------------------------------------------------------iv
List of Figures---------------------------------------------------------ix
List of Tables---------------------------------------------------------xvi
CHAPTER I Introduction---------------------------------------------1
1.1 Foreword---------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Literature Review------------------------------------------------2
1.2.1 Passive Optical--------------------------------------------------2
1.2.2 Active Optical---------------------------------------------------3
1.2.3 Markerless Optical-----------------------------------------------4
1.2.4 Inertial---------------------------------------------------------4
1.2.5 Electromechanical------------------------------------------------6
1.2.6 Magnetic-based---------------------------------------------------6
1.2.7 Acoustic-based---------------------------------------------------7
1.3 Research Questions and Objectives--------------------------------9
1.3.1 Research Questions-----------------------------------------------9
1.3.2 Research Objectives and Methods---------------------------------12
1.4 Organization of the dissertation--------------------------------13
CHAPTER II Representation and Updating of Orientation--------------16
2.1 Representation--------------------------------------------------16
2.1.1 Rotation Matrix-------------------------------------------------16
2.1.2 Euler Angles----------------------------------------------------20
2.1.3 Rodrigues' Rotation Formula-------------------------------------26
2.1.4 Quaternion------------------------------------------------------29
2.1.5 Lie Group & Lie Algebra-----------------------------------------34
2.2 Orientation Updating--------------------------------------------41
2.2.1 Rotation Matrix Updating----------------------------------------42
2.2.2 Gyroscope-------------------------------------------------------47
2.2.3 Comparison------------------------------------------------------51
2.3 Chapter Summary-------------------------------------------------55
CHAPTER III Sensor Calibration--------------------------------------56
3.1 Sensor Error Model----------------------------------------------56
3.1.1 Accelerometer---------------------------------------------------56
3.1.2 Magnetometer----------------------------------------------------58
3.1.3 Gyroscope-------------------------------------------------------63
3.2 Simple Sensor Calibration---------------------------------------63
3.3 Ellipsoid Fitting for Sensor Calibration------------------------67
3.4 Robust Iterative Ellipsoid Fitting with M-estimator-------------71
3.4.1 Literature Review for Robust Ellipsoid Fitting------------------71
3.4.2 Gradient Descent (G.D.) Optimization----------------------------74
3.4.3 M-estimator-----------------------------------------------------75
3.4.4 Unit Sphere Constraint with Lagrange Multiplier-----------------80
3.4.5 Sampling Methods------------------------------------------------84
3.4.6 Experiments and Results-----------------------------------------86
3.5 Chapter Summary------------------------------------------------102
CHAPTER IV Sensor Fusion Algorithm--------------------------------103
4.1 Literature review----------------------------------------------104
4.1.1 Complementary filter-------------------------------------------104
4.1.2 Madgwick filter------------------------------------------------105
4.1.3 Kalman-like filter---------------------------------------------106
4.2 Feedback compensate algorithm (FCA)----------------------------107
4.3 Kalman-based filters design------------------------------------110
4.3.1 Determination of noise model-----------------------------------111
4.3.2 Complementary Unscented Kalman Filter (CUKF)-------------------119
4.3.3 Lie-algebra based Error State Kalman Filter (La-ESKF)----------125
4.4 Experiments and results----------------------------------------142
4.4.1 Sensor Initialization------------------------------------------142
4.4.2 Simulation results---------------------------------------------143
4.4.3 Experiments setup----------------------------------------------167
4.4.4 Stationary accuracy and precision------------------------------174
4.5 Chapter summary------------------------------------------------179
CHAPTER V Measurement on Multi-Linkage Systems-------------------182
5.1 Hardware design------------------------------------------------182
5.2 Topology structure initialization of the multi-linkage system--187
5.3 Installation error correction----------------------------------188
5.4 Application to human finger joint angle measurement------------190
5.5 Transferring human motion to a humanoid robotic arm------------193
5.5.1 Joint angle smoothing------------------------------------------195
5.6 Chapter Summary------------------------------------------------199
CHAPTER VI Conclusions and Future Prospects-----------------------200
6.1 Conclusion-----------------------------------------------------200
6.2 Future prospects-----------------------------------------------202
Appendix A Transformation of Orientation Notations----------------212
Appendix B SO3 Identities and Approximations----------------------214
Appendix C Complementary Filter-----------------------------------216
Appendix D Classic Kalman Filter----------------------------------221
Appendix E Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF)--------------------------226
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