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作者(中文):黃 安
作者(外文):Huang, An
論文名稱(外文):Reliability Evaluation of I/O Pad Size Effect of FO-WLCSP
指導教授(外文):Chiang, Kuo-Ning
外文關鍵詞:Fan-Out PackageWLCSPFinite Element MethodCoffin-MansonThermal Cycle Test(TCT)Chaboche dynamic hardeningReliability
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現今高性能的電子產品大多採用球柵陣列封裝(Ball Grid Array),而扇出型封裝因應I/O數量增加與晶片的小型化而越來越常被使用。另一方面玻璃基板因為其熱膨脹係數與矽晶圓相近,能解決封裝中因為基板與晶片的熱膨脹係數不匹配導致翹曲,進而造成無法進一步加工的問題。
本研究將針對錫球材料的非線性行為,包含彈性行為、塑性行為、潛變與Chaboche動態硬化模型來模擬在溫度循環負載中錫球材料的變形。主要目標是找到適用於WLCSP(Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging)在溫度循環測試三維模擬中所適用的單元尺寸,並搭配Coffin-Manson法得到封裝的平均破壞時間。倘若所得到之封裝壽命,與實際實驗值相符合,可以說此單元尺寸是適用於溫度循環測試模擬。當相同的模擬方式經過足夠的實驗驗證,有限單元模擬將可取代部分實驗。
Reliability testing is an important phase before the marketing of electronic products. In several reliability tests, the temperature cycle load test simulates the temperature rise during each use of the product and then returning back to the room temperature during shutdown. According to the JEDEC standard, the commonly used temperature test range is -40 ° C to 125 ° C, with the ultimate test environment to reduce test time purposes. But even in extreme temperature environments, the testing process often takes a month for testing. Therefore, the method of simulating the test conditions by the finite element method can accelerate the product development schedule, to reduce the development cost.
For finite element static analysis, the element size used in the finite element method has a considerable influence on the simulation results. In particular, the cell size in the stress-strain concentrated area should be carefully planned. The way of estimating the package lifetime is Strain has high sensitivity, so need to find the applicable element size, and to define, in order to obtain a reliable estimate of the package life expectancy.
Most of the high-performance electronic products nowadays use Ball Grid Array, and because of the increasing demand in more number of I/O and the miniaturization of the chip, fan-out packages are being used. On the other hand, the coefficient of thermal expansion of glass substrate is similar to that of the silicon wafer, thus it could resolve the warpage caused by CTE mismatch in the package, and the manufacturing process could proceed without issues.
In this study, the deformation of the solder balls in a temperature cycling load is simulated according to the nonlinear behaviour of the solder ball material, including elastic behaviour, plastic behaviour, creep and Chaboche dynamic hardening model. The main goal of this research work is to find out an optimal element size that is suitable for use in temperature cycling test simulations and to find the mean time to failure of package using Coffin-Manson method. If the resulting package life is consistent with the actual experimental value, it could be said that the element size is suitable for temperature cycling test simulation. Finite element simulations will replace some of the experiments when the same simulation method has been sufficiently validated.
This study will investigate the effect of I/O pad size on the reliability of fan-out package structures based on the above-identified element size.
摘要 …………………………………………………………………...I
Abstract ………………………………………...……………………….III
目錄 .…………………………………………………………………...V
表目錄 ………………………………………………………………...VII
圖目錄 ...…………………………………………………………......VIII
第一章 緒論 2
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.3 研究目標 5
第二章 基礎理論 7
2.1 錫球外型預測 7
2.2 有限元素法基礎理論 9
2.2.1 線彈性有限元素理論 10
2.2.2 材料非線性理論 14
2.2.3 潛變變形機制 18
2.2.4 Garofalo-Arrhenius 潛變模型 19
2.2.5 Anand 模型 20
2.2.6 數值方法及收斂準則 22
2.3 硬化法則 24
2.3.1 等向硬化法則 24
2.3.2 動態硬化法則 25
2.3.3 潛變理論 26
2.4 Chaboche 模型 27
2.5 封裝結構可靠度之預測方法 29
2.5.1 Coffin-Manson 應變法 29
2.5.2 Darveaux 能量密度法 30
2.5.3 修正型能量密度法 31
第三章 Fan-Out WLCSP溫度負載實驗有限單元模型建立 32
3.1 有限單元模型基本假設 32
3.2 WLCSP於溫度負載測試實驗 32
3.2.1 有限單元模型建立 32
3.2.2 材料參數設定 41
3.2.3 邊界條件設定 42
3.2.4 溫度負載設定 43
第四章 結果分析與討論 46
4.1 模型結構差異比較 46
4.2 壽命預估公式 47
4.3 WLCSP 在塑性下模擬結果分析 48
4.3.1 實驗與有限元素模型驗證 48
4.3.2 Pure plastic 模擬結果 51
4.4 WLCSP 在潛變下模擬結果分析 52
4.4.1實驗與有限元素模型驗證 53
4.4.2 Modify Energy-base method 公式模擬結果 55
4.5模擬結果比較 56
4.6 封裝結構參數化分析 57
第五章 結論與未來工作 62
參考文獻 63
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