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作者(外文):Lin, Yi-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Automatic defects classification from AOI images based on image processing and deep learning
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Hung-Yin
口試委員(外文):Ting, Chuan-Kang
Lin, Shih-Chieh
Chen, Hwann-Tzong
外文關鍵詞:AOIimage processingdeep learningautomatic process
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在目前業界常見的自動光學檢測(Automated Optical Inspection)領域中,主要針對大量應用工業自動化製程的元件,如LCD面板/TFT、電晶體與PCB等進行光學檢測,判斷製程過程中是否有缺陷、瑕疵甚至其他干擾物體的影響,並對其進行統計。然而,現有大多數自動光學檢測系統,雖然誤判、漏判的發生機率很低,卻無法對不同種類或發生原因的缺陷進行有效分類,僅能確認在元件下的各部分子區域是否有缺陷發生。
So far the common AOI (Automatic Optical Inspection) system field of industry mainly focus on the components manufactured by automatic equipment such as LCD panel, transistor, PCB, etc. The AOI system detect the defects appear in the components/chips during the manufacturing process, then output the statistic as a feedback. Although the misjudgement ratio of the AOI system is pretty low nowadays, the AOI system have yet to classify the different type of defects validly.
Although AOI system can detect the appearance of defect, the system can hardly analyze and define the reason from defects initiatively but only find it out. Nevertheless, the occurrence of different types of flaws or defects, or even the proportion of their occurrence may have different effects on the subsequent manufacturing process. The optimized methods are also quite different depends on different situations.
This research is based on image processing and deep learning techniques. It is hoped that the program will judge and classify the defect images after AOI detection, making the industry’s automatic detection technology more perfect and complete. This study currently uses a total of 6770 sample images as experimental data, and is divided into three different defect categories. Under the training with deep learning, at least 85% of the accuracy of classification has been achieved.
摘要 1
致謝 3
目錄 6
圖目錄 9
表目錄 13
第一章 緒論 15
1.1 前言 15
1.2 研究動機 16
第二章 文獻回顧 18
2.1 影像預處理 18
2.1.1 清晰度分析 18
2.1.2 色彩概念化 19
2.1.3 霍夫變換 20
2.1.4 模板匹配 21
2.2 缺陷提取 22
2.2.1 大津演算法 22
2.2.2 形態學處理 24
2.2.3 邊緣偵測 26
2.3 深度學習 27
2.3.1 深度學習簡介 27
2.3.2 多層神經網路(Multilayer Perceptron ) 29
2.3.3 卷積神經網路(Convolution Neural Network) 32
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 分析影像清晰度 37
3.2 影像預處理 40
3.2.1 影像尺寸正規化 40
3.2.2 影像旋轉 41
3.2.3 模板定位 43
3.3 缺陷提取 44
3.3.1 初步影像相減 44
3.3.2 卡通圖建立 46
3.3.3 區域生長的邏輯與實現 50
3.4 深度學習 51
3.4.1 建構深度學習模型 51
3.4.2 缺陷種類的訓練及分類流程 54
第四章 研究結果與討論 56
4.1 預處理結果分析 57
4.1.1 旋轉結果分析 57
4.1.2 定位結果分析 58
4.2 缺陷檢測結果觀察 59
4.2.1 影像相減結果分析 59
4.2.2 Buffer區的優劣結果分析 60
4.3 深度學習訓練成果 61
4.3.1 不同訓練資料集之結果討論 63
4.3.2 樣本數量平衡之結果討論 73
4.3.3 不同層數模型之結果討論 76
4.4 系統整合 78
4.4.1 C++影像處理及Python深度學習的整合 78
4.4.2 運算時間統計 79
第五章 結論與未來展望 81
5.1 本研究之貢獻 81
5.2 未來展望 81
參考文獻 83

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