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作者(外文):Lin, Pei-Ying
論文名稱(外文):Surface Processing for Freeform Additive Manufacturing
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Che-Chih
口試委員(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
Lin, Shih-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Freeform Additive Manufacturingsurface finishinghot scraping
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This research develops basic process steps of a surface processing procedure that is to be automated and integrated with the forming process of the Freeform Additive Manufacturing (FAM) to make a 3D object with smooth surfaces directly from a computer model. The surface processing procedure features a hot scraping process that is applied over surfaces of a portion of the 3D object after material dispensing of that portion; and successive steps of material dispensing followed by surface scraping complete an object with smooth surfaces. This research tested and developed automated process steps of hot scraping of typical 3D geometries including vertical wall, erected curved 3D surface and horizontal surface using a partial model of an impeller as test case and ABS as test material. A rotary mechanism for switching between dispensing head and hot scraping head was made to facilitate the alternating dispensing-scraping steps. Trajectories of the hot scraping process steps are basically based on trajectories of material dispensing; but detailed scraping parameters such as depth, feed, speed, number of repeated passes, deburring steps, tool shape and temperature were determined by experiments. The results will be useful for full automation of the dispensing-scraping steps of the FAM process in the future.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 動機與目的 1
1.2 技術回顧 6
1.2.1 佈料程序改善表面品質 6
1.2.2 化學方式改善表面品質 8
1.2.3 物理方式改善表面品質 10
1.3 研究方法 13
第二章 熱刮系統設計 14
2.1 本實驗室過去的熱刮實驗 14
2.2 熱刮機構概念設計 17
第三章 熱刮製程與參數實驗 19
3.1直立式模型熱刮-輪毂 19
3.1.1 輪毂熱刮基礎參數 19
3.1.2 輪毂熱刮路徑 20
3.1.3 輪毂分層熱刮步驟 20
3.1.4 輪毂分段進給熱刮 21
3.1.5 輪毂去裙 23
3.1.6 輪毂熱刮總流程 25
3.2 直立式3D表面模型熱刮-葉片 28
3.2.1 葉片熱刮基本參數 28
3.2.2 葉片熱刮路徑 29
3.2.3 葉片分層熱刮步驟 30
3.2.4 葉片去裙 31
3.2.5 葉片熱刮總流程 36
3.3水平式模型熱刮-底板 39
3.3.1底板熱刮基本參數 39
3.3.2 底板熱刮路徑 40
3.3.3 底板熱刮步驟 41
3.3.3 底板精刮 44
3.3.4底板熱刮總流程 47
3.3.4 次數、角度和速度實驗 49
3.4 實驗上的其他觀察與發現 53
3.5 全模型實驗 56
3.5.1 全模型組合列印 56
3.5.2 全模型組合熱刮 57
第四章 結論 62
參考文獻 65
附錄 68
附錄一 佈料程序參數規畫 68
1.1 速度及溫度的測試 68
1.2 預進料 70
1.3 起步固定 72
1.4 內部佈料路徑 73
1.5 佈料成形冷卻 77
附錄二 佈料系統與五軸運動系統的整合 78
2.1 佈料系統的基本架設 78
2.2 佈料系統與五軸CNC的整合 80
2.3 五軸速度控制與控制辦法 81
附錄三 表面粗糙度介紹 85
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