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作者(外文):Chien, Te-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Geometric Data Processing Software Development for the Freeform Additive Manufacturing
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Che-Chih
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shih-Chieh
Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:rapid prototypeadditive manufacturingfive-axis path planningconformal printing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This research aims at developing geometric data processing software for the Freeform Additive Manufacturing (FAM). The major features of the FAM technology are vari-directional material deposition along the tangential directions of part surface which gives surface smoothness and vari-dimensional material deposition according to need of local geometry to increase build rate. The main concept of the geometric data processing is to disassemble a 3d model into Component Geometries. The Component Geometries have at least three basic geometric forms, including geometric volumes of bands (ribbons), wires (lines) and dots (points), which can be assembled into any 3D model. If using only wires and dots in a horizontally layered assembly structure, the FAM method is similar to the FDM technique. The distinguishing characteristic of FAM is the vari-directional and vari-dimensional ribbon geometry. This research focuses on the procedure of generation of ribbon-shaped geometries from surfaces of a 3D model, the planning of material dispensing path to form the ribbon-shaped geometries and the conversion of the dispensing path into NC code by post-processing. In addition to forming 3D objects, conformal printing of 2D patterns on a 3D surface was also developed by combining the above geometric processing algorithm with a projection algorithm. Simulations and experiments using multiple models were conducted to verify the validity and feasibility of the developed algorithm.
摘要 i
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xvi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 動機與目的 1
1.2 技術回顧 3
1.3 彈性3D成形系統 5
1.4 研究方法 8
第二章 模型分區與構形幾何的生成 12
2.1 STL格式介紹 12
2.2 模型分區 14
2.3 構形幾何的生成 15
第三章 路徑規劃 24
3.1 水平座向佈料與直立座向佈料 24
3.2 五軸CNC加工路徑規劃 26
3.3 水平座向佈料單元的路徑規劃 29
3.4 直立座向佈料單元的路徑規劃 32
3.5 大型連續三角形單位群組處理 36
第四章 後處理 40
4.1 齊次座標轉換 40
4.2 水平座向佈料單元的後處理 42
4.3 直立座向佈料單元的後處理 46
第五章 佈料路徑的插補 51
5.1 水平座向佈料單元的佈料路徑插補 52
5.2 直立座向佈料單元的佈料路徑插補 53
第六章 特殊STL網格處理 55
6.1 使用者自訂帶狀幾何 55
6.1.1 自訂帶狀幾何的快速選取 56
6.1.2 使用者自訂帶狀幾何後的完整構型幾何生成 58
6.1.3 路徑規劃的準備 60
6.2 路徑規劃的誤差修正 67
6.2.1 修正式路徑規劃 67
6.2.2 插補式路徑規劃 74
第七章 適形列印 83
7.1 圖形的路徑規劃 84
7.2 投影定義 85
7.3 投影演算法 85
7.4 佈料路徑更新 89
第八章 模擬及成形實驗驗證與程序測試 91
8.1 模擬驗證 91
8.1.1 解碼器 91
8.1.2 機台佈料模擬 92
8.1.3 模擬成果 93
8.2 實驗驗證 96
8.3 程序測試 101
第九章 結論 110
參考文獻 113
附錄 115
A-1五軸機台的速度修正 115

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