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作者(外文):Chang, Yi-Feng
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Hybrid Flow Restrictor for Hydrostatic Bearings Using Artificial Neural Network
指導教授(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shih-Chieh
Shaw, Dein
外文關鍵詞:Hydrostatic bearingFlow restrictorArtificial neural network
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:108
  • 評分評分:*****
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The flow restrictor, one of the critical elements of hydrostatic bearings, provides the self-adjusting capability of pocket pressure and stiffness. With the increasing usage of hydrostatic bearings, reliability requirements for flow restrictors have become more crucial.
The purpose of this thesis is to provide a useful method to analyze and optimize the dimension, preload, stiffness and various design parameters of flow restrictors. The method to carry out this study is using artificial neural network (ANN) models. By using feedforward neural network, the ANNs are capable of estimating any function by massively connecting appropriate number of neurons and different kinds of layers. After data preprocessing and cross-validation, the network is more stable and workable for our system with non-linear characteristic.
In this thesis the function of fluid restrictors affecting the performance of hydrostatic bearings is investigated both theoretically and experimentally. An apparatus is constructed, which integrates a sliding hydrostatic table with several flow restrictor connectors. With these connectors, various kinds of restrictors such as capillary or membrane type restrictor are assembled and installed due to individual requirements. Furthermore, the pressure, flow and temperature of each pad are measured on-line simultaneously.
Since limited experimental measurements are available to illustrate the properties and interaction between various parameters, and additionally, the theoretical derivation is complicated, non-linear and hard to be verified, the proposed neural network structure is demonstrated very suitable to model the flow restrictor design problem. By means of a well-trained network, the design parameters and the data with the uncertainty of the derivation had been successfully correlated.
摘要 II
致謝辭 V
目錄 VI
符號表 X
第一章 導論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 液靜壓軸承與節流器文獻回顧 3
1-2-1 固定式節流器之研究 3
1-2-2 自補償節流器之研究 5
1-2-3 複合型節流器之研究 6
1-3 類神經網路發展回顧 8
1-4 研究動機與本文內容 11
第二章 液靜壓軸承與節流器基本理論推導 13
2-1 毛細管節流器 14
2-2 溝槽型節流器 18
2-3 油墊與主動式節流器封油面流阻計算 22
2-3-1 兩平行板間流場分析 22
2-3-2 環形封油面之流場分析 24
2-3-3 方形與環形封油面流阻公式整理 26
第三章 液靜壓軸承流阻網路法分析 29
3-1 單向墊流阻網路法分析 30
3-1-1 固定式節流器搭配單向墊系統 31
3-1-2 自補償節流器搭配單向墊系統 33
3-1-3 複合式節流器搭配單向墊系統 35
3-2 對向墊流阻網路法分析 36
3-2-1 固定式節流器搭配對向墊系統 36
3-2-2 自補償節流器搭配對向墊系統 38
3-2-3 複合式節流器搭配對向墊系統 42
第四章 溝槽式節流器實驗研究 44
4-1 液靜壓節流器實驗架構 44
4-1-1 液靜壓軸承小型實驗平台與節流器整合座 44
4-1-2 實驗與量測設備 46
4-1-3 實驗架設 49
4-2 實驗方法與步驟 51
4-3 固定式(溝槽型)節流器單向墊實驗結果 53
第五章 複合式節流器模擬與分析 58
5-1 實驗室研究成果整理 58
5-2 過往模擬回顧 60
5-3 流阻比例無因次化模擬 63
5-4 自補償效果定義 67
第六章 複合式節流器實驗研究 69
6-1 盤型彈簧剛性實驗 69
6-2 複合式節流器不同彈簧配置實驗 75
6-3 複合式節流器預壓調整實驗 78
6-4 複合式節流器預壓比較實驗 80
6-5 複合式節流器實驗-連續紀錄動態反應 84
第七章 類神經網路架構與應用實作 95
7-1 監督式學習與類神經網路簡介 97
7-1-1 監督式學習 98
7-1-2 類神經元與類神經網路 99
7-1-3 訓練類神經網路 103
7-2 建立類神經網路模型 106
7-2-1 資料前處理 107
7-2-2 網路架構 109
7-2-3 訓練演算法選用 109
7-2-4 網路驗證 110
7-3 固定式(溝槽型)節流器實驗數據訓練與預測結果 112
7-4 如何將類神經網路作為設計工具 118
第八章 結論與未來工作 121
8-1 結論 121
8-2 未來工作 122
參考文獻 126
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