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作者(外文):Huang, Chu-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Numerical analysis on performance of tubular ethanol-steam reformer
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Wen-Jenn
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yen-Cho
Li, Lung-Jeng
外文關鍵詞:ethanol-steam reformingtubular reactorthe conversion of ethanol
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  • 評分評分:*****
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探討在反應器外管壁有熱損失情況下的影響,當對流熱傳係數(h)為2 W/〖(m〗^2∙K) 時,因乙醇蒸氣重組反應為吸熱反應,會使反應管溫度下降幅度很大,而不利於乙醇蒸氣重組的反應,所以一般建議反應管能在放置在像是加熱爐內,讓反應管內的溫度變化較小。
The performances for the tubular reactor of ethanol-steam reforming for hydrogen production are investigated numerically in this study. For ethanol steam reforming using Ni/ Al2O3 as catalyst, the effect of temperature, flow rate, and inlet steam-ethanol composition in isothermal process are studied. The numerical result show that the conversion of ethanol can reach 100% and the conversion of water can reach 30% under optimum operating condition. For fixed inlet composition and catalyst loading, the result show from the variation of flow rate shows that there exists a peak value of . the conversion of ethanol and water. The temperature plays an important effect in the reactor performance of hydrogen production, and high temperature have better performances. Moreover, the higher molar steam-ethanol ratio is, the better outlet hydrogen concentration is. But the high molar steam-ethanol ratio means high amount of water, the overall amount of hydrogen production doesn’t increase too much. The source of hydrogen from water is relatively high proportion at 673K, but at 873K, the source of hydrogen from water is the same proportion as it from ethanol.
The effect the heat loss from the outside wall on the reactor performance are studied. At the convective heat transfer coefficient(h) is 2 W/〖(m〗^2∙K), the temperature of reactor from inlet to outlet drops sharply. Because steam reforming of ethanol is an endothermic reaction, it’s not conductine to reaction of steam reforming of ethanol. It’s commended that the reaction tube is placed inside a heating furnace to make the temperature inside the tubular reactor vary slightly.
摘要 3
Abstract 4
第一章 緒論 5
1.1前言 5
1.2文獻回顧 6
1.3研究目的 13
第二章 乙醇重組的反應機制及反應器 14
2.1 乙醇重組反應機制 14
2.2 乙醇蒸氣重組反應器 15
第三章 數學模式與數值方法 17
3.1 物理說明與基本假設 17
3.2 統御方程式 18
3.2.1 質量守恆方程式 18
3.2.2 動量方程式 18
3.2.3 能量方程式 19
3.2.4 物質方程式 20
3.3化學反應 20
3.3.1 乙醇蒸氣重組反應模式 20
3.4邊界條件 22
3.5數值方法 23
第四章 結果與討論 25
4.1乙醇重組反應器 28
4.1.1乙醇水蒸氣流量對反應器性能及各成份濃度的效應 28
4.1.2溫度對反應器性能及各成份濃度的效應 33
4.1.3入口蒸氣乙醇比變化對反應器性能及各成份濃度的效應 38
第五章 結論與未來發展 45
5.1結論 45
5.2未來發展 46
參考文獻 47
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