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作者(外文):Wu, Ho-Meng
論文名稱(外文):Performance Tests on Pulsating Heat Pipes (PHPs) and Water-Cooling System under Two Heat Sources
指導教授(外文):Wong, Shwin-Chung
口試委員(外文):Sheu, Wen-Jenn
Yang, Kai-Shing
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:69
  • 評分評分:*****
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This study experimentally investigates a novel 3-D configuration pulsating heat pipes (PHPs) combining fin-and-tube condenser under two same heat sources. Three models of the fin-and-tube condenser are adopted: the original tubes (non-tube model), further inserted with three smaller solid tubes (solid-tube model), or further inserted with three smaller hollow tubes (hollow-tube model). The thermal performances of the PHPs are compared with those of a commercial water cooling system. It is shown that all three types of PHPs can operate up to 1000W, using methanol as the working fluid with a filling ratio around 60%. But the thermal resistances of the PHPs are higher than the water cooling system. Excluding the resistance of the welding parts, the non-tube model is better than the other models under vertical arrangement, and has stronger changes on temperature distribution and oscillating motions as the power increases. Under horizontal arrangement, only the non-tube model can operate up to 900W and the other models dry out at 400W. This difference can be attributed to the increase of the whole flow resistance and pat of the liquid is trapped in the separate channels of the heat exchanger tubes. Using HFE-7000 as the working fluid with a filling ratio around 60%, the flow direction is fixed and the system thermal resistances of the non-tube model decrease by 7.2% ~ 18.8% than methanol under low power condition; however, dryout occurs beyond 800 W. Using methanol as the working fluid with a filling ratio around 50%, the non-tube model has the best heat performance, with a thermal resistance of 0.056℃/W at 1 kW. Oppositely, the hollow-tube model will dry out under high power condition because part of the working fluid is trapped. Finally, the present 3-D configuration increases the proportion of the heating area covered by the heat pipe to 66.67%, and greatly increases the effective cooling area. These features allow the proposed 3-D pulsating heat pipes to handle a supplied power up to 1 kW, much higher than any amount for the 2-D configurations in the existing literature.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖表目錄 V
符號表 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2脈衝式熱管結構與工作原理 1
1.3文獻回顧 5
1.4脈衝式熱管之設計參數 18
1.4.1熱管內徑 18
1.4.2工作流體 18
1.4.3填充率 19
1.4.4匝數 20
1.5研究動機與目的 20
第二章 實驗設備與方法 21
2.1市售水冷系統實驗 21
2.1.1實驗目的 21
2.1.2實驗設備與架構 21
2.1.3實驗步驟 27
2.1.4實驗參數 28
2.1.5實驗誤差分析 29
2.2脈衝式熱管系統實驗 31
2.2.1實驗目的 31
2.2.2實驗設備與架構 31
2.2.3實驗步驟 39前置作業流程 39實驗流程 40
2.2.4實驗參數 41
2.2.5實驗誤差分析 43
第三章 結果與討論 45
3.1工作流體為甲醇、充填率約60%三種模組 45
3.1.1工作流體、模組、充填率之選擇 45
3.1.2垂直擺放操作狀態下之性能量測與比較 46無插管模組特性量測 50實心管模組特性量測 53空心管模組特性量測 55
3.1.3水平擺放操作狀態下之性能量測與比較 56
3.2工作流體為HFE-7000、充填率約60%兩種模組 58
3.3工作流體為甲醇、充填率約50%兩種模組 60
3.4與現有文獻比較加熱面積和最大操作瓦數 62
第四章 結論 65
參考文獻 67
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