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作者(外文):Wu, Dong-Han
論文名稱(外文):Construction of Numerical Model for Obtaining Optical Constants and Development of Automatic Measurement System for High Temperature Directional Emissivity
指導教授(外文):Chen, Yu-Bin
口試委員(外文):Hong, Che-Wun
Lin, Albert
外文關鍵詞:automaticemissivityhigh temperaturenumerical modeloptical constants
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  • 評分評分:*****
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放射率為材料的基本熱物理性質之一,定義為樣本所放射之特定波長輻射功率,與在相同溫度下理想表面(黑體)所放射相同波長之輻射功率的比值,是溫度、波長、方向等變數之函數。量測樣本表面放射率對熱物理與應用非常重要,卻易受環境與其他影響而失真。本研究成功建立光學常數計算模型,可由樣本在紅外光波段且兩種不同角度之放射率頻譜,計算出該樣本之光學常數。文中以硫化鋅為例,該物質在波長範圍為8 µm - 14 µm之熱輻射性質,成功驗證此計算模型之正確性。本研究也利用黑體爐、自行設計樣本加熱平台、光學鏡組、傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀及自動化模組,建構出一套高溫樣本方向放射率自動化量測系統,再以藍寶石基板、金平板、純鐵、表面具有一維週期結構之碳化矽等樣本,量測溫度400 K - 700 K下放射角度0o - 60o,波長範圍包含4 µm - 25 µm之放射率。量測結果與數值模擬值一致並與過往文獻吻合,證實此量測系統之能力。本文成功建立光學常數計算模型與樣本方向高溫放射率系統兩者,不僅獲得之結果相輔相成,對於未來探究材料在不同高溫下的基礎熱物理性質及開發波長選擇性或指向性輻射熱放射元件將有相當大的貢獻。
Emissivity is a fundamental thermos-physical property, defined as the ratio of emitted intensity from a real surface to an ideal surface (blackbody) at same temperature. Tailored emissivity, showing wavelength-selectivity or direction-dependence is important in energy-harvesting, optoelectronics, and thermal applications. In this study, a numerical model for obtaining optical constants using infrared emissivity spectra of different emission angles was successfully established. The numerical model was verified with thermal radiative properties of ZnS in the wavelength range between 8 um and 14 um. The other contribution of this study was to develop an automatic measurement system for high temperature directional emissivity. This system was composed of a blackbody oven, sample heater, optical elements, FTIR spectrometer and a LabVIEW user interface. The emissivity of sapphire, gold, iron, and SiC was used to verify the working range of measurement system from 400 K to 700 K in temperature, 0º to 60º in emission degree, and 4 μm to 25 μm in wavelength. Measurement results of directional emissivity agree well with those from numerical prediction. They are also consistent with results in the published references. The two contributions, the developed numerical model and automatic measurement system, show results supporting each other.Both can provide large beneifits to insightful investigation on radiative properties of materials at high temperatures as well as utilization of these properties.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
符號表 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 背景介紹 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目標 4
第二章 理論基礎 6
2.1 光追朔法 6
2.2 嚴格耦合波理論 9
2.3 放射率量測基本理論 13
第三章 樣本設計與製作 15
3.1 光罩尺寸與圖案設計 15
3.2 樣本製作步驟與實驗參數 17
3.3 樣本結構尺寸量測 20
第四章 建立光學常數計算模型 24
4.1 模擬樣本之熱輻射性質 24
4.2 計算樣本光學常數之方法 27
第五章 高溫樣本方向放射率自動化量測系統 28
5.1 系統架構 28
5.2 組成元件 29
5.2.1 樣本加熱平台 29
5.2.2 黑體爐 32
5.2.3 傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀 35
5.2.4 光學鏡組 38
5.3 自動化量測 43
5.4 量測方式 47
第六章 結果與討論 49
6.1 模擬單層樣本之熱輻射性質 49
6.2 模擬一維週期結構樣本之熱輻射性質 53
6.3 計算樣本之光學常數 56
6.4 放射率量測結果 59
6.4 重複性實驗 64
第七章 結論與未來工作 66
7.1 結論 66
7.2 未來工作 67
參考文獻 68
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