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作者(外文):Huang, Dao-Hong.
論文名稱(外文):Photoresponsive actuators containing poly(n-butyl methacrylate) and chromophore
指導教授(外文):Masaki, Horie
口試委員(外文):Su, An-Chung
Yu, Chin-Yang
外文關鍵詞:polymerchromophorephoto-responsiveglass transition temperatureself-healing
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除了觀查到巨觀的形變,小角度散射和X 光繞射被用來調查微結構的變化,原位小角度散射顯示結構上的形變來自於主要粒子的形態轉變,因為無規高分子鏈的形狀在橢圓形及碟形之間轉變,造成巨觀的膨脹及收縮。不同溫度下的X 光繞射圖譜顯示可逆巨觀的型變是由於高分子微結構上的變化所造成,在此基礎下,我們提出了含聚甲基丙烯酸正丁酯及二茂鐵之光感應啟動器在雷射光激發下的反應機制,並以圖示說明。

Innovative devices should contribute to improvements in human life. Many researchers have dedicated their life in creating smart machines. Among them, molecular machines are regarded as one of the most interesting material systems toward future opto-electronic and bio applications due to its rapid and controllable motion in the presence of external stimulus. In addition, the characteristic of reversible motion provides numerous opportunities for practical usage.
This thesis reports development of photo-responsive actuators composed of a polymer and chromophores. Thin film comprising poly(butyl methacrylate) (PBMA) as a host matrix and ferrocene as a guest chromophore shows expansion/contraction upon 445-nm laser turning on/off. Relatively higher efficiency of photomechanical conversion is revealed by tuning doping concentration of ferrocene and film thickness. The ferrocene-doped PBMA film with gold coating is applied to an electric circuit, serving as photo-responsive switch due to its rapid and reversible motion. Furthermore, the deformation of ferrocene-doped PBMA film is used in a double layer system, in which ferrocene-doped PBMA film plays the role of a photoresponsive active layer and commercial sticky tape composed of acetic ester serves as a passive layer. The different chain mobility in amorphous area upon 445-nm laser irradiation enables the bending motion toward the passive layer. Moreover, a cargo attached onto the table-shaped machine is fabricated. The cargo machine (0.7 mg) possesses the ability to lift an object up to10.5 mg up and down reversibly controlled by the laser on and off. The mechanical force provided by a double layer film composed of the active and passive layers is recorded.
In addition to the macroscopic deformation, the structural change in molecular level was also investigated by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). In-situ SAXS indicates that the deformation is caused by the transformation of main particles. The shape of polymer random coils alter between oval particles and disk-like particles, which results in macroscopic area change. XRD patterns of the polymer-ferrocene films are observed at various temperatures to reveal the reversible microscopic structural change. On the basis of the SAXS and XRD analysis, a mechanism of structural changes in ferrocene-doped PBMA film upon external stimuli is discussed.
Besides photo-responsive deformation, one interesting finding reveals that the ferrocene-doped PBMA film is able to recover from physical damage such as scratches and cracks by photoirradiation or heat. The damaged film is recovered by applying 445-nm laser irradiation in a few minutes. In addition, two separate films are able to fuse into one by photo-irradiation or heat. The mechanical force before and after healing is estimated. The healing process is illustrated and the extent of healing is calculated by healing efficiency.
Table of contents-----III
Chapter 1 Introduction and aim-----1
Chapter 2 Photo-responsive polymer film with tunable shape and its morphology study-----22
Chapter 3 Self-healing in ferrocene doped PBMA film-----48
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Prospective-----59
Chapter 5 Experimental section-----61
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