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作者(外文):Chang, Te-Wei
論文名稱(外文):CO2 Capture by Fluidized Adsorption Absorption
指導教授(外文):Wong, Shan-Hill
外文關鍵詞:CO2 capturehybrid absorption-adsorption system
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  • 點閱點閱:426
  • 評分評分:*****
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實驗結果顯示,10wt% AC分散在EG中、5wt%AC分散在DEG中和5wt%AC分散在PEG-400中,吸收量分別達到最大值並且接近吸附劑和吸收劑的吸附和吸收容量之和。進一步添加吸附劑的重量百分比,由於分散效果變差,將導致總吸收容量降低。
Increasing CO2 emissions from using fossil fuels and the resulting greenhouse effect have received extensive concerns, and the reduction of CO2 has become the global trend. In this study, we select cheap mesoporous materials, AC (activated carbon) as adsorbents. Moreover, we also modify AC with impregnation method to improve its CO2 capture capacity. For solution, we select EG(ethylene glycol), DEG(diethylene glycol) and PEG-400(polyethylene glcol) for CO2 capture in flue gas. TGA was used to determine the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent and a break through experiment was used to determine the absorption capacity of the solvent and the hybrid in batch system.
The result shows that 10wt% AC dispersed in EG, 5wt%AC dispersed in DEG and 5wt%AC dispersed in PEG-400 reach maximum value and are close to the sum of adsorption and absorption capacities of the adsorbent and absorbent. Further addition of adsorbent will lead to decrease in total capacity due to poor dispersion.
In modified AC hybrid absorption-adsorption system, 20wt%AC-NaOH(2N) dispersed in EG and 20wt%AC-KOH(2N) dispersed in EG reach maximum value, 0.1984mmol/g(1bar,10%CO2)and 0.1551mmol/g(1bar,10%CO2)respectively, and are higher than the weighted average ad(b)sorption value of solid and liquid phase. Moreover, 20wt%AC-KOH(2N)+EG has lower degradation of absorption capacity after each cycle of regeneration test.
The experimental results show that the selected absorbent, modified activated carbon, dispersed in EG has better absorption than that of ZIF-8/mIm in EG with absorption of 0.125mmol/L-1 (1bar, 10% CO2).
摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 CO2捕獲技術 2
1-3 CO2分離技術 4
第二章 文獻回顧與研究動機 7
2-1 研究動機 7
2-2 文獻回顧 8
第三章 實驗方法 20
3-1 實驗藥品 20
3-2 實驗設備 21
3-2 吸收劑製備 22
3-3 實驗裝置與步驟 24
3-4 儀器校正 28
3-5 數據處理 29
第四章 結果與討論 32
4-1吸附劑負載率 32
4-2 比表面積與孔隙體積分析 35
4-3 SEM與EDS影像分析 36
4-4 活性碳固體吸附劑 50
4-4-1吸收實驗 50
4-4-2再生實驗 53
4-5 活性碳流體化吸收劑 56
4-6 氫氧化鉀/活性碳流體化吸收劑 61
4-6-1 吸收實驗 61
4-6-2 再生實驗 65
4-7 氫氧化鈉/活性碳流體化吸收劑 70
4-7-1 吸收實驗 70
4-7-2 再生實驗 75
4-8 氫氧化鉀與氫氧化鈉/活性碳流體化吸收劑比較 79
第五章 結論 83
第六章 參考文獻 84

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