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作者(外文):Wu, Jen-Hsuan.
論文名稱(外文):Red phosphorus for potassium-ion full cells
指導教授(外文):Tuan, Hsing-Yu
口試委員(外文):Chou, Kan-Sen
Tseng, Yuan-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:potassium-ion batteryred phosphorusfull cell
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鉀金屬跟鈉金屬一樣,在地球上的含量極為豐富,由於其低成本、自然資源豐富、且跟鋰金屬同為鹼金屬一族,具有相似的化學性質,使其成為最有潛力替代鋰離子電池能源儲存和轉換的新材料。最近,鉀離子電池(KIBs)已經被極大的關注。有研究已經證明將鉀離子插入石墨碳材料是可行的。然而,鉀離子電池(KIBs)的電化學性能依然不能令人滿意。此外,由於鉀離子電池相關的文獻,負極材料多以碳材為主,這限制了鉀電池的電容量。在這裡,我們提出了以商用紅磷為材料的負極,以高能量球磨即可活化商用紅磷,混碳材是為了增加導電度和穩定性。此外,我們用紅磷為負極,K-MnHCFe的層狀結構為正極,組成了鉀離子的全電池。目前世界上的研究還沒有人做出用紅磷為負極的鉀離子半電池,更不用說鉀離子全電池了。我們的研究證明了此搭配的鉀離子全電池可以作為儲存能量的裝置,不但具有非常優異的電容量性能(約500 mA h g-1, 300 mA g-1)和穩定的長期循環性能(200 mA h g-1, 1000 mA g-1,經過680次循環。)此外,我們成功組裝了軟包鉀離子全電池,並用它來點亮許多LED燈泡。這些結果使得RP-C/K-MnHCFe的鉀離子全電池有望用於儲能裝置的實際應用,因此我們認為該結構是一種非常具有前景的電池儲存裝置設計。
Potassium has as rich an abundance as sodium in the earth. potassium-ion battery is thought of as alternatives to Lithium-ion batteries due to low cost, and the similar chemical properties to Li. Recently, significant attention has been paid to potassium-ion battery (KIBs). The intercalation of potassium ions into graphitic carbon materials has been demonstrated to be feasible. However, the electrochemical performance of the potassium-ion battery (KIBs) is still unsatisfactory. Besides, most of researches reported about potassium-ion batteries are carbon-based anodes. Here we report RP-based anodes (RP-C) for potassium-ion batteries. We propose an anode made of commercial red phosphorus. We can activate commercial red phosphorus by using high-energy ball milling. To increase conductivity and stability, we mix RP with carbon materials. In addition, we constitute a full cell of potassium ions, used red phosphorus as the anode, and the layered structure of K-MnHCFe as the cathode. By far, there isn’t a research about a potassium ion half cell using red phosphorus as anodes, not to mention a potassium ion full cell. The K-ion full cell was successfully assembled, and it has very excellent rate capability (about 500 mA h g-1, at 300 mA g-1) and stable long term cycling performance (200 mA h g-1 at 1000 mA g-1 after 680 cycles.) Moreover, we successfully assemble a pouch-type K-ion full cell, and using it to lighten up many LED bulbs. These results make RP-C/K-MnHCFe K-ion full cell promising for practical application in energy storage devices, and we believe that the structure as a new promising battery storage applications.
中文摘要------------------------------------------------ I
Abstract----------------------------------------------- II
Table of Contents-------------------------------------- III
List of Figures---------------------------------------- IV
Chapter 1. Introduction-------------------------------- 1
1.1 Introduction of Potassium ion batteries------------ 1
1.2 Red phosphorus anodes: potential and challenges---- 4
1.3 Introduction of cathode---------------------------- 6
1.4 half cell vs full cell----------------------------- 7
1.5 The effect of anode in potassium ion batteries----- 8
Chapter 2. Experimental Section------------------------ 9
2.1 Chemicals------------------------------------------ 9
2.2 Red phosphorus anode preparation------------------- 9
2.3 Synthesis of K-MnHCFe------------------------------ 9
2.4 Cathode preparation-------------------------------- 10
2.5 Potassium ion battery assembly--------------------- 10
2.6 Electrochemical characterization Potassium ion battery assembly----------------------------------------------- 10
2.7 Characterization----------------------------------- 10
Chapter 3. Result and discussion----------------------- 11
3.1 Characterization of RP-Fe composites and K-MnHCFe-- 11
3.2 Electrochemical performance------------------------ 12
3.3 Conclusion----------------------------------------- 23
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