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作者(外文):Tsai, Hao-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):Achieving Mid-Infrared Negative Permeability, Angular Reconfiguration, Directive Perfect Absorption/Emission with Vertical Metamaterials
指導教授(外文):Yen, Ta-Jen
口試委員(外文):Huang, Chen-Bin
Tanaka, Takuo
Chen, Che-Chin
Tseng, Ming-Lun
外文關鍵詞:MetamaterialsPerfect absorberMid InfraredNanoantennaNegative permeability3D-metamaterialsIR sourcePerfect emitterHigh directiveAngular reconfigurationGeneralized Kerker condition
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  • 點閱點閱:518
  • 評分評分:*****
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In recent years, the development of the fundamental properties of the metamaterials have been well developed, more and more groups are gradually turning to practical applications such as photodetectors, sensors, metasurfaces, and antennas, mainly focusing on visible light, microwave and radio frequency. The application of the infrared band is quite rare, and the only common ones are the use of metamaterials to make absorbers and emitters. The reason for this is mainly due to the fact that the fabrication of metamaterials in the infrared region, which requires the use of lithography and coating. In the case of the planner metamaterials with single layer, the interaction between electromagnetic waves and metamaterials is quite weak. Also because of the fabrication limitation, the research on the basic properties of planner metamaterials in the infrared band is much rarer than in other bands. Therefore, this work uses the metal-stress driven self-folding method to fabricate three-dimensional metamaterials. We present the vertical double split-ring resonators to reduce the electric response, and use high-density stacking to enhance the magnetic response of the resonator, and achieve zero permeability and negative permeability under normal incidence. At the same time, the coupling properties between the normal incident light and the three-dimensional and planar structures are also quantitatively compared. Our results show that the three-dimensional structure has 1 to 3 orders enhancement in the magnetic response compared with the planar structure. In application-related research, we provide solutions for angular reconfiguration, directional metamaterial perfect absorber, and perfect emitter. In angular reconfigurable metamaterials, we use symmetric and asymmetric split-ring resonators to control the direction of the electric dipole by controlling the split angle to change the radiation direction accordingly. Different dipole moment interference enables the antenna to achieve full-angular control from 0o to 180o in vertical direction. We also make use of the interference of electric dipoles and electric quadrupoles to design a perfect absorber whose scattering in the reflection direction is near zero. Moreover, we heat up the metamaterial to make the perfect absorber into highly directive perfect emitter. Through the symmetric/asymmetric and hybrid structures design, we can achieve polarization isotropic / anisotropic, single-band/multi-band, and high directivity perfect absorbers and emitters.
In the original researches described in this thesis, we are the first group to unveil the relationship between strong magnetic resonance and negative permeability, and the first group to control the electric dipole vectors of three-dimensional metamaterials to achieve radiation angular reconfiguration. Moreover, with the equality of the spectral directional in emissivity and absorption, we first realize the perfect absorption scattering properties with the perfect emitter. We believe our effort in three-dimensional metamaterials could pave a way for the follow-up study of metamaterial scattering properties, such as chirality, toroidal, and anapole, and the related applications in molecule sensing, color routing, photodetector, light source, metasurfaces, and waveplates in MIR region.
Abstract ii
摘要 iv
致謝 v
Content vii
Chapter 1: Introduction and thesis statements 1
1.1 Metamaterial 1
1.2 Artificial magnetism 3
1.3 From two-dimensional to three-dimensional metamaterials 6
1.4 Scattering direction control with nanoantenna 8
1.5 Perfect absorber 12
1.6 Thesis statements 15
Chapter 2: Fabrication process and analytical framework 19
2.1 The metal-stress self-folding method 19
2.2 Bianisotropy retrieval method 20
2.3 Multipole decomposition 22
2.4 The Kerker condition and the generalized Kerker condition 23
2.5 Optical properties characterization 26
Chapter 3: Achieve artificial magnetism under normal incidence 30
3.1 Introduction 30
3.2 Observation of the magnetic response in DSRRs 31
3.3 Macro-scale: origin of negative permeability with DSRRs 35
3.4 Micro-scale: strong magnetic response with normal incidence in 3D geometry 37
3.5 Conclusion 42
Chapter 4: Angular reconfiguration 43
4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Motivation and Design 45
4.3 Optical properties characterization 48
4.4 Substrate effect 50
4.5 Connecting the transmittance and reflectance with the analytical far-field radiation 52
4.6 Extract scattering direction 55
4.7 Conclusion 59
Chapter 5: High directive metamaterials perfect absorber and perfect emitter 61
5.1 Introduction 61
5.2 Origin and design of the vertical metamaterial perfect absorber and emitter 62
5.3 Experimentally verify the perfect absorption and angular dispersion and achieve polarization insensitive 69
5.4 Emissivity characterization under straight direction 74
5.5 Examine the generalized Kerker condition and retrieve the scattering pattern by emission 78
5.6 Conclusion 82
Chapter 6: Summary and Outlook 83
Chapter 7: Reference 97
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