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作者(中文):庫 廈
作者(外文):Bapna, Khushal
論文名稱(外文):Earth abundant CBTSSe solar cells by non-vacuum spray pyrolysis process
指導教授(外文):Lai, Chih-Huang
口試委員(外文):Hsieh, Tung-Po
Wang, Chih-Liang
外文關鍵詞:non-vacuumspray pyrolysisearth abundantsolar cellsCBTSCBTSSe
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:508
  • 評分評分:*****
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Reaching efficiency more than 12.6% in earth-abundant CZTSSe(Copper Zinc
Tin Sulpho-selenide) solar cells is very challenging as Copper-Zinc disorder remains
the biggest barrier in reaching higher open-circuit voltage. Replacing either Zinc or
Copper by another earth-abundant element bigger in size can solve the disordering
issue and subsequently reach a higher open-circuit voltage. In this work, we
replace Zinc with Barium and form a promising trigonal structure earth-abundant
Cu2BaSn(S,Se)4 (CBTSSe) solar cells. Our work presents a simple and inexpensive
solution-based approach to fabricate earth-abundant Copper Barium Tin Sulphoselenide(CBTSSe) solar cells.
To fabricate CBTSSe solar cells by non-vacuum and solution-based process is
challenging as non-uniformity in precursor due to barium affinity towards oxygen
and chlorine refrain the phase formation. To solve this problem we devised a spray
and bake method to form for the first time 0.6% efficient CBTSSe solar cells by
water-based spray pyrolysis process.
Table of Content
Table of Content 4
List of figures 6
List of tables 8
Chapter 1 : Background and motivation 9
Distribution of thesis 15
Chapter 2 : Solar cells 16
2.1 - History of solar cells 16
2.2 - History of thin film solar cells 16
2.3 - Physics of solar cells 17
2.4 - J ( Current density) - V (voltage) curve 18
2.5.1 - Short circuit current density (Jsc) 19
2.5.2 - Open-circuit voltage (Voc) 20
2.5.3 Fill factor (FF) 21
2.5.4 Efficiency 21
2.5.5 - Series resistance (Rs) 22
2.5.6 - Shunt resistance (Rsh) 22
2.5 - Recombination mechanism 23
2.5.1 - Band to Band recombination 24
2.5.1 - Auger recombination 24
2.5.3 - Recombination through intermediate level or a defect state 24
Chapter 3 : CBTSSe solar cells 26
3.1 - Crystal structure 26
3.2 - Defect system 27
3.3 - Phase region 30
3.4 - Overview on the fabrication of CBTSSe thin film 32
3.4.1 - Vacuum processes 32 - Co-Sputtering 32
3.4.2 - Non-vacuum processes 32 - Chemical spray pyrolysis 33
3.5 - Characterizations 33
3.5.1 - Material analysis 33 - Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) 33 - Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX/EDS) 34 - Raman Spectroscopy 34
!4 - X-ray Diffraction (XRD) 34 - Photoluminescence(PL) Spectroscopy 35
3.5.2 - Electrical characterisation 36 - Current-Voltage (IV) measurement 36 - Capacitance-Voltage (CV) measurement 36 - External quantum efficiency (EQE) 37
Chapter 4 : General experimental procedure 38
5.1.1 - Molybdenum (Mo) back contact 39
5.1.2 - CBTSSe absorber 39 - Preparation of the solution 40 - Fabrication of CBTSSe films 40
5.1.3 - Cadmium Sulphide (CdS) buffer layer 41
5.1.4- Window layer 42
5.1.5 - Silver grid 42
5.1.6 - Characterizations 42
Chapter 5 : Results and discussion 43
5.1 - Phase formation 43
5.1.1 - Overcoming a non-uniform precursor film 43
5.1.2 - Effects of selenium during sulphurisation 50
5.2 - Device performance and characterisation 54
Chapter 6 : Conclusion and outlooks 59
6.1 - Challenges 59
6.2 - Summary 60
6.3 - Future prospects for CBTS solar cells and non-vacuum process 61
References 62
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