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作者(外文):Chen, Ren-Chin.
論文名稱(外文):Enhanced Electrochemical Performance of Waste Silicon via Rapid Thermal Process for Lithium-ion Battery Anode
指導教授(外文):Duh, Jenq-Gong
口試委員(外文):Hsiao, Li-Yin
Lee, Chi-Young
外文關鍵詞:Lithium ion batterysilicon/carbon anoderapid thermal process
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究將從太陽能工業所產生之廢料矽純化後,透過簡易的快速熱處理製程,將其轉變為鋰離子電池負極材料。此廢料矽/碳複合負極可透過在快速熱處理製程中將聚丙烯酸/聚乙烯醇交聯黏著劑部分碳化後所製成。這樣的設計改進了廢料矽負極中的導電網絡,避免因矽在充放電過程中劇烈的體積膨脹使整個電極受到損害。除此之外,於電極中的碳層結構可以提供電子導電路徑,因此在此負極設計中無須添加額外之助導材料。電化學測試結果顯示,改良後之負極首圈庫倫效率高達89%,100圈充放電後仍保有1400 mAh g-1可逆電容量,且在C-rate測試中也展現了優異的成果。總結來說,根據低成本、簡易製程,高性能的優勢,此研究提供了一製備高電容量鋰離子電池負極的有利途徑。
The waste silicon particles from photovoltaic industries are turned into the anode material for lithium ion battery through a facile procedure, rapid thermal process. The waste silicon /carbon composite anode is formed by partial carbonization of cross-linked poly(acrylic acid)/poly(vinyl alcohol) binder during rapid thermal process. This design improves conductive framework of waste silicon anode, preventing the electrode from pulverization due to the serious volume expansion of silicon during cycling. Furthermore, the carbon matrix structure in the electrode provides the conductive path for electrons. Thus, no additional conductive agents are required in this novel anode design. The enhanced electrode shows a reversible charge capacity of 1400 mAh g-1 after 100 cycles. Moreover, a high first cycle efficiency around 89%, and superior rate capability are achieved. Overall, on the basis of several advantages, including low cost, facile manufacture, and high performance, this approach provides a feasible pathway to achieve high-capacity anodes for lithium ion batteries.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivations and Objectives in This Study 2
Chapter 2 Literature Survey 4
2.1 Introduction of Lithium-ion Battery 4
2.1.1 Evolution of Lithium-ion Battery 4
2.1.2 Mechanism of Lithium-ion Battery 10
2.1.3 Evolution of anode material 14
2.2 Si-based Anode 18
2.2.1 Basic Concept of Si-based Anode 18
2.2.2 Particle Size Issue for Si Anode 24
2.2.3 Architecture Designs for Si-based Anode 27
2.2.4 Interfacial Control for Si-based Anode: Binders and Electrolyte Additive 31
2.3 Silicon Waste Recycling 37
2.4 Rapid Thermal Process 42
Chapter 3 Experiment 44
3.1. Material Preparation 44
3.1.1. Waste Silicon Particles from Solar Industry 44
3.1.2. Electrode Fabrication for Normal Electrode 44
3.1.3. Electrode Fabrication for RTP Electrode 45
3.2. Characterization and Analysis 46
3.2.1 Phase Identification 46
3.2.2 Compositional Evaluation 46
3.2.3 Morphological Observation 46
3.3. Electrochemical Analysis 47
3.3.1. Battery Assembly 47
3.3.2. Cyclability and Rate Capability Measurement 47
3.3.3. Cyclic Voltammetry(CV) 48
3.3.4. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) 48
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 51
4.1 Characterization of Waste Silicon Particles 51
4.2 Investigation of Binder and RTP Electrode 56
4.3 Electrochemical Properties of Waste Silicon Electrodes 63
Conclusion 71
Future Perspective 72
Appdenix 74
A.1 The FTIR Result for The PAA/PVA Cross-linked Binder after RTP 74
A.2 Different Parameters for RTP Electrodes 75
A.3 The Capacity of Carbon Matrix 77
A.4 The Electrochemcial Performances for Different Binders 79
A.5 The RTP Treatment for SA Binder 81
References 84

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