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作者(外文):Lu, Wen-Chung
論文名稱(外文):Application of Copper Oxide/Gold/Zinc Oxide Nanowire Composites in Nitrogen Dioxide Gas Sensing
指導教授(外文):Lin, Heh-Nan
外文關鍵詞:Zinc oxide nanowirecomposite materialNitrogen dioxide gas sensing
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  以紫外光激活模式對材料進行NO2氣體感測,對於100 ppb的NO2,氧化鋅奈米線具有22%的平均響應。銅氧化物/氧化鋅複合材料的平均響應提高至211%,推測是因p-型銅氧化物與n-型氧化鋅接合形成p-n 接面,在氧化鋅內部形成空乏區而使響應增加;另一方面,金/氧化鋅複合材料平均響應也提高到239%,推論是由於金為吸附觸媒,可增加NO2的吸附量而使響應增加。
  對於三元複合材料,對100 ppb NO2,金/銅氧化物/氧化鋅複合材料的平均響應降至81%,這樣的原因推論為金與銅氧化物間的接觸並不如金與氧化鋅,使得氣體從銅氧化物搶奪電子的過程受到阻礙而形成響應減低的現象;而銅氧化物/金/氧化鋅複合材料則具有最高的283%平均響應,推論因其細小的添加物與氣體分子之間具有較大的接觸面積,使添加物的效果達到最大。
  In this work, we produced copper oxide/gold/zinc oxide nanowire composites and applied to NO2 gas sensing. First of all, we formed titanium electrodes on silicon wafers by photolithography and e-beam evaporation techniques. Second, zinc oxide nanowires were grown by low-temperature hydrothermal method and were annealed. Further, a simple and convenient photoreduction method was utilized to add copper oxide and gold particles on the nanowires. Then, ternary composites which contained a noble metal, a metal oxide and the zinc oxide matrix were made. Lastly, the composites were experimented in NO2 gas sensing. When NO2 chemically adsorbed on the composite surface, NO2 will trap the electrons and result in resistance increase. Based on the change in resistance, we can infer the gas concentration.
  We used scanning electron microscopy to observe the morphologies of materials. CuXO/ZnO produced by Copper Sulfate (CuSO4) photoreduction showed some smooth, cubic particles with a diameter of hundreds of nanometers on the nanowire surface, and Au/ZnO produced by Chloroauric acid (HAuCl4) photoreduction appeared rough, spherical particles with non-uniform sizes. If successively proceeded the two photoreductions mentioned above, some particles with an Au-covered CuXO structure were discovered on Au/CuXO/ZnO composite. However, many fine and smooth particles were dispersed uniformly on the surface of CuXO/Au/ZnO composite.
  We realized the NO2 gas sensing experiment under UV-activation mode for all materials mentioned. For 100 ppb NO2, the ZnO nanowires excited a 22% of average response. Comparatively, the CuXO/ZnO composite had an enhanced average response, of 211%. The reason might be the formation of depletion layer in the ZnO resulted from p-n junction between CuXO and ZnO. On the other hand, the Au/ZnO composite also showed an average response of 239%. It was inferred that gold can catalyze adsorption and enhance the number of adsorbed NO2 molecules.
  Regarding ternary composites, for 100 ppb NO2, the average response of Au/CuXO/ZnO composite decreased to 81%. One potential reason might be that the contact between Au and CuXO wasn’t as good as the one between Au and ZnO and would interfere electron transfer. On the contrary, the CuXO/Au/ZnO composite revealed the highest 283% average response. It might be attributed to the large contact area between additives and NO2 gas provided by those finer additives.
  In conclusion, CuXO/Au/ZnO structure can maximize the NO2 response. Also, this ternary composite showed a 12.8 times higher NO2 response than single material. This indicates it has potential applicaiton for low concentration NO2 gas sensing.
中文摘要 II
Abstract  III
致謝   IV
總目錄  V
圖目錄  VIII
表目錄  X
Chapter 1緒論 1
1.1 前言 2
1.2 研究動機 3
Chapter 2文獻回顧 4
2.1 氧化鋅概論 5
2.1.1 氧化鋅晶體結構 5
2.1.2 氧空缺本質摻雜 5
2.1.3 氧化鋅光學性質 7
2.1.4 奈米線合成方法與機制 8
2.2 氣體感測原理 11
2.2.1 金屬氧化物之氣體感測機制 11
2.2.2 二氧化氮與氧化鋅的吸附反應 12
2.2.3 紫外光激活之回復特性 12
2.3 金屬氧化物複合材料之氣體感測應用 15
2.4 光還原法 17
Chapter 3實驗流程與儀器 20
3.1 材料製作流程 21
3.1.1 電極製作 21
3.1.2 氧化鋅奈米線成長 22
3.1.3 退火處理 23
3.1.4 添加物的生成 23
3.2 材料分析儀器 24
3.2.1 掃描式電子顯微鏡 24
3.3.2 能量色散X射線光譜 25
3.3.3 X-射線繞射分析儀 25
3.2.4 螢光光譜儀 25
3.3 氣體感測實驗 25
3.3.1 氣體感測系統 25
3.3.2 二氧化氮濃度計算 26
3.3.3 氣體感測操作流程 27
Chapter 4實驗結果與討論 28
4.1 材料分析 29
4.1.1 表面形貌 29
4.1.2 晶體結構與元素組成 35
4.1.3 光致放光性質 38
4.2 二氧化氮氣體感測結果 40
4.2.1 大氣退火處理對氣體感測的影響 40
4.2.2 銅氧化物/氧化鋅二元複合材料的感測結果 42
4.2.3 金/氧化鋅二元複合材料的感測結果 45
4.2.4 三元複合材料的感測結果 46
4.2.5 無退火之三元複合材料的感測結果 48
Chapter 5 53
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