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作者(外文):Lin, Chia-Ching
論文名稱(中文):以多金屬氧酸鹽負極與鈉鎳錳鐵氧正極 應用於鈉離子電池之研究
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Na7[H2PV14O42] Anode and KxNa0.67-xNi0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2 Cathode for Na-ion Battery Applications
指導教授(外文):Chen, Han-Yi
口試委員(外文):Lu, Cheng-Zhang
Chen, Hsin-Yi
外文關鍵詞:Sodium-ion batteriesPolyoxometalatesLayered structure transition metal oxideNegative electrodePositive electrode
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本實驗使用簡易溶液法合成釩基多金屬氧酸鹽(vanadium-based polyoxometalate,Na7[H2PV14O42])並作為鈉離子電池負極材料,其在25 mA g-1的充放電電流密度下可逆電容量達到322 mA h g-1,且經過120圈循環後仍可保有87 %的電容量,顯示此材料作為鈉電池負極材料具有優良電化學性質。為了進一步研究Na7[H2PV14O42]在充放電時的電荷轉移機制,利用X光光電子能譜儀和臨場(in situ)同步輻射X光吸收光譜來進行觀測,可觀察到部分釩的氧化態可還原至V3+。而透過臨場X光繞射分析,可觀察到在循環過程中,Na7[H2PV14O42]的晶格結構逐漸轉為非晶,得知其反應與晶格結構無關。推測其儲存鈉離子機制主要涉及鈉離子嵌入/嵌出陰離子團伴隨著釩的氧化還原反應,和鈉離子吸附/脫附在陰離子團的表面。
本研究第二部分以共沉澱法合成層狀結構鈉鎳錳鐵氧,Na0.67Ni0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2,作為鈉離子電池正極材料,並以鉀離子摻雜之K0.02Na0.65Ni0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2成功改善其循環壽命,在15 mA g-1的電流密度下,此兩種材料電容量分別可達到130 mA h g-1及150 mA h g-1,在20圈循環後的電容量保持率分別為86%及72%。
本研究第三部分以Na7[H2PV14O42]作為負極,並以K0.02Na0.65[Ni0.23Fe0.13Mn0.63]O2作為正極組成鈉離子全電池,其在15 mA g-1的電流密度、電壓範圍0 V–4 V下擁有150 mA h g-1的電容量,在90圈循環後,電容量保持率為64 %。
In this work, a vanadium-based polyoxometalate, Na7[H2PV14O42]·nH2O (n=6-24) was synthesized through a simple solution process, and proposed as a anode material for sodium ion batteries (NIBs). Na7[H2PV14O42] as anode in NIBs exhibits high reversible capacity of 322 mA h g-1 at 25 mA g-1 with high cycling stability (with capacity retention of 87 % after 120 cycles). To investigate the mechanism of charge storage in Na7[H2PV14O42] during charge/discharge, ex situ XPS and in situ synchrotron X-ray absorption near edge structure studies were implemented. It indicates that partial vanadium atoms were reduced to V3+ during discharge process. The crystal structure changes to amorphous during charge/discharge processes can be observed by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction, exhibiting that the reaction is independent of the crystal structure. Therefore, the charge storage mechanism of Na7[H2PV14O42] anodes can be proposed that it mainly involves redox reactions of V accompanied by the insertion/extraction of Na ions between the polyanions and adsorption/desorption of Na ions on the surface of the polyanions.
The synthesis of Na0.67Ni0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2 and its potassium ion doping materials as cathode for NIBs was reported. Na0.67Ni0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2 exhibits reversible capacity of 130 mA h g-1 at 15 mA g-1 with capacity retention of 72 % after 20 cycles. However, K0.02Na0.65Ni0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2 exhibits reversible capacity of 150 mA h g-1 at 15 mA g-1 with capacity retention of 87 % after 20 cycles. It indicates that the potassium ion doping could be a promising strategy to enhance the cycling stability of layered cathode for sodium ion battery.
A Na-ion Full Cell Comprising Na7[H2PV14O42] Anode and K0.02Na0.5Ni0.23Mn0.63Fe0.13O2 Cathode was reported. It exhibits reversible capacity of 150 mA h g-1 at 15 mA g-1 in the range from 0.01 V to 4 V vs. Na/Na+ with capacity retention of 64 % after 90 cycles.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
致謝 v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xv
第1章 研究目的 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.2.1 開發高性能鈉離子電池負極材料 3
1.2.2 開發高性能鈉離子電池正極材料 4
第2章 文獻回顧與原理簡介 6
2.1 鈉離子電池發展 6
2.2 鈉離子電池簡介 7
2.3 鈉離子電池電極材料 10
2.3.1 鈉離子電池負極材料 10
2.3.2 鈉離子電池正極材料 14
第3章 實驗方法 18
3.1 實驗架構 18
3.2 實驗藥品 19
3.3 活性物質(Active material)合成 20
3.3.1 合成Na7[H2PV14O42]·nH2O (n=6-24) 20
3.3.2 合成KxNa0.67-x[Ni0.23Fe0.13Mn0.63]O2 (x = 0, 2) 20
3.4 電池組裝流程 21
3.4.1 極片製備 21
3.4.2 鈕扣電池組裝 22
3.5 材料特性量測方法 23
3.5.1 X光繞射儀 (X-ray Diffraction, XRD)[87] 23
3.5.2 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, FESEM)[88] 23
3.5.3 熱重分析 (Thermogravimetric Analysis, TGA) 24
3.5.4 傅立葉轉換紅外光譜儀 (Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy, FTIR)[89] 24
3.5.5 核磁共振光譜法 (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, NMR)[90] 25
3.5.6 感應耦合電漿質譜法(Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS)[91] 25
3.5.7 循環伏安法測試 (Cyclic Voltammetry, CV) 25
3.5.8 恆電流充放電測試 (Galvanostatic Charge/Discharge Test, GCD) 26
3.5.9 X射線光電子能譜 (X-ray photoelectron spectrometer, XPS)[92] 26
3.5.10 X射線吸收光譜 (X-ray absorption spectroscopy, XAS)[93, 94] 27
3.5.11 臨場X光繞射儀 (In situ X-ray Diffraction) 28
第4章 結果與討論 30
4.1 Na7[H2PV14O42]作為鈉離子電池負極儲存鈉離子機制之研究 30
4.1.1 材料分析與鑑定 30 X射線繞射分析 31 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 32 熱重分析 33 紅外光譜分析 33 核磁共振光譜法分析 34
4.1.2 電化學性質分析 35 循環伏安法測試分析 35 恆電流充放電測試分析 36 不同掃描速率下之循環伏安法測試及分析 38 X射線光電子能譜分析 40 X射線吸收光譜分析 42 非臨場X射線繞射分析 45 臨場X射線繞射分析 46 非臨場傅立葉轉換紅外光譜分析 47 橫截面場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 49
4.2 鉀摻雜對Na0.67[Ni0.23Fe0.13Mn0.63]O2電化學性質影響之研究 50
4.2.1 材料分析與鑑定 50 X射線繞射分析 50 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡分析 52
4.2.2 電化學性質分析 53 恆電流充放電測試分析 53
4.3 以金屬氧酸鹽負極與鈉鎳錳鐵氧正極應用於鈉離子全電池之研究 55
4.3.1 恆電流充放電測試分析 55
第5章 結論 57
第6章 未來展望 59
參考文獻 60
本研究相關之發表 68

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