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作者(外文):Lee, Cheng-Han
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Characterization of Monolayer WS2-WSe2 Lateral Heterostructures
指導教授(外文):Lu, Ming-Yen
口試委員(外文):Lu, Ming-Pei
Chang, Yu-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:two-dimensional materialsWS2WSe2HeterostructuresLPCVD
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:695
  • 評分評分:*****
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In this research, we developed a modified furnace configuration to control vapor during the chemical vapor deposition(CVD) process. By this idea, we first synthesized WS2 and WSe2 single layer crystal on sapphire substrate and followed by an epitaxial growth of WSe2 and WS2 on the edge with two-step CVD to get WS2/WSe2 and WSe2/WS2 two different lateral junctions. We can see the color contrast between them from optical microscope image, and confirmed the single layer charteristic by Raman、PL and AFM analysis. Furthermore, we discovered the different of Raman peak intensity between corner and edge in the outer region of lateral junction and concluded this phenomenon which caused by the decrease of crystallinity occurred only during the second step CVD.
第一章 緒論與文獻回顧………………………………….11
1-1二維材料( 2D material )…………………………………12
1-1-1 二硫化鎢( WS2 )與二硒化鎢 ( WSe2 )……..……...13
1-2-1 側向磊晶(Lateral epitaxy)異質結構………………15
1-2-2 垂直堆疊(Vertical stacking)異質結構…………….16
1-3-1 機械堆疊法(Mechanical stacking)……………...…18
1-3-2 直接硫化法(Sulfurization)………………………....19
1-3-3 化學氣相沉積法(Chemical Vapor Deposition,
1-3-3-1 單階段成長法(Single-step growth)…………...21
1-3-3-2 多階段成長法(Multi-step growth)……………22
1-4-1 太陽能電池(Solar cells)…………………………….24
1-4-2 記憶體(Memory)………………...…………………25
1-4-3 光感測器(Photodetector)…………………………..26
1-5 研究動機………………………………………...……….29
第二章 實驗步驟…………………...……………………..30
2-2濕式轉印( Transfer )……………………………………..33
2-3電子束微影(Electron beam lithography)…………...34
2-4-1 三區真空爐管(Three-zone vacuum furnace)……..36
2-4-2 光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscope, OM)……………37
2-4-3 µ-拉曼頻譜儀( µ-Raman spectroscope )………..….38
2-4-4光激發螢光頻譜( Photoluminescence, PL )……….39
2-4-5原子力顯微鏡(Atomic Force Microscope, AFM)…40
2-4-6 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electronic
Microscope, SEM)…………………………………41
2-4-7 電子束微影系統(Electron beam lithography)……42
2-4-8 電子槍真空蒸鍍系統( Electron gun)…….……..43
2-4-9電性量測系統(Electrical measurement system)..44
第三章 結果與討論……………………………………….45
3-1-1 WS2特性探討……………………………………….45
3-1-2 WSe2特性探討…………………..………………….47
3-1-3 無檔板之成長結果………………………………….49
3-2 二階段成長WS2/WSe2異質結構………………..……...50
3-2-1 WS2-WSe2異質結構………………………………...50
3-2-2 WSe2-WS2異質結構………………………………...54
3-3 異質結構界面分析………………………………………56
3-4 電性分析…………………………………………………58
第四章 結論………………………………………………….60
第五章 未來展望…………………………………………….61
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