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作者(外文):Chen, Po-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Anti-wetting Surfaces by Sol-gel Process and Two-photon Polymerization
指導教授(外文):Chen, Po-Yu
口試委員(外文):Fu, Chien-Chung
Chen, Ying-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:superhydrophobicoleophobicsol-gel processtwo-photon polymerizationdoubly reentrant structuresurface modificationanti-wetting surfaces
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此外,我們也成功利用雙光子聚合微製造技術成功開發對環境友善的抗沾、雙反摺式疏水結構。模仿自跳蟲體表特殊構造,此種柱狀結構可以把液珠鎖在頂端,防止液體浸濕表面。此仿跳蟲結構表面對於水、甘油、二碘甲烷和乙二醇等常見液體具有良好抗沾效果,但市售油類、正十二烷等液體仍會浸濕表面。為了進一步探討液體表面能和抗沾現象的關係,我們將水和酒精以不同比例混合成具不同表面張力的液體,並用以測量接觸角、前進角和後退角。結果顯示較小的柱間距對於低表面張力液體較容易維持抗沾效果。舉例來說,柱間距40微米的結構可讓表面張力為31 mN/m的酒精水溶液維持Cassie state;柱間距60微米的結構則會讓表面張力低於46 mN/m酒精水溶液時穿透。另一方面,由於較小柱間距造成液體與表面接觸面積增加,會導致液珠移動能力下降。因此,在實際應用時,若環境中主要接觸的液體是水,可藉由較大的柱間距以讓液珠快速滾走;若會接觸到表面能較低的液體,則需製造較小柱間距的結構以保持抗沾效果。此研究成果可望應用於超疏水、疏油、抗沾、自潔等功能性表面領域。
Anti-wetting surfaces have been developed for decades and widely applied in diverse fields. In this study, two approaches to fabricate anti-wetting surfaces were developed.
Inspired by the lotus effect, stable superhydrophobic surfaces with water contact angles over 150 and extremely low hysteresis were produced by simply spray coating a particulate ormosil (organically modified silicate) solution of co-hydrolyzed TEOS/PDMS on various substrates. To further improve the liquid repellent performance, 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorodecyltriethoxysilane (FAS-17) was grafted on the coating by vapor deposition. The coating turned to be oleophobic and had oil contact angle up to 130 after fluorination process. Chemical composition of the coating was analyzed by Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA). The durability and stability of the coating were evaluated by aging test, abrasion test and chemical resistance test. Aging test showed the coating can maintain superhydrophobic and oleophobic after exposed to air/underwater for 30 days. The chemical resistance test revealed the coating remains intact after immersing in strong acid or salty water for one day, but it would dissolve and form silicate when immersing in strong base.
Secondly, a fluorine-free, environment friendly anti-wetting structure was successfully fabricated using the two-photon polymerization (TPP). By mimicking the mushroom-like structure on the cuticle of springtail, the so-called doubly reentrant structure was able to maintain droplet in Cassie state even for liquid with extremely low surface tension. Contact angle measurements showed excellent liquid repellency toward water, glycerol, ethylene glycol and diiodomethane. Water/ethanol mixture was used as probe liquids to measure the dynamic wetting behavior and to study the relationship between wetting transition and surface tension. The result indicated that smaller interpillar spacing showed better capability to maintain Cassie state. However, the increase in solid contact area also resulted in larger hysteresis and lower liquid mobility. Shortly, if the target liquid is water, structured surface with larger interpillar spacing can make the droplet slide off more easily; if the target liquid has lower surface tension, smaller interpillar spacing is required to maintain Cassie state. This technique can be potentially applied in the fields of superhydrophobic, oleophobic, anti-wetting, self-cleaning multi-functional surfaces.
Chapter 1. Introduction---1
Chapter 2. Literature Review---3
2.1. Surface Wetting---3
2.1.1. The Classic Wetting Models---3
2.1.2. Dynamic Wetting Behavior--- 6
2.2. Super-wettability Surfaces in Nature---11
2.3. Synthesis of Super-wettability Surfaces---16
2.4. Sol-gel Process and its Application for Anti-wetting Surfaces---21
2.5. Fluorine-free Superoleophobic Surface---23
2.6. Two-photon Polymerization---28
Chapter 3. Experimental Methods---31
3.1. Sol-gel Process ---31
3.2. Coating Techniques---33
3.3. Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Treatment---35
3.4. Fluorination---36
3.5. Two-photon Polymerization---37
3.6. Characterization---39
3.6.1. Structural Characterization---39
3.6.2. Elemental Analysis ---40
3.7. Wetting Behavior Measurement---40
3.7.1. Static Contact Angle---40
3.7.2. Dynamic Contact Angle---43
3.8. Durability Test---44
Chapter 4. Results and Discussion---46
4.1. Ormosil Coating---46
4.1.1. Surface Morphology and Microstructure---46
4.1.2. Coating on Different Substrates---51
4.1.3 Study of Fluorination Process---52
4.1.4. Surface Composite Analysis---57
4.1.5. Durability Test---61
4.2. Doubly Reentrant Structure 64
4.2.1. Surface Morphology and Microstructure---64
4.2.2. Static Contact Angle and Wetting Transition---67
4.3. Dynamic Wetting Behavior---73
4.3.1. Advancing Contact Angle---73
4.3.2. Receding Contact Angle---74
4.3.3. Horizontal Mobility ---75
Chapter 5. Conclusions---77
5.1. Fluorinated Ormosil Coating---77
5.2. Doubly Reentrant Structure---78
Chapter 6. Future Work---79
6.1 Fluorinated Ormosil Coating---79
6.2 Doubly Reentrant Structure---79

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11. Multi-scale Structural Characterization and Attachment Mechanisms of the Hillstream River Loach (Sinogastromyzon puliensis)
12. Multi-scale Structural Characterization and Mechanical Evaluation of Protective Bio-composites: Inspirations from Cobra Snake and Chinese Striped-neck Turtle Eggshells
13. 以冷凍鑄造法及矽藻土合成具多階層孔洞結構之仿生複合材料
14. 以冷凍鑄造及高分子聚合法合成多功能具多階層孔洞之矽藻土基複合材料
15. 以魚鱗為原料合成氫氧基磷灰石多孔材料應用於生醫領域及重金屬吸附功能之研究
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