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作者(外文):Ho, I-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Microstructure evolution induced by inoculants in Selective Laser Melting of IN718 and Mitigation of stress-induced phase transformation in superalloy processed by Selective Laser Melting
指導教授(外文):Yeh, An-Chou
口試委員(外文):Kang, Yung-Chang
Chen, Chih-Peng
Tsai, Tse-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Selective Laser MeltingSuperalloysInoculantAlloy design
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This study focuses on two subjects concerning Selective Laser Melting (SLM) of Superalloys – the microstructure variation controlled by eutectic WC-W2C inoculants in SLM IN718, and the alloy design for desirable processability and better phase stability than IN718 to prevent the formation of detrimental phases induced by stress-induced phase transformation during SLM.
The microstructure of as-SLM IN718 with inoculant addition indicates that grain nucleation occurred on the surface of inoculants and diffusion layer composed of a mixture of compositions of IN718 and inoculants, the grain size distribution also suggests that eutectic WC-W2C inoculants could slightly facilitate grain refinement. After post heat-treatment, more grains nucleated around the inoculants and Nb-rich precipitates grew along the grain boundaries; grain size distribution analysis reveals that recrystallization and grain growth occurred during post heat-treatment and became more pronounced with an increase of post heat-treatment temperature and time. In order to elucidate the underlying mechanism, both theoretical and experimental analysis were performed; in summary, instead of residual stress induced by the difference of the thermal expansion coefficient between eutectic WC-W2C inoculant and IN718, heterogeneous nucleation is the primary mechanism through which inoculants can influence the grain structure of SLM IN718.
The results analyzed by JMatPro and Thermocalc indicate that unlike IN718, the newly-designed Nickel-based superalloy possesses less TCP phases and was strengthened by thermodynamically stable γ’ precipitates. Microstructure observations for SLM specimens confirm that this superalloy could be successfully fabricated by SLM. After post heat-treatment, only γ’ precipitates and NbC could be found in the microstructure, suggesting that through alloy design, the new superalloy could be more suitable than IN718 to prevent the formation of detrimental phases induced by stress-induced phase transformation.
Table of contents
Abstract I
摘要 II
Acknowledgement III
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Background 1
1.2. Motivation and Goals 2
2. Literature Review 4
2.1. Strengthening mechanisms of γ’-bearing superalloys at elevated temperatures 4
2.2. Restrictions of conventional forming and welding process to superalloys with high γ’ volume fraction 9
2.3. Recent researches on Selective Laser Melting of superalloys 12
2.4. Recent studies on grain refinement of superalloys by adding inoculants 18
2.5. Alloy design tools – JmatPro and Thermocalc 20
2.6. The effects of refractory elements on microstructure, mechanical properties and segregation behaviors of Nickel-based superalloys 21
3. Materials and Methods 23
3.1. Experimental procedures 23
3.1.1. Microstructure evolution induced by inoculants during Selective Laser Melting of IN718 23
3.1.2. Alloy design for Selective Laser Melting 25
3.2. Alloy design 27
3.3. Powders 30
3.4. Selective Laser Melting 33
3.5. Differential Thermal Analyzer 36
3.6. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) 36
3.7. X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) 36
3.8. Post Heat-treatment 37
3.9. Optical Metallography (OM) 38
3.10. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) 38
3.11. Electron Back-scattered Diffraction System (EBSD) 39
3.12. Room temperature hardness test 39
4. Results and Discussions 40
4.1. Microstructure evolution induced by inoculants during SLM of IN718 40
4.1.1. Scanning parameters optimization for SLM IN718 40
4.1.2. As-built microstructures 45
4.1.3. Microstructures after post heat-treatment 49
4.1.4. Theoretical analysis on microstructure evolution induced by inoculants 54
4.2. Alloy design for SLM process 59
4.2.1. Pre-study on various properties of Alloy 1 fabricated by VAM 59
4.2.2. Microstructure of SLM Alloy 1 66
5. Conclusion 69
6. Future work 71
Reference 72
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