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作者(外文):Liu, Chia-Fen
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Ag3PO4-TiO2 Heterojunction Photocatalyst for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation
指導教授(外文):Perng, Tsong-Pyng
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Chuin-Tih
Wu, Jyh-Ming
外文關鍵詞:titanium dioxidesilver phosphateheterojunctionphotocatalystwater splittingatomic layer depositionhydrogen generationband positionFermi level
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第二部分研究光催化產氫,材料對象包括二氧化鈦、磷酸銀-二氧化鈦異質結構及鍍覆金奈米晶粒之磷酸銀-二氧化鈦異質結構。藉由調整磷酸銀之比例,可以提升該異質結構之產氫效率,高於二氧化鈦,並達到最佳的產氫量;而以金奈米晶粒作為異質結構之光觸媒,則可進一步增加產氫能力。實驗發現以下兩種比例之異質結構,磷酸銀(12 wt%)-二氧化鈦(溶膠凝膠法)及磷酸銀(6 wt%)-二氧化鈦(原子層沉積法)經四小時太陽光照射,分別產生178和444 μmolg-1之氫氣。若再加上金奈米晶粒,則其產氫量可分別提升至1812和2346 μmolg-1。此外,磷酸銀的顆粒尺度亦會影響異質結構之表現,如果顆粒變小,電子、電洞移動到表面上的反應部位之距離會縮短,可減少載子再結合之機率,電子也比較容易從磷酸銀遷移到二氧化鈦上與溶液反應,產生氫氣。此可解釋為何磷酸銀(6 wt%)-二氧化鈦(原子層沉積法)之效率比磷酸銀(12 wt%)-二氧化鈦(溶膠凝膠法)高;而加入金奈米晶粒後,其結果亦是如此。
Global warming has become hot issues in recent years. Making good use of sufficient and clean resources, like sun light and water, has been one of the important strategies. Photocatalytic water splitting, an artificial photosynthesis process, is a potential candidate for producing hydrogen from water. Searching for good solar light-driven photocatalysts which have low recombination rate and high photocatalytic activity efficiency is a tough task. The creation of a heterojunction, whereby charge carriers are generated in one semiconductor-based photocatalyst and directly transferred to the other photocatalyst, may reduce the recombination rate of electron and hole pairs. In such a system, two semiconductor-based photocatalysts with relatively suitable band positions and Fermi levels are chosen.
In this research, we report an advanced composite photocatalyst, Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction, to enhance photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen evolution under solar light irradiation. The first part deals with the fabrication of the materials. Two types of TiO2 (SG) and TiO2 (ALD) were prepared by sol-gel method and ALD process, respectively. For the ALD process, polysulfone (PSF) hollow fiber with the wall consisting of interconnected nanofibers was chosen as the template. The thickness of TiO2 film was precisely controlled by using TiCl4 and H2O as the precursors. Ag3PO4 was then deposited on TiO2. To have better photocatalytic activity, gold nanoparticles were deposited on the heterojunction to act as a co-catalyst. The crystalline phases were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), and the morphologies were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis were conducted to measure the specific surface areas of TiO2 (SG) and TiO2 (ALD). The bio-transmission electron microscopy (Bio-TEM) was employed to observe the morphologies of the Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunctions and particle sizes and distributions of Ag3PO4 in the heterojunctions. The d-spacings and crystal lattices of the samples were observed by spherical-aberration corrected field emission transmission electron microscopy. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was conducted for elemental mapping. The bandgaps, energy band positions, and the Fermi levels of the anatase phase TiO2 and Ag3PO4 were determined by UV-visible spectrometry and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS). The charge carrier recombination rates of TiO2, Ag3PO4, Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunctions, and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunctions were measured by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy to confirm the results of hydrogen production.
The second part is on the application of TiO2, Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction, and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 in photocatalytic water splitting for hydrogen evolution. The optimum condition for achieving a maximum hydrogen evolution by this heterojunction photocatalyst was investigated. The results demonstrated that applying the Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 with a certain amount of Ag3PO4 exhibited enhanced efficiencies compared with using only one single photocatalyst. Among the samples tested, Ag3PO4(12 wt%)-TiO2 (SG) and Ag3PO4(6 wt%)-TiO2 (ALD) showed the best performance of hydrogen evolution than the other samples prepared in the same process. Under solar light irradiation for 4 h, the amounts of hydrogen produced by Ag3PO4(12 wt%)-TiO2 (SG) and Ag3PO4(6 wt%)-TiO2 (ALD) were 178 and 444 μmolg-1, respectively. When adding Au nanoparticles as the co-catalyst, the values of hydrogen production by Au@Ag3PO4(12 wt%)-TiO2 (SG) and Au@Ag3PO4(6 wt%)-TiO2 (ALD) were raised to 1812 and 2346 μmolg-1, respectively. Therefore, the heterojunctions of Ag3PO4-TiO2 and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 with optimal ratios of Ag3PO4 could be promising photocatalysts for hydrogen evolution under solar light. In addition, the particle size of Ag3PO4 could influence the behavior of the heterojunctions. If Ag3PO4 particles become smaller, the distance that photogenerated electrons and holes have to migrate to reaction sites on the surface would become shorter, resulting in reduced recombination probability. The electrons are easier to transport from Ag3PO4 to TiO2. Therefore, the photocatalytic activity of Ag3PO4(6 wt%)-TiO2 (ALD) is even better than that of Ag3PO4(12 wt%)-TiO2 (SG). Similar argument can be applied to the relative performances of Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 composites.
In conclusion, here we report the fabrication and characterization of advanced photocatalysts of Ag3PO4-TiO2 and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 which have good photocatalytic activity under solar light irradiation.
Chapter I Introduction......1
1.1. Energy Crisis......1
1.2. Motivation of the Research......3
1.3. Framework of the Research......6
Chapter II Literature Review......7
2.1. Principle of Photocatalysis......7
2.2. Improvement of Photoactivity......9
2.2.1. Heterojunction Photocatalysts......9
2.2.2. Co-catalyst......11
2.3. Basic Properties of TiO2 and Ag3PO4......14
2.3.1. TiO2......14
2.3.2. Ag3PO4......20
2.4. Photocatalytic Water Splitting for Hydrogen Evolution......25
2.5. Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)......32
2.5.1. Principle of ALD......32
2.5.2. Fabrication of TiO2 by ALD......37
Chapter III Experimental Designs......39
3.1. Synthesis of TiO2......39
3.2. Fabrication of Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction......43
3.3. Deposition of Au nanoparticles on Ag3PO4-TiO2 as co-catalyst .......43
3.4. Characterization......44
3.4.1. X-ray diffraction (XRD)......44
3.4.2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)......44
3.4.3. Bio-transmission electron microscopy (Bio-TEM)......44
3.4.4. Spherical-aberration corrected field emission transmission electron microscopy......45
3.4.5. Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS)......45
3.4.6. Ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS)......45
3.4.7. Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) analysis......45
3.4.8. Photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy......46
3.4.9. UV-visible spectrometry......46
3.5. Photocatalytic water splitting......46
Chapter IV Results and Discussion......48
4.1. TiO2......48
4.1.1. Characterization......48
4.1.2. Hydrogen generation efficiency for photocatalytic water splitting......61
4.2. Characterization of Ag3PO4......64
4.3. Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 (SG)......64
4.3.1. Characterization......64
4.3.2. Hydrogen generation efficiency of photocatalytic water splitting......78
4.4. Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction and Au@Ag3PO4-TiO2 (ALD)......78
4.4.1. Characterization......82
4.4.2. Hydrogen generation efficiency of photocatalytic water splitting ......88
4.5. Factors affecting the photocatalytic performance......92
4.5.1. Ag3PO4-TiO2 heterojunction......92
4.5.2. Comparison of Ag3PO4-TiO2 (SG) and Ag3PO4-TiO2 (ALD)......94
4.5.3. Co-catalyst on photocatalyst......97
4.6. Comparison with previous reported work......97
Chapter V Conclusions......100
Chapter VI Suggested Future Work......101

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