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作者(外文):Tsai, Pei-Jung.
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the Electorchemical Properties of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Using Ionic Conductor Li6.28Al0.24La3Zr2O12 as Additive in Cathode or Interlayer
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Cho-Jen.
口試委員(外文):Chen, Han-Yi
Lin, Chu-Nan
外文關鍵詞:Li-S batterygarnet-type lithiunm ion conductorinterlayercathode additive
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本實驗經由固態法合成石榴石型鋰離子導體LLZO,期望能利用其鋰離子傳導性以及氧化物本身對多硫化物的吸附性提升鋰硫電池之電性表現。分別配合純硫正極和Ketjen black-S(KB-S)碳硫複材正極,將此粉體作為正極添加物或阻隔層進行實驗。
正極添加物相關實驗是將LLZO取代部分super P加入正極漿料,在純硫系統中能夠提升整體電性表現,但是由於LLZO本身並不導電,會增加正極結構中的電荷轉移阻抗;此外,LLZO的添加與否在碳硫複材系統中並沒有明顯的幫助。
阻隔層相關實驗則是將LLZO與super P混和並披覆於隔離膜,此阻隔層在純硫系統與碳硫複材系統中皆可降低電荷轉移阻抗、幫助提升電性表現。純硫系統中,以LLZO : super P = 4 : 1比例之阻隔層得到最佳的電性:首圈超過1100 mAh/g並在200圈時依然有接近800 mAh/g的表現。碳硫複材系統中,則是100% super P阻隔層的表現最佳,歸咎於碳硫複材中的Ketjen black本身同時具吸附性以及導電性,與全碳材的阻隔層達到最好的配合效果。
Due to the advantages of low cost, non-toxic and high theoretical specific capacity (1675 mAh/g), lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery is regarded as the most promising candidate for the next generation rechargeable battery. Three main drawbacks resulting Li-S battery not being able to be widely used in market include the insulating nature of sulfur, 80% volume expansion and polysulfide shuttle mechanism. The dissolution of polysulfide into the electrolyte is the major reason for the capacity decay.
Herein, we used Al3+ doped cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 (LLZO), which belongs to garnet-type lithium-ion conductor, as cathode additive and mixed with super P as the interlayer. The sulfur sources investigated are nano-sulfur and Ketjen black-S (KB-S) carbon-sulfur composite.
The results of batteries with addition of LLZO as cathode additive and the nano-sulfur as active material, showed higher discharge specific capacities compared to those without LLZO. Because of the insulating nature of LLZO, the charge transfer resistance of batteries have increased with increasing amount of added LLZO.
The other part is to apply LLZO-super P composite slurry on the Celgard PP separator as an interlayer between cathode and separator. The result illustrated that LLZO-super P interlayer could prolong the cycle life and enhance the electrochemical performance and the best promotion came from with the ratio LLZO/super P = 4 when it was applied with nano-sulfur active material. For KB-S active material, the carbon composition of KB-S had the best cooperation with 100% super P interlayer.
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 鋰電池的發展與應用 1
1.2 鋰硫電池 2
1.2.1 鋰硫電池簡介 2
1.2.2 鋰硫電池充放電機制與硫梭機制 2
第2章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 鋰硫電池複合材 4
2.1.1 碳硫複材 4
2.1.2 液態熔融法 4
2.2 正極添加物 6
2.2.1 金屬硫化物 6
2.2.2 金屬氧化物 7
2.3 阻隔層 9
2.4 金屬氧化物之鋰離子導體 11
2.4.1 鋰離子導體簡介 11
2.4.2 石榴石型鋰離子導體簡介 12
2.4.3 石榴型鋰離子導體於鋰硫電池之應用 12
第3章 實驗步驟與相關儀器 14
3.1 實驗藥品 14
3.2 材料製備 15
3.2.1 以液態熔融法製備Ketjen black-S碳硫複材 15
3.2.2 以固態法製備Li6.28Al0.24La3Zr2O12 15
3.3 電極製備 16
3.4 製備Super P混和LLZO或HE LLZO之阻隔層 18
3.5 電池組裝 19
3.6 材料鑑定分析 19
3.6.1 XRD結晶繞射分析 19
3.6.2 場發掃描式電子顯微鏡 19
3.6.3 TGA熱重分析儀 20
3.6.4 粒徑分析儀 20
3.7 材料電性分析 20
3.7.1 循環壽命測試 20
3.7.2 循環伏安測試 20
3.7.3 交流阻抗測試 20
第4章 結果與討論 21
4.1 LLZO與HE LLZO粉末置備 21
4.2 Ketjen black-S(KB-S)碳硫複材之材料分析 23
4.3 以純硫為活物添加HE LLZO之電性探討 24
4.3.1 原始極片之表面形貌 24
4.3.2 等速率與變速率循環壽命測試 26
4.3.3 循環伏安量測 30
4.3.4 交流阻抗測試 33
4.4 以碳硫複材為活物添加HE LLZO之電性探討 35
4.4.1 原始極片之表面形貌 35
4.4.2 等速率與變速率循環壽命測試 37
4.4.3 循環伏安量測 40
4.4.4 交流阻抗測試 41
4.5 LLZO與碳材複合之阻隔層應用於鋰硫電池之電性探討 42
4.5.1 阻隔層之混和均勻度 42
4.5.2 阻隔層應用於純硫正極 44 等速率與變速率循環壽命表現 44 循環伏安量測 49 交流阻抗測試 50
4.5.3 阻隔層應用於KB-S碳硫複材正極 51 等速率與變速率循環壽命表現 51 循環伏安量測 55 交流阻抗測試 56
第5章 結論 57

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