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作者(外文):Tsai, Li-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of TaC, VN, and VN/TaC and Their Application as Catalyst Support in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
指導教授(外文):Perng, Tsong-Pyng
外文關鍵詞:tantalum carbidevanadium nitridePt nanoparticlechemical reduction methodatomic layer depositionproton exchange membrane fuel cell
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碳化鉭以熔鹽法(salt flux method)製備,並以溶膠凝膠法(sol-gel method)製備氧化釩(VOx)及氧化釩/碳化鉭複合物(VOx/TaC),再經氮化後生成氮化釩(VN)及氮化釩/碳化鉭複合物(VN/TaC)。白金(鉑)奈米顆粒以化學還原法鍍覆於碳化鉭,也以原子層沉積法(ALD)鍍覆於氮化釩及氮化釩/碳化鉭複合物。碳化鉭上的白金重量百分比為2.08 %,且顆粒大小介於2-4奈米,氮化釩上的白金重量百分比隨著原子層沉積之循環數增加,從1.69%增加至5.75%,白金顆粒也從2-4奈米增大至6-9奈米。至於氮化釩/碳化鉭複合物,因氮化釩幾乎完全覆蓋碳化鉭,所以白金奈米顆粒幾乎鍍覆在氮化釩之薄膜上,白金重量百分比約為2.5%,且顆粒大小介於3-5奈米。
藉由循環伏安法(cyclic voltammetry, CV)及氧化還原反應(oxygen reduction reaction, ORR)探討自製電極之電化學表現。從CV曲線中可計算出電化學活性表面積(electrochemical surface area, ECSA),Pt@TaC電極之ECSA值(66.2 m2/g)小於商用電極(Johnson Matthey, JM)之ECSA值(100.8 m2/g );從ORR分析中計算出之質量活性(mass activity, MA)來看,Pt@TaC之MA值(3.9 A/g)遠小於商用電極之MA值(83.8 A/g)。
以Pt@TaC作為陽極或陰極(JM作為相對電極)之質子交換膜燃料電池之效率,隨白金承載量增加而增加。當Pt@TaC置於陽極時,其最大比功率密度為商用電極(863.2 mW/mg)之四倍;當Pt@TaC置於陰極時,其最大比功率密度(727.5 mW/mg)可與商用電極匹敵。以Pt@VN作為陽極或陰極(JM作為相對電極)時,以白金原子層沉積150循環圈數製備之Pt@VN-150表現最佳,因其白金顆粒分布密集且尺寸理想。當Pt@VN-150置於陽極時,其最大比功率密度(999.5 mW/mg)略高於商用電極;當Pt@VN-150置於陰極時,其最大比功率密度(300.5 mW/mg)低於商用電極。至於Pt@VN/TaC之效率,不論作為陽極或陰極(JM作為相對電極)時,其表現皆優於Pt@TaC;除此之外,當Pt@VN/TaC置於陰極時,其最大比功率密度(1357.5 mW/mg)甚至高於商用電極,此現象說明氮化釩亦為具有潛力之質子交換膜燃料電池共觸媒。
Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has attracted much attention recently because of its high efficiency of generating electricity and low environmental impact. However, poor durability and high cost are two major problems of PEMFC because the traditional carbon support suffers from severe corrosion and the use of Pt as catalyst raises the cost. In this work, tantalum carbide (TaC) and vanadium nitride (VN) were chosen as the catalyst support to replace traditional carbon support because they possess high electrical conductivity and good corrosion resistance, which are important requirements for the catalyst support. Because VN can also act as the co-catalyst in PEMFC, VN/TaC composite was also fabricated in attempt to reduce the cost of PEMFC.
TaC was fabricated by a salt flux method, while VOx and VOx/TaC were fabricated by a sol-gel method followed by nitridation to form VN and VN/TaC, respectively. Pt nanoparticles were deposited on TaC by chemical reduction method using sodium borohydride as reducing agent and on VN and VN/TaC by atomic layer deposition (ALD). The Pt particle size on TaC ranged from 2 to 4 nm. Due to low surface area or surface chemistry condition of TaC, the Pt loading on TaC was 2.08 wt%, which is lower than the expected value (10 or 20 wt%). The Pt particle sizes on VN were 2-4 nm, 3-5 nm, and 6-9 nm when the ALD cycle numbers were 100, 150, and 200, respectively. The Pt loading on VN increased linearly from 1.69 wt% to 5.75 wt% as the ALD cycle number increased. As for Pt@VN/TaC, because TaC was almost fully covered by VN thin film, most Pt nanoparticles were deposited on VN thin film with the particle size ranging from 3 to 5 nm, and Pt loading was about 2.5 wt%.
The electrochemical behaviors of Pt@TaC, homemade Pt@XC-72, and commercial Pt@XC-72 (Johnson Matthey, JM) were examined by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) analyses. From the CV curves, the electrochemical surface area (ECSA) value of Pt@TaC (66.2 m2/g) was lower than those of homemade Pt@XC-72 (80.6 m2/g) and JM (100.8 m2/g). From the ORR curves, the mass activity of Pt@TaC (3.9 A/g) was much lower than those of homemade Pt@XC-72 (107.2 A/g) and JM (83.8 A/g).
The performance of PEMFC using Pt@TaC electrode as the anode or the cathode (JM acting as the opposite electrode) increased with increasing the Pt loading. As the anode, it showed 4 times higher specific maximum power density than that of commercial JM (863.2 mW/mg), and it showed comparable specific maximum power density (727.5 mW/mg) to commercial JM as the cathode. For Pt@VN, VN deposited by 150 ALD cycles showed the best performance among three different cycle numbers (100, 150, and 200) as the anode or cathode (JM acting as the opposite electrode) due to the dense distribution and small particle size of Pt. It showed a little higher specific maximum power density (999.5 mW/mg) than that of commercial JM as the anode, while it showed lower specific maximum power density (300.5 mW/mg) than that of commercial JM as the cathode. When Pt@VN/TaC was employed as the anode or cathode (JM acting as the opposite electrode), it showed improved performance than that of Pt@TaC when the Pt loading was the same. Furthermore, Pt@VN/TaC even showed higher specific maximum power density (1357.5 mW/mg) than that of commercial JM as the cathode. This indicates that VN might be a promising co-catalyst for PEMFC.
Table of Contents
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
Chapter I Introduction 1
1-1 Background of Research 1
1-2 The Development of Fuel Cells 1
1-3 Types of Full Cells 2
1-4 Advantages and Applications of Fuel Cells 7
1-5 Motivation of Research 8
1-6 Overview of Tantalum Carbide and Vanadium Nitride 10
1-6-1 Characteristics of tantalum carbide 10
1-6-2 Characteristics of vanadium nitride 11
Chapter II Literature Review 14
2-1 Principle of PEMFC 14
2-2 Components of PEMFC 14
2-2-1 Bipolar plates 14
2-2-2 Gas diffusion layer 18
2-2-3 Catalyst layer 21
2-2-3-1 Catalyst support 21
A. Carbon based catalyst support 21
B. Non-carbon based catalyst support 23
2-2-3-2 Catalyst 26
A. Materials 26
B. Particle size effect 26
C. Methods of depositing catalysts 30
2-2-4 Proton exchange membrane 30
Chapter III Experimental Procedures 35
3-1 Fabrication of TaC, VN, and VN/TaC 35
3-1-1 Fabrication of TaC 35
3-1-2 Fabrication of VN and VN/TaC 35
3-2 Deposition of Pt Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction or ALD 35
3-3 Characterization 38
3-4 Electrochemical Characterization 39
3-5 Preparation of Membrane Electrode Assembly 40
3-6 Single Cell Performance of PEMFC 42
Chapter IV Results and Discussion 44
4-1 Characteristics of TaC, VN, and VN/TaC 44
4-1-1 Crystallinity 44
4-1-2 TGA analysis 44
4-1-3 Morphology, surface area, and porosity 49
4-2 Characterization of Pt Nanoparticles 54
4-2-1 Particle size and dispersion of Pt nanoparticles 54
4-2-2 Pt loading 59
4-3 Electrochemical Characterization of Pt@TaC and Pt@XC-72 66
4-4 Performance of MEA 71
4-4-1 Performance of Pt@TaC 71
4-4-2 Performance of Pt@VN 76
4-4-3 Performance of Pt@VN/TaC 82
Chapter V Conclusions 87
Chapter VI Suggested Future work 89
References 90

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