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作者(外文):Tsou, Wan-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Improving the Electrochemical Performance of Lithium–Sulfur Batteries Using an Nb-Doped TiO2 Additive Layer for the Chemisorption of Lithium Polysulfides
指導教授(外文):Duh, Jenq-Gong
口試委員(外文):Wu, Jyh-Ming
Hsiao, Li-Yin
外文關鍵詞:Lithium sulfur batteryMetal-oxide additivesChemisorptionDual-layer structureShuttle effect
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究提出一個簡易的雙層結構電極的設計來減緩多硫化物在電解液中遷移的效應。有別於一般文獻所提出的將具有極性的添加劑混入正極材料的方式,這篇論文將鈮摻雜二氧化鈦塗布在富含硫的正極上,形成一層添加層。此添加層得以利用化學吸附方式,抓住溶於電解液中的多硫化物,避免其穿梭至對電極,提高整體電容量與電池壽命。利用此電極設計,電池第一圈可提供高達1880 mA h g-1 的電容量,與未改質的鋰硫電池相比,有顯著的電性提升。此外,本研究利用XPS進一步驗證鈮摻雜二氧化鈦對於多硫化物的化學吸附反應,進一步證明此添加層對於整體電池之循環壽命、電容量與高電流充放電性能的改善。
This study presents a method to suppress the migration of lithium polysulfides in lithium–sulfur batteries by introducing a dual-layer electrode structure. Herein, unlike conventional methods of mixing the polar additives with sulfur/carbon composites, melted sulfur mixed with mesocarbon microbeads are used as the electrode and covered with an additive layer of Nb-doped TiO2/graphite composite via two-step blade coating. By doping TiO2 with Nb, electrical and lithium ion conductivity of TiO2 can be increased, thereby enhancing the redox reaction kinetics. Most importantly, chemisorption of lithium polysulfides to Nb–TiO2 can effectively mitigate the shuttle effect, resulting in higher capacity and longer cycle life. The electrode with the Nb–TiO2 additive layer results in a 1st and 100th cycle specific capacity of 1883 mAh g-1 and 894 mAh g-1, respectively, at 0.1 C (1 C = 1675 mAh), indicating enhanced electrochemical performance as compared with that of bare lithium-sulfur batteries. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) study was conducted to investigate the interaction between polysulfides and Nb–TiO2. The results indicate that the Nb–TiO2–layered electrode efficiently traps polysulfides on the cathode and improves the rate capability, cycle performance, and specific capacity.
Chapter 1 Introduction 2
1.1. Background of lithium-ion battery 2
1.2. Introduction to lithium–sulfur battery 2
1.3. Motivations and objectives in this study 3
Chapter 2 Literature Review 9
2.1. Introduction of Lithium–Sulfur Battery 9
2.1.1. The reaction mechanism of Li–S batteries 9
2.1.2. Critical issues of Li–S batteries 16
2.2. Strategies undertaken for Li–S system improvements 21
2.2.1. Basic Concept of sulfur cathode material 21
2.2.2. Carbon host materials 23
2.2.3. Metal oxide host materials 35
Chapter 3 Experimental Details 45
3.1. Material Preparation 45
3.1.1. Nb0.15Ti0.85O2 synthesis 45
3.1.2. MCMB/sulfur composites 45
3.1.3. Preparation of the cathodes 46
3.1.4. Preparation of the XPS samples 46
3.2. Characterization and Analysis 47
3.2.1. Phase Identification 47
3.2.2. Compositional Evaluation 47
3.2.3. Morphological Observation 47
3.2.4. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) 47
3.3. Electrochemical Analysis 48
3.3.1. Battery Assembly 48
3.3.2. Cyclability and Rate Capability Measurement 48
3.3.3. Cyclic Voltammetry (CV) 48
3.3.4. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) 49
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions 51
4.1. Cathode characterization 51
4.2. The interaction between NTO15s and lithium polysulfides 56
4.3. The electrochemical behavior of MCMB/S/NTO15 cathodes 61
A.1 The morphology of cathodes after cycling 74
A.2 The electrochemical performance of MCMB-S-NTO15 76
A.3 The electrochemical performance of bare NTO15s 79
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