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作者(外文):Chen, Tse-An
論文名稱(外文):Metamaterial Structures for Optical Applications
指導教授(外文):Yen, Ta-Jen
口試委員(外文):CHEN, LIH-JUANN
Chen, Jen-Sue
Lu, Yu-jung
外文關鍵詞:MetamaterialsHyperbolic MetamaterialsPerfect AbsorberHuygens' Surface
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第一個研究主題是利用電漿子能帶理論解析之雙曲超材料,雙曲超材料具有特別的電磁特性,可實現廣泛的應用,例如超分辨率和自發輻射。在預測和分析雙曲超材料的這些光學特性時,大多數研究人員採用有效介質理論。然而,該理論僅適用於長波長和無限堆疊層。為了探測表面狀態並驗證光學拓撲轉變,我們製作了由MgF2/Ag 交互堆疊而成的多層膜雙曲超材料。我們所有的分析、數值計算和實驗測量表明,多層膜雙曲超材料的表面態色散曲線上的“過渡點” 僅取決於金屬層和介電層的厚度比。這的預測結果較傳統的有效介質理論準確。電漿子能帶理論的結果提供了更準確的預測,並可利用於的雙曲超材料的應用。
第三個研究主題是惠更斯超穎平面光偏折元件,在這項工作中,我們提出了由二氧化鈦奈米圓盤陣列組成的超穎介面。首先,材料的選擇,二氧化鈦有優異的高介電常數 (εreal≅ 6) 和低損耗 (εimag≅ 0)適合運用在此工作波段。藉由重疊奈米圓盤的電和磁共振以同時實現100%的穿透以及完整的 2π 相位。在本論文中,超穎介面構成的惠更斯模擬達近90%的穿透率。在實驗上,惠更斯超穎介面來穿透率和以及光偏折效率,分別為 80% 和 15%。我們相信,所提議的惠更斯超穎平面光偏折元件將成為平面光學設備的新典範,包括超透鏡、全息和光束整形設備。
In recent years, metamaterials have been widely used in the field of optoelectronics. With the selected materials and the designed sub-wavelength periodic structure, the polarization, amplitude, and phase characteristics of electromagnetic waves can be precisely controlled. With the maturity of the lithography process technology, nano-components can be easily produced by the clean room process, which also expands the application of metamaterials, such as perfect absorbers, meta lenses, holographic projection, and so on.
The first research topic is “the plasmonic band structure theory for 1D-HMMs”. Hyperbolic metamaterials (HMMs) possess marvelous and considerable applications: hyperlens, spontaneous emission engineering and nonlinear optics. Conventionally, effective medium theory, which is only valid for long wavelength limit, was used to predict and analyze the optical properties and applications. In our previous works, we considered a binary 1DHMM which consists of alternative metallic and dielectric layers, and rigorously demonstrated the existence of surface states and bulk-interface correspondence with the plasmonic band theory from the coupled surface plasmon point of view. In the plasmonic band structure, we can classify 1DHMMs into two classes: metallic-like and dielectric-like, depending on the formation of the surface states with dielectric and metallic material, respectively. Band crossing exists only when the dielectric layers are thicker than the metallic ones, which is independent from the dielectric constants. Furthermore, the 1DHMMs are all metallic-like without band crossing. On the other hand, the 1DHMMs with band crossing are metal-like before the band crossing point, while they are dielectric-like after the band crossing point. In this work, we measure the surface states formed by dielectric material and 1DHMMs with band crossing in Otto configuration. With white light source and sweeping the incident angle, we measure the reflectance to investigate the existence of the surface states of 1DHMMs with various thickness ratio of metallic to dielectric layers. Conclusively, we can clear observe the transition point via experimental set up. The disappearance of the surface states indicates the topological phase transition of 1DHMMs. Our experimental results will benefit new applications for manipulating light on the surface of hyperbolic metamaterials.
The second research topic is “Ultra-broadband blackbody-like perfect absorber”. Perfect absorbers based on enabled by plasmonic resonance are attracting interest for various applications, such as biosensors, nonlinearity, filters, and thermal emitters. However, electron beam (EB) lithography is often used to fabricate such devices. EB lithography is costly, which places limits on the mass production and practical application of these devices. We have designed a perfect broadband absorber with impressive oblique angle tolerance. Its multilayered structure consists of magnesium fluoride (MgF2) and chromium (Cr) layers, and device fabrication does not require EB lithography. The device absorbs more than 90% of light in the 900–1900-nm range. Ultra-broadband absorption is unaffected by the polarization and incidence angle of light up to 70°. The performance of the optimized device is in good agreement with predictions based on the transfer matrix method (TMM) calculations and Comsol Multiphysics 5.3a simulations. Thin-film coatings are of considerable importance for the realization of high-performance planar blackbody infrared absorbers, and our simple design is practical for industrial production.
The third research topic is “Huygens’ surface based light bending device”. We proposed an all-dielectric Huygens’ metasurface composed of TiO2 nano-disks and consequently constructed a beam bending device through the metasurface for the demonstration of phase manipulation within near-UV regime. First of all, the titanium dioxide was chosen due to its superior high dielectric constant (εreal≅ 6) and low losses (εimag≅ 0) compared to other candidates, for example, aluminum or silicon in this frequency range. Then, the near-UV Huygens’ metasurface is realized by spectrally overlapping nano-disks’ electric and magnetic resonances of the equal amplitudes to achieve unity transmission and a full 2π phase coverage, simultaneously. Finally, the near-UV all-dielectric Huygens’ metasurface are employed to experimentally realize unity transmittance and beam-bending with an experimental efficiency of 80% and 15 %, respectively. We believe that the proposed near-UV all-dielectric Huygens’ metasurfaces would be a new paragon for flat optical devices, including metalenses, holography and beam-shaping devices.
Abstract i
摘要 iv
致謝 vi
Content vii
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction to Metamaterial 1
1.2 Introduction to Hyperbolic Metamaterials 2
1.3 Introduction to Nonresonant Type Perfect Absorber 6
1.4 Introduction to Huygens’ Surface 9
Chapter 2: Literature Review and Theory 12
2.1 One Dimensional Hyperbolic Metamaterials 12
2.1.1 Surface Plasmon Polariton 12
2.1.2 Otto and Kretschmann Configuration 15
2.1.3 Effective Medium Theory (EMT) 17
2.1.4 Band Structure Theory 17
2.1.5 Band Cross Behavior 19
2.2 Nonresonant Type Perfect Absorber 21
2.2.1 Conventional Perfect Absorber 21
2.2.2 Metamaterial Based Resonance Perfect Absorber 24
2.3 Huygens’ Surface 31
2.3.1 The Origin of the Huygens’ Surface 31
2.3.2 Phase Accumulation – Gap Plasmon 32
2.3.3 Phase Accumulation - Pancharatnam–Berry Phase 34
2.3.4 Phase Accumulation – Waveguide-like Resonance 37
Chapter 3: Design and Simulation 41
3.1 One Dimensional Hyperbolic Metamaterials 41
3.1.1 Motivation and Design 41
3.1.2 Calculation 44
3.2 Nonresonant Type Perfect Absorber 49
3.2.1 Motivation and Design 49
3.2.2 Calculation and Simulation 50
3.3 Huygens’ Surface 59
3.3.1 Motivation and Design 59
3.3.2 Simulation 61
Chapter 4: Fabrication, Measurement and Discussion 67
4.1 One Dimensional Hyperbolic Metamaterials 67
4.1.1 Fabrication 67
4.1.2 Experimental Setup and Measurement Results 68
4.2 Nonresonant Type Perfect Absorber 71
4.2.1 Fabrication 71
4.2.2 Experimental Setup and Measurement Results 71
4.3 Huygens’ Surface 74
4.3.1 Fabrication 74
4.3.2 Experimental Setup and Measurement Results 74
Chapter 5: Conclusions and Future Prospects 79
5.1 One Dimensional Hyperbolic Metamaterials 79
5.2 Nonresonant Type Perfect Absorber 79
5.3 Huygens’ Surface 81
References 83
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