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作者(外文):Huang, Kuan-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Boronic acid-directed Probes for Site-specific Labeling of Antibody
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Tan, Kui-Thong
Wang, Sheng-Kai
外文關鍵詞:Boronic acidProbeSite-specific LabelingAntibody
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藉由上述方法,本論文成功對四種不同的抗體 (h-Ab、anti-HER2-Ab、anti-ConA-Ab及anti-CETP-Ab) 進行修飾,並在修飾完成後,以ELISA binding affinity assay檢測修飾前後抗體對於抗原及Fcγ接收蛋白的辨認能力,結果顯示此修飾方法並不會影響抗體活性。此外,藉由修飾於抗體表面的疊氮基團,我們能透過CuAAC或SPAAC click反應將抗體與多種不同基團結合。
首先,我們將修飾後的抗體分別與生物素和螢光分子Cy3進行結合,並透過西方墨點法及膠體電泳分析,證明此種標記方法的可行性;此外,我們也將其與螢光分子四苯乙烯 (TPE) 結合,藉由螢光訊號的消長證實修飾位置位於目標醣體的附近;最後,我們將修飾的anti-HER2-Ab與藥物doxorubicin 結合作為抗體藥物,應用於癌細胞抑制實驗中,並藉由MTT assay分析MCF-7細胞的活性,結果顯示此抗體藥物可抑制MCF-7細胞生長。
Modified antibodies have emerged as an efficient tool for biological research. Therefore, it is important to develop a straightforward method for the antibody modification. To maintain the bioactivity of the modified antibody, it demands to site-specifically install a tag located away from antigen binding site of antibody.
To achieve site-specific modification of an antibody, we developed a boronic acid (BA)-directed labeling strategy. By interacting with glycan of the Fc moiety of an antibody, BA-ligand probe attracts activated thioester and follows by nucleophilic acyl substitution to achieve covalently conjugation. However, the labeling efficiency is not always quantitative. Thus, a photo-cleavable linker and a biotin purification tag were incorporated in the designed labeling probe. The labeled antibody can be captured by avidin coated magnetic beads. After irradiation of bead complexes by UV light, the labeled antibody was released from the beads. By this strategy, high purity site-specific azide-labeled antibody was obtained.
Four different antibodies (h-Ab, anti-HER2-Ab, anti-ConA-Ab and anti-CETP-Ab) were successfully modified by BA-directed labeling strategy. The binding affinities of the labeled antibodies with corresponding antigens or Fcγ receptor are the same as those intact antibodies, indicating that the developed labeling method does not affect the original activities of antibodies.
The installed azide groups on the modified antibodies were conjugated with several different alkynated groups by Cu(Ⅰ)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition (CuAAC) or strain-promoted azide-alkyne cycloaddition (SPAAC) reaction. Antibodies conjugated with biotin and Cy3 were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and western blotting to conform the azide tag on antibodies. Moreover, the antibody conjugated with TPE fluorophore showed the fluorescence change, indicatng that the labeling site is close to the glycan on Fc moiety. Azide-labeled anti-HER2-Ab was further conjugated with doxorubicin and the resulting complex was used to treat with HER2-expressed MCF-7 cancer cell line. The MTT assay shows the cytotoxicity of anti-HER2-Ab-Dox conjugate.
  Overall, the newly developed BA-directed labeling method is simple for modification of intact antibodies. Most importantly, it does not require genetic engineering to install a biorthogonal group on the antibody. Thus, the method is suitable for labeling any intact antibody containing glycan on its Fc domain.
摘要 I
Abstract III
縮寫對照表 (abbreviation) V
圖目錄 XI
流程圖目錄 XIII
表目錄 XIV
壹. 緒論 1
1.1 抗體 1
1.1.1 抗體的結構 2
1.1.2 哺乳類動物抗體的種型 5
1.1.3 抗體的功能 7
1.1.4 抗體的修飾 8
1.2 化學探針 19
1.2.1 配位基 (ligand) 20
1.2.2 連接劑 (linker) 21
1.2.3 標籤 (tag) 22
1.2.4 反應基團 26
1.3 硼酸 29
1.3.1 硼酯 (boronate) 30
1.3.2 硼酸的應用 32
1.4 光解基團 (photocleavable group) 37
1.5 研究動機 39
貳. 硼酸連接DMAP探針的合成與應用 40
2.1 硼酸連接DMAP探針的合成與標記 41
2.1.1 硼酸連結DMAP探針之合成 44
2.1.2 醯基予體 (acyl donor) 47
2.1.3 標記結果與討論 49
2.1.4 可光解acyl donor的設計與合成 57
2.1.5 光解acyl donor標記結果與討論 63
2.1.6 標記效率與純化 68
2.2 應用 73
2.2.1 不同抗體之修飾前後之binding affinity測試 73
2.2.2 生物素與螢光分子 77
2.2.3 四苯乙烯螢光分子 78
2.2.4 抗體藥物 82
參. 總結 87
肆. 實驗部分 89
4.1 General procedures 89
4.2 Synthetic procedures and characterizations 91
4.3 Experiments of antibody modification 121
伍. 參考文獻 130

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