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作者(外文):Huo, Yi-Ren
論文名稱(外文):Immobilization and Modification of Native Antibody via Metal Binding Site
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chun-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Lin, Po-Chiao
Lai, Chian-Hui
Wang, Sheng-Kai
Li, Pei-Jhen
外文關鍵詞:antibody immobilizationantibody modificationnitrilotriacetic aciddiazirinemetal binding site
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化及修飾方法。金屬結合位位於抗體Fc 區域底部,遠離抗原結合區域。在此位
在抗體固化方法中,我們成功將Trastuzumab、anti-SAA mAb、Cetuximab 三
種不同抗體固化於NTA/Dia-2(1/1)@MNP 上。在Fab曝露量及萃取SAA 蛋白實
驗中,相比於隨機固化方法,分別可得9.2 倍及22 倍訊號提升。此外針對具有
Fab glycan 的抗體如Cetuximab,此方法仍能維持抗體位向性,EGFR 蛋白萃取量
相較於過去硼酸誘導固化方法,有6 倍(SDS-PAGE分析)及3 倍(LC-MS/MS)
probe)。並成功利用第二代NTA probe 將炔基修飾在Trastuzumab 上。藉由活
The immobilization of antibodies on solid supports, such as nanoparticles, glass
slides, etc., is called antibody immobilization The incorporation of functional groups
on antibodies, such as fluorescence dyes, toxins, other protein, etc., is called antibody
modification. By harnessing the specific antigen recognition ability of antibodies, these
two technologies can be applied to many biochemical tools such as diagnostic assays,
protein purification, and the development of antibody-drug conjugates. However, to
maintain the original bioactivity of antibody is one of the most significant challenges
in antibody immobilization and modification.
In this thesis, we developed a novel antibody immobilization and modification
method using the native metal binding site of antibody coupled with a photoaffinity
labeling (PAL) group. The metal binding site is located at the Fc domain of antibodies,
which is far from its antigen binding domain, thus performing immobilization or
modification at this site can retain the bioactivity of antibody. Furthermore, the PAL
group can allow antibodies to form stable covalent linkages with a solid support or
functional probes via irradiation with UV light.
For antibody immobilization, three antibodies (Trastuzumab, anti-SAA mAb, and
Cetuximab) were successfully immobilized on fabricated nitrilotriacetic acid/diazirinefunctionalized
magnetic nanoparticles (NTA/Dia-2(1/1)@MNP). Compared to random
antibody immobilization methods, our method achieved a 9.2- and 22-fold signal
improvement for Fab domain exposure and the extraction of SAA protein, respectively.
More importantly, for antibodies which contain a Fab glycan like Cetuximab, this
method retains the antibody orientation. Furthermore, compared to previous boronic
acid-directed immobilization methods, our immobilization method improved the
extraction yield for EGFR 6-fold in SDS-PAGE analysis and 3-fold in LC-MS/MS
analysis, and can be applied to the analysis of protein signal transduction.
For antibody modification, we synthesized two NTA probes and successfully
created an alkyne-modified antibody (Trastuzumab) using our 2nd generation NTA
probe. The binding affinity test revealed that the bioactivity of the modified antibody
is the same as intact antibody, indicating that the developed method does not affect
antigen binding affinity. Furthermore, the modified antibody could be attached with a
fluorescence dye via click reaction, and results show that much of the modification
occurred at the Fc domain of the antibody, with a dye to antibody ratio of around 1.8.
In this thesis research, we have developed a new antibody immobilization and
modification method which can be applied to various native antibodies. The method
does not require complex genetic engineering of the antibody, which enables the
efficient creation of various biochemical tools.
摘要 ............................................................................................................ I
Abstract ..................................................................................................... II
謝誌 ......................................................................................................... III
目錄 ........................................................................................................... V
圖目錄 ....................................................................................................... X
流程圖目錄 .......................................................................................... XVI
縮寫對照表(Abbreviation) ............................................................ XVII
第一章 緒論 ............................................................................................. 1
1.1 抗體(ANTIBODY) ............................................................................ 1
1.1.1IgG 抗體的結構 ................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 抗原結合區段(Fab)及結晶區段(Fc) .................................... 2
1.2 抗體固化的重要性與應用 ................................................................. 3
1.3 抗體固化方法 ..................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 物理吸附方法 .................................................................................. 5
1.3.2 胺基酸化學耦聯方法 ...................................................................... 6 離胺酸(Lysine, Lys) ................................................................ 6 半胱胺酸(Cysteine, Cys) ......................................................... 8
1.3.3 藉由抗體上醣體之固化方法 ........................................................ 10 化學氧化法 ................................................................................ 11 硼酯固化法 ................................................................................. 13
1.3.4 藉由抗體結合蛋白或胜肽之固化方法 ........................................ 17
1.3.5 其他抗體固化方法 ....................................................................... 20
1.4 抗體修飾的重要性與應用 ............................................................... 21
1.5 抗體修飾方法 ................................................................................... 22
1.5.1 胺基酸化學耦聯方法 .................................................................... 24 離胺酸 ......................................................................................... 24 半胱胺酸 ..................................................................................... 26 其他胺基酸 ................................................................................. 28
1.5.2 藉由抗體上醣體之修飾方法 ........................................................ 30 化學氧化法 ................................................................................. 30 酵素修飾法 ................................................................................. 31 硼酸輔助法 ................................................................................. 32
1.5.3 藉由抗體結合胜肽(antibody binding peptide)之修飾方法 .... 33
1.6 抗體的金屬結合位(metal binding site) ...................................... 34
1.6.1 抗體金屬結合位之應用 ................................................................ 35
1.7 光親和性標記基團(photoaffinity labeling group, PAL group) . 41
1.7.1 氮烯 ................................................................................................ 42
1.7.2 羰自由基 ....................................................................................... 43
1.7.3 碳烯 ................................................................................................ 44
第二章 氮[基]三醋酸及光親和性磁性奈米粒子應用於天然抗體位向
性固化 ..................................................................................................... 47
2.1 研究動機 ........................................................................................... 47
2.2 研究結果與討論 ............................................................................... 48
2.2.1 氮[基]三醋酸及光親和性固化的概念與設計 ............................. 48
2.2.2 NTA, Dia-1, Dia-2 之合成 ............................................................. 49
2.2.3 NTA@MNP、Dia-1@MNP 和Dia-2@MNP 之製備與鑑定 ..... 52
2.2.4 抗體與NTA@MNP 吸附測試 ..................................................... 55
2.2.5 Trastuzumab-Ni2+-NTA@MNP 之競爭實驗測試 ........................ 58
2.2.6 抗體與Dia-1@MNP、Dia-2@MNP 吸附測試 ........................... 60
2.2.7 探討不同NTA/Dia-2 比例對抗體固化效率之影響 .................... 63
2.2.8 探討照光反應時間及抗體濃度對抗體固化效率之影響 ............ 66
2.2.9 比較不同抗體固化方法之Fab 曝露量 ........................................ 69
2.2.10 以anti-SAA mAb-NTA/Dia-2(1/1)@MNP 萃取血清中SAA 蛋
白並與其他固化方法比較 ..................................................................... 72
2.2.11 以Cetuximab-NTA/Dia-2@MNP 萃取細胞中EGFR 蛋白並與
其他固化方法比較 ................................................................................. 74
2.3 總結 ................................................................................................... 80
2.4 實驗部分 ........................................................................................... 82
第三章 氮[基]三醋酸誘導光親和探針應用於天然抗體修飾 ............ 93
3.1 研究動機 ........................................................................................... 93
3.2 研究結果與討論 ............................................................................... 94
3.2.1 第一代氮[基]三醋酸誘導光親和探針結構設計與合成 ............ 94
3.2.2 利用第一代探針進行抗體修飾 ................................................... 98 NTA 誘導及光親和標記之概念驗證 ........................................ 99 抗體光親和標記效率之最佳化測試 ....................................... 101 修飾抗體的純化 ....................................................................... 102 純化抗體的釋放 ...................................................................... 104 小結 ........................................................................................... 105
3.2.3 第二代探針結構設計與合成 ...................................................... 106
3.2.4 利用第二代探針進行抗體修飾 .................................................. 108 抗體光親和性標記效率之最佳化測試 ................................... 111 修飾抗體的純化 ....................................................................... 112 抗體的回收與再標記 ............................................................... 114 純化抗體的釋放 ....................................................................... 117
3.2.5 以螢光染劑驗證炔基修飾抗體 .................................................. 119
3.2.6 探討修飾抗體上螢光染劑對抗體比例(Dye to antibody ratio,
DAR) .................................................................................................. 122
3.2.7 抗體修飾前後抗原辨識能力之比較 ......................................... 124
3.3 總結 ................................................................................................. 126
3.4 實驗步驟 ........................................................................................ 128
第四章 結論 ......................................................................................... 143
參考文獻 ............................................................................................... 145
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