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作者(外文):Ngo, Quang-Huy
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis of Redox-Active Ligand-Supported Digermylene and Diboron complexes
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Yi-Chou
口試委員(外文):Horng, Jia-Cherng
Liu, Hsueh-Ju
外文關鍵詞:Redox active ligandRedox active ligandDigermyleneGermyleneBoronDiboron
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雙螯合(binucleating)配位基1,1’-((1,8-Naphthyridine-2,7-diyl)-bis-(N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl))methanimine) (NDI) (1)具有氧化還原活性,所以可使用於雙金屬錯合物的合成。以NDI為配位基可以製備雙鍺金屬錯合物 [Ge2Cl2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))] – (NDI)Ge2Cl2 (3),還原後即可生成雙鍺烯錯合物[Ge2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))] – (NDI)Ge2 (4),其中配位基的氧化態會從0變成-1或-2。錯合物4可當配位基,分別與Ni(cod)2(cod: 1,5-Cyclooctadiene)和Ni(PPh3)4反應,可以得到具有七員環的雙鍺-鎳錯合物[Ni(η4-(1,4-cod))(κ2-(Ge2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))))] – (NDI)Ge2Ni(cod) (6) 和 [Ni(PPh3)2(κ2-(Ge2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))))] – (NDI)Ge2Ni(PPh3)2 (7),中心金屬Ni(0)可以有效的活化小分子。
另外,化合物3與兩當量的三氯化硼(BCl3)反應,得到一種史無前例的三烯酮化合物[(BCl3)(B2Cl2)(μ3-κ1:κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))] – [(NDI)B2Cl2]BCl3 (8)。若將NDI配位基、鉀石墨和三氯化硼進行一鍋化反應,則會生成不同結構的雙硼錯合物[(BCl3)(BCl)(μ-κ1:κ2-(2,7-(CHN)2-C8H4N2)(N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)2)] – (NDI)B2Cl¬4 (9)。以上所有合成出來的產物,皆以經過核磁共振光譜、單晶X-ray繞射和元素分析鑑定。
A new binucleating redox-active ligand 1,1’-((1,8-Naphthyridine-2,7-diyl)-bis-(N-(2,6-diisopropylphenyl))methanimine) (NDI) (1) was prepared and utilized to stabilize dinuclear main group complexes. The oxidation state of NDI ligand changed from 0 to -1 or -2 when coordinating to germanium atoms in [Ge2Cl2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))] – (NDI)Ge2Cl2 (3) and its reduced product [Ge2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))] – (NDI)Ge2 (4), respectively. The effect of oxidation state of ligand on reactivity of digermylene complexes was studied by comparing the differences in hydrogenation reaction of complexes 3 and 4. In addition, complex 4 was employed as a bidentate digermylene ligand to result in six-members ring nickel(0) substrates [Ni(η4-(1,4-cod))(κ2-(Ge2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))))] – (NDI)Ge2Ni(cod) (6) and [Ni(PPh3)2(κ2-(Ge2(μ-κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))))] – (NDI)Ge2Ni(PPh3)2 (7), which aims to be used as an effective catalyst manipulating Ni(0) and Ge(II) supported by redox active ligand.
Furthermore, an unprecedented helicene species of triboron compound [(BCl3)(B2Cl2)(μ3-κ1:κ4-(2,7-((N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)CHN)2-C8H4N2))] – [(NDI)B2Cl2]BCl3 8 was achieved via transmetalation reaction when investigating reactivity of 3 with 2 equivalences of BCl3. On the other hand, one pot reaction of NDI, KC8 and BCl3, leading to the formation of another structurally different diboron molecule [(BCl3)(BCl)(μ-κ1:κ2-(2,7-(CHN)2-C8H4N2)(N-2,6-iPr2C6H3)2)] – (NDI)B2Cl¬4 (9), was also discussed. All complexes were characterised and confirmed by 1H, 13C NMR, X-ray crystallography and elemental analysis (EA).
List of Scheme V
List of Figure VI
List of Abbreviations VII
1. Redox-Active Supporting Ligand 1
2. N-heterocyclic divalent germanium complexes 7
3. Study motivation 15
1. Synthesis of binucleating redox-active ligand based digermanium complexes 16
2. The influence of non-innocent ligand on reactivity of digermylene complexes 21
3. Synthesis of the Digermylene-supported Nickel(0) complex 23
4. Reactivity of Bis-(NDI)Ge2Cl2 with BCl3 26
5. Synthesis of the diboron complex (NDI)BClBCl3 9 29
1. General information 32
2. Synthetic procedures 32

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