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作者(外文):Liao, Pin-Syun
論文名稱(外文):Property Changes of Few-layer Molybdenum Disulfide in Alkaline Solution
指導教授(外文):Soo, Yun-Liang
口試委員(外文):Chang, Shih-Lin
Chan, Ting-Shan
Weng, Shih-Chang
外文關鍵詞:Molybdenum Disulfide
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:34
  • 評分評分:*****
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We studied the stability of molybdenum disulfide in alkaline solution. Single-layer MoS2 2D materials have great potential for practical applications in semiconductor devices, as well as many other technologies. The stability of molybdenum disulfide plays an important role for the materials’ performance in such applications. In this work, we used the lithium intercalation method to exfoliated bulk MoS2 into few-layer MoS2. The color of few-layer MoS2 dispersed in water solution was found to change dramatically from black to yellow after a few days. Our experimental results indicate that the color change of the solution is caused by the oxidation of MoS2. Molybdenum K-edge XANES spectra show that the Mo constituent element undergoes a valence change from 4+ to 6+ as the sample ages. Raman spectroscopy spectra reveal evidence that the few-layer MoS2 has been oxidized to form Li2MoO4. The local structural variations have also been investigated by the EXAFS method. We have found that the alkaline solution is responsible for the oxidation of few-layer MoS2 and we can obtain high stability for few-layer MoS2 in water solution after removing the lithium hydroxide by using dialysis membrane.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
章節目錄 IV
圖表目錄 VI
第一章 序論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 論文簡介 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2-1 二硫化鉬材料介紹 3
2-2 單層二硫化鉬(monolayer MoS2) 4
2-3 二硫化鉬的氧化研究 4
2-4 單層二硫化鉬的製備方法 5
第三章 實驗方法與原理 7
3-1紫外-可見光光譜(Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy; UV-Vis spectroscopy) 7
3-2拉曼光譜(Raman spectroscopy) 8
3-3 X光吸收精密結構(X-ray absorption fine structure; XAFS) 10
第四章 樣品製備與實驗流程 16
4-1樣品製備 16
4-2實驗藥劑 17
4-3製備流程 18
4-4製備步驟 19
4-5樣品代號 20
第五章 數據分析與討論 21
5-1紫外-可見光光譜(Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy) 21
5-2拉曼光譜分析(Raman spectroscopy) 25
5-3 X光吸收精密結構(X-ray absorption fine structure; XAFS) 31
5-3-1 X光吸收近邊緣結構(X-ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure; XANES) 31
5-3-2 延伸X光吸收精密結構(Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure; EXAFS) 33
第六章 結果與討論 39
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